Angel of Ioren
Friendly Skeptic
I'm not obessed with the damn birth certificate. I'm an American and I'm upset that idiots want to make a setting president immune from any critiscm by using the race card. I'm upset with Chris Matthews who was once a very good journalist. With some of the talking heads I've seen lumping all critical comments about this prez with racism. I'm upset because every time I or anybody else points out facts (see my above points in all my post on this subject) somebody wants to keep harping on the birth certificate as if that were the only critism that anybody ever leveled against Obama. As for the birth certificate I and many other folks critical of the prez have never had much interest in it. But, I promise you this. If Clinton had of had any question at all about birth certificates it would have been obssessed on by the right wing. There was a dress with a stain and a whole lot of other stuff. Matter of fact if they had done to Obama what they did to Clinton the left would really be howling racism. The fact I'm trying to get across is most of us on either side are just damn tired of the myth of the racist redneck white man and the gentile wonderful black victim. ENOUGH! We are all human and there are good folks among all of us of all colors. But, I'm out of here because after all left wing nuts are like right wing nuts. They are self rightous and hypocritical. But, and I've said it before. If you or a loved one have not spilled blood and worn the uniform of THIS nation then ya need to shut the fuck up! If you have then I yield the floor. PERIOD!
---------- Post added at 01:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 PM ----------
And yes I have worn the uniform but I try not to say anything else about it. I wasn't in a war and I didn't consider my service to have been any kind of sacrafice compared to that. But, I do apologise for the harsness of my above rant. It's still true though.![]()
I'm not American, but I can criticize the MORONS that think that Obama was not born in the United States just because he isn't a WASP - that's it! I am not talking about criticizing him on actual political issues - that's not racist, that's politics. It's the silliness about his birth certificate - that's all.
And lets face it, even though I'm not American, everything that goes on in the USA affects me in one way or another. So if an idiot like Michelle Bachman is elected, it will have an effect on my country - hell, she might even think we're socialist monsters.