We're doing quite well here in Canada. I'm not sure what the problem is.
good! it will help balance things out when the north american union is implemented.
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We're doing quite well here in Canada. I'm not sure what the problem is.
We're doing quite well here in Canada. I'm not sure what the problem is.
Canada has a much lower population number and very strict immigration policy.
Money! The myth that Barrack Obama lived the life of a black man in America is just that. A Myth! Rich white family that nurtured and gave him the opportunity to climb the social ladder. In this nation you must have money. The real point of discrimation is between the very rich and the very poor. If you really look at the way the nation is run you will see. There are no real free elections. The special interest of both parties annoint the next great one. Then the voters go into a booth and vote which of the princes they will "elect" Then the electoral college either approves (happens most of the time) or disaproves of the great "unwashed" choice. You will have money, power and big bucks backing you. You will submit to the special interest of one of the "parties." Otherwise you will not be president of the U.S. I love my nation. This is kind of a parody but at the same time. IT's true for the most part.
---------- Post added at 01:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 AM ----------
This will be (unless it gets personal) my last post on politics. I should have known better. I can discuss God, Darwin, Ghosts, Ufo's. Sports, religion,music, books and any other subject and have fun. But, politics is so divisive these days that I find my own voice getting shrill. So, I'm done. Believe what ya want about the nasty old racist white folks and the wonderful Barrack Obama and his stuggle. Believe all the conservatives are evil and all the liberals are great. Believe all conservatives are God's chosen and all the liberal are Satan's spawn. But, please beleive this. None of them are rightous and none of them are honestly "servants" of the people. Nuff said. (at least by me.)
Kieran, I couldn't/don't want to live without a publicly (through taxes, of course) available health care system either. When it is more frightening to think about the bill you might get then getting patched up at a Hospital..something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
And maybe the government that still works for its people unlike here in U.S.And regulation of financial institutions.
It's in the constitution, a natural born citizen, taken to mean someone born in the U.S. or in U.S. territory.
Well, I don't see anybody ruling in Japan that's from Norway or anbody in London ruling from Spain.![]()
Ok trying again with my question, maybe I phrased it badly last time.
Why does America insist that it's president has to be born in America?
Also, perhaps I don't quite understand the actual rule, is it really based on place of birth and not actually a citizenship thing?
To an outsider - this just seems to be openly racist, and despite the race issues that I guess you have (we have them too) I find that hard to believe, can someone please explain why America has this rule and why we have a 240 odd post on the subject on this forum?
Maybe it's a loyalty issue. The founding fathers possibly believed that if someone wasn't born in this country could potentially be more prone to an outside influence. I mean it's a valid reason - they weren't fools. Besides, if you really wanted to get into politics you still have U.S congress and senate open to you.
It is even written into your constitution. Your country is racist to it's very core.
That's where your wrong. Note the facts of my and most Americans ancestry. We may be (or some may be) a little to quick on the ole bombs bursting in air. But, I don't really understand the "racist" part. I mean we have racist but I've never seen it really directed at other nations. It's more self directed at each other. Now that doesn't mean I haven't heard the terms people use in war for the other side. But, I don't think that kind of racism and propaganda is unique to the U.S. Maybe I'm just not understanding your point. Anyway, just my two cents.
---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 PM ----------
Has the birth certificate question ever been asked before of a single other America president?
Good Grief! Beleive me if any other liberal/consevative could have his right to run called into question the other side would do it. Has any other president but Clinton been asked about dress stains? Ya might not like the questions about the Birth certificate. But, that is as silly a reason as asking at a baseball game why they don't count balls and strikes in a basketball game. There may be one more person than you realize not making any sense there pardner. 8)
Anyway, some think it's racist and they are welcome to that opinion. I think it's politics as ususal in the good old U.S.A. which means it has some racism and some partisenship and some stupidity and some honest wondering. Anyway, I said I was out so unless somebody calls me an ugly name this time I mean it. Buh bye.![]()
Well, I don't see anybody ruling in Japan that's from Norway or anbody in London ruling from Spain.
Crap! I said I wasn't gonna post on this subject anymore. Since I'm a member of the Society for the overthrow of the world at large and a citizen of the U.S.A and a self proclaimed genuis the I guess I should keep my word. After all I am better than you if you are not from the U.S. of A.![]()
Seriously, I do think the U.S. would be better served if we learned to mind our own buisness and cleaned up our own mess over here. But, no we don't acutally think we are better than anybody else. My own family is of European desent with a little Native American throw in. A little African American somewhere in the mix. Lot of Irish and some Black Dutch and a little German and some from Wales and ya just get a big stew.![]()
If I am not mistaken, the rulers in England are from Germany.