Ezechiel, I have in this thread and others described some of my social views, and have regarding homosexual marriage in this thread.
I have never claimed to be " a culturally superior being.". But I have and am far superior to you in terms of knowledge about religion, the history of Judaism and Christianity being, yes, a specialty and a personal interest. I am also sure from your comments on other threads and this thread that you for some reason have a very visceral reaction to Christianity that causes you to make blanket condemnations of "Christian ideology," "Christian morality," Christian "guidelines and biblical scripture," and that these cause "scientific research" to be "restricted.". These are your quotes.
You also listed the following as being issues "Christian ideology," etc.,etc restricts negatively:
Definition of life
Definition of death
Definition of a family
Homosexual marriage
Stem cell research
I have revealed my positions on homosexual marriage and stem cell research. If other threads arise on the others I may say something, or not. I've said on other threads that my social views are very liberal.
So, we agree on homosexual marriage. Parareality saint has different views. I am all for separation of church and state. I have pointed out in vain specifically to you that tens and tens and tens of millions of Christians hold views on these issues you delineated that are very inclusive and, for want of a better word, liberal. Yet your personal aversion to and condemnation of "Christian ideology" and "Christian moral guidelines" does indeed show not only ignorance of this, but also a suspicious perseverance of your derision of Christianity that seems to go beyond any ability on your part to be logical. I saw this on other threads where you did the same condemnatory stuff, indeed to the extent of exhibiting extreme ignorance of history. This is not a diatribe. You are in my opinion very ignorant of history, and exhibit an antipathy even toward Christians who agree with you.
Keep in mind, too, that when you condemn the bible per se, as the "biblical scripture" of Christians, you are also including Judaism, too, because there are mutually shared books for both. I have spoken before to the practice of taking specific stories and accounts from the old testament out of context of their history, their customs and laws of the times and the reasons for them, and cheaply making encompassing statements about the two faiths based on cherry picking. This reached profane proportions in other threads by some.
Ezechiel, the christian churches over the course of centuries, and yes, because of the very internal disagreements in theology and even fine doctrinal points, have endured baptisms of fire internally and a great deal of introspection. And then we have an ezechiel come along and, well indeed it IS a big question, a very big WHY as to the reasons, who in the most horrific and deep ignorance of the most basic history of Christianity, rattles off a list of very, indeed very, huge issues that affect us personally and humanity as a whole, and categorically exclude tens and tens and tens and yet more tens of millions of Christians WHO ACTUALLY AGREE WITH HIM! Based on what? Their "Christian ideology" which has "taken a hit" (your words) because of the president's statement!
And, ezechiel, Obama has said that it is his Christianity that figured into his decision!
And you call me "culturally superior"? You are the anachronism.
It is and has been many, many CHRISTIANS who have helped move inclusive views on the issues you so pompously list as ones they are against.
Also, jack: I'm enjoying your posts. I do have to point out a bit of the same regarding you. To wit, your statement equating "crazy christians" and "violence". Not sure what you're getting at here. That there have been some violent Christians I won't deny, but I have a feeling that you were making a blanket statement regarding the "Christian ideology" of which ezechiel possesses little to no knowledge. Also this statement: "you really shouldn't be able to pick and choose what you want to follow about your designated religion".
I really don't know where to begin on that one, jack. Seems you're engaging in some repression there of the most personal kind. I will just say that it's, yes, the "cafeteria" style you clearly condemn that is actually a strength of Christianity.
What you two cannot understand is that variety of views among Christians is a strength. The basic theology of christianity is a chiefly accepted set of beliefs, though there have been plenty of disagreements over fine points of theology. That there are different views on how these are interpreted is true. You could go to any Christian church, catholic, eastern orthodox, Coptic, Presbyterian, methodist, episcopalian, and my heavens on and on and on, and find congregants who have different views even within THAT particular church on this particular street. And what, really, are you saying,jack, that they "shouldn't be able to pick and choose" what they want after they have "designated" their "religion"?
I think you two need to look in the mirror and get to a book store. You're as condemnatory toward millions and millions of Christians as you are toward those who are against the president's statement. Kim
One of the differences which makes an honest Christian different from those whom just talk a good talk, lies somewhere in a little story my Father-in-law (who I considered more of a Father in many ways than my own Dad) told both my wife and I years ago.
He said, "Son, listen to me and I will tell you a story about the Good Reverend." Years ago when my Father-In-Law first moved to Kentucky from North Carolina, he was visited by a local Reverend who was looking for worshipers to come to his church. He told Harv (my F.I.L.) about the many plans he had, but that for some reason he couldn't seem to get them to either stay once he found them, or actually come to the schedules he had for his ministry."
Now Harv was one of those old World War Two U.S. Navy Veteran Illinoisans, which like many of us originally from the state knew, are, or were (many dying off now), very special human beings. For the most part they thought a lot about what they said before they "opened their maws", and Pappy as we liked to call him, was just this type of man. He always wore a smile, could fix anything, and never threw away even trash (God I miss him).
Anyway, Harv began to think and then said humbly but with a smile, "Pastor, if it isn't much to much to ask, could you tell me the name of your church?" The Pastor, now flummoxed as to why this would come out after his long diatribe into explanations about what he did, why he did it, and how he thought everything was perfectly set to achieve his aims, replied rather frankly, "Well, the church is called the so and so BAPTIST church".....
In the particular area of Kentucky where this happened, to be a Baptist in your "denomination" was likened to drinking water, so this wasn't something strange or out of place in the slightest. Actually, it was expected by Harv, and it set him into an explanation/bit of advice for the young man looking to develop his flock....
"Well, have you ever considered calling your church, "The Church of Jesus Christ" instead?"
The Baptist Minister was now perplexed and sat down as Pappy explained his philosophy pertaining to belief, one which I still follow each and every day. You see, a "denomination" means very little if it does not include the advantage of hearing the Lord's Word throughout so many diverse sensitivities. In the case of this Minister, the Church was seeking an audience of those who in this area where probably very dedicated to their particular parish, there would be no way they would up and move out to another.....or so many of us thought.
Paw Paw looked straight at my Wife and I toward the conclusion of this little story, pointed a finger at us and ended by saying, "And do you know what?" He waited a moment.....
"That Pastor left my house that day in deep mediation. I even gave him Mother's (His wife already long gone at that point) huge Bible (one of those 3 foot jobs if any of you out there remember those extremely large Bibles that you needed two people to carry!)."
My Wife and I waited while he sat there quiet and then chuckled....
He said, "And do you know, the next week as I drove by the Church which he told me where he opened up, the Mission Statement in the front sign read,
To this day, much to the chagrin of all the hate-sayers surrounding the little house Harv once lived in, the Church is one of the largest in every surrounding county. As my Father-In-Law mentioned to the Pastor long before, they do not call themselves, "Christians", but instead, "Those who Believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior"....They hold no obligations, and read only from the Word.
My point here is, if you believe that Gay marriage is something you can practice, well, as Harv would always say even if he didn't believe in it or follow it himself...."Whatever floats you boat"....
You know, this world could use a lot more "HARVS" in it.