Nick Redfern
Paranormal Novice
The scary thing in all that is that belief can indeed be that powerful. The religious right seems to be rising in the U.S. in the last years too (the only movie that truly scared me in these last years was 'Jesus Camp'), though I can't really evaluate that.
The Government tie-in really does mystify me, but as you wrote, "Governments have been known to fund unusual topics from time to time".
Have you ever looked into the theories of Austin Osman Spare ? All goes back to Freud and Jung and the idea of a collective unconscious I think.
That's one thing that actually makes me want to drink a beer on 01.01.2013. or was that 22.12.2012 ? Beer anyways.
Yeah, I have looked into Spare, there's a useful website on him and his work, at
I really do think that it's the case the Govt funds odd stuff that led to this whole story. I wouldn't want people to think the Collins Elite is some huge entity, employing thousands of people. It would be absurd to think something like that could ever stay under the radar for 60 days, never mind 60 years.
Rather, it seems to have been a loose-knit group of maybe a couple of dozen people at a time, some of who weren't even officially on-board but who were consulted. And, as a result, the group was very small, a small budget (for the first couple of decades at least), and whose work for a long time was based around studying ancient texts on demonology and applying this to ufology, and making occasional approaches to UFO witnesses, abductees etc.
So, a think-tank like this, I believe, could easily exist for such a long time, because its work is actually quite limited and its staff quite small in number. The significant thing, however, was not its size and scope, but that its conclusions apparently influenced a lot of senior players in the Reagan/Bush (both pa and Dubya) era.