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October 3, 2010 Show - Final Events

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First of all I'd like to thank the Paracast for another awesome episode. I'd also like to thank Nick for all his research! Just tremendous what you have been able to dig up.

Nick - one question:
You talk about a lot of documented evidence for investigation by the Collins group into the occult and related mysteries. What I didn't hear were a lot of specifics or documents to the backgrounds of the Collins group. Maybe I am missing something but it seemed like you started with a premise that these people were interested in the occult and therefore you conclude they were hard core, right wing Christians? Was this documented? Was this what witnesses told you, and how did they deduce this? I wonder to myself if they might not be more on the side of occult followers themselves (at least a different occult than Christianity)?

Comment to stir some crap up ;-):
As the hosts discussed at the end of the episode, where is outrage over what these people we call government are doing to us? The biggest indoctrination of them all, bigger than the military or Christianity, is the legitimacy of government itself, a monopoly on violence (as Obama admits - see Youtube). Wake up people! We have a farm right here and it is called the land mass of the US of A - where your labor will be forcably taken from you to bailout huge corporations, bomb brown people and then tase and xray you to boot.

The fiction that is government is that you supposedly have accepted the social contract by being born here. Some dudes signed a paper in 1776 that says so (ignore that the government they lived under though that was illegitmate) - so obviously its true! Because we can vote for the lesser of two crap political oligarchical gangs what they do is supposedly legitimate. You can't vote your way for no system. Instead of Jewish Zombies who are their own father and talking snakes we have Keynesian economics, consent of the governed and men in robes called the Supreme Court whose word is holy.

Madness if you stop and think about it.

Yes, yes, tell me to move to another illegitimate, government land mass somewhere or point to some places where there exists violence with lack of government - that doesn't change that violence is at the core of the government system and it is immoral. It might be hard to accept that government could cease to exist and we could still live peaceably and successfully, just like Neo couldn't imagine life outside the Matrix or the world couldn't imagine life without the system of slavery. I mean if we got rid of slavery, our ancestors thought - where would all the slaves work? How would the cotton get picked? I guess we need to control other people to be able to live in society?

I'll get off my periodic soapbox now. Thanks everyone! *hugs*

Obviously I'm only talking about the modern US military. The only reason I brought up the soviets earlier was because I wanted to examine the religious element, not the national one.

Originally Posted by stphrz
There are also other pressures; from peers, from economic circumstance, and in some cases from society. Just like religion.
No one is born into the military, pressure or no pressure. If you're suggesting that voluntary enlistment by an adult is somehow equivelant to religious practices like circumcision or baptism which are inflicted on infants then you and I or on very different wavelengths indeed.

Originally Posted by stphrz
Then there's the bait and switch angle. Yes, someone signing up for the army should know what they are getting themselves into. Unfortunately this isn't always the case. Sometimes they are outright lied to. Some recruiters use high pressure sales tactics and make promises they have no business making. The victim only finds this out later. Again this sounds similar to recruiting by cults. By the time you are in, it's too late and you are trapped.
All that may be unfortunately true but (and I hate to have to say it like this) anyone who signs up for military service and doesn't understand what that really means is an idiot and I have no sympathy for idiots.
The fact is that everybody has their way of "dealing" with life. Some are fine with the thought of the space brothers saving us from ourselves. Some find solace in the idea that God will "lift" us out of trouble. Some of us think that what "we" have seen or touched is all that ever can be real. Some think that being questioned on a message board is rude yet the people you are relating your story to don't know you "from Adam" and have no way of judging your honesty. Some people "demand" respect and call others stupid wtihout realizing that "others' have the same dignity and right to talk about their expereince as you do. What is a man/woman? A collection of brain farts? A sprit or pure consinuess? I think therefore I am? I am that I am? Folks who have heard or rather read my post before know that I think that the moment conscience thought is brought to bear on a subject that the "divine" or sprit or the ground of all being is there. I subscribe more to Sir Roger Penrose than Stephen Hawking. Yet, both are brilliant and neither are religious. Honesty I can't even 'define" myself much less "all reality." But, no I don't think we came on a ship or rather our ancestors did. No, I don't think Anybody here has EVER seen a ship from another world. But, that's my opinon and I don't know everything. But, if you tell me you spoke to your deceased ancestor I'm not gonna call you crazy cause you may have. We know little of what dreams are. Perhaps I want believe you but I want bellittle you either. If you say you saw a craft from another world I want call you crazy. But, I want give you anymore creedence than I will the person who spoke to Uncle Joe in a dream either. So, don't come here "Demanding" that people "respect" you while you belittle them. It doesn't work that way!

Secret of Respect? Ya gotta play it forward. Otherwise your just a bully full of hot air. Sound and fury signifying nothing!

Don't worry about it tyder. I ran afoul of the same individual as well. Somehow. Shocking I know :) Putting forth speculations and ideas has become dangerous business as of late. How anyone could take harmless philosophising personally enough to backhand insult me is beyond my ability to comprehend. It was a real "ok, wow!" moment for me.:confused:

I have never experienced that before. I mean wtf man?

But hey, the forums are full of other folks to spar with, joke with, have enlightening discussions with etc. I say let the come latelies who don't want to play find others on the forum of like mind. Then maybe they can form their own little forum echo chamber and be happy too.
Don't worry about it tyder. I ran afoul of the same individual as well. Somehow. Shocking I know :) Putting forth speculations and ideas has become dangerous business as of late. How anyone could take harmless philosophising personally enough to backhand insult me is beyond my ability to comprehend. It was a real "ok, wow!" moment for me.:confused:

I have never experienced that before. I mean wtf man?

But hey, the forums are full of other folks to spar with, joke with, have enlightening discussions with etc. I say let the come latelies who don't want to play find others on the forum of like mind. Then maybe they can form their own little forum echo chamber and be happy too.

Both Tyder and stphrz, well said.
Hi everyone. This is my first post on the forum since I began listening with the first episode.

I'd like to sincerely thank Mr. Redfern for the release of this book. When I first heard him mention the premise in an interview years ago, I periodically
bugged him on his various blogs as to the release date. I'm glad to see that, as always, he got it out when he said he would. I'm ordering my copy

The interview was fascinating. As someone in priesthood training with a Pan-African spiritual organization for the past 14 years, a lot of what the Collins Elite uncovered is true, although their conclusions and fundamentalist viewpoint are way off. The world is a lot stranger than any of us can imagine, and frankly the only way you verify a lot of these hidden things (which is what the word "Occult" means) is by finding someone that has traveled that road and having them teach you how to first open the door, and then walk that road yourself. Other than that, all of this stuff is speculation, hearsay, opinion, belief, and intellectual BS.

Crowley, Parsons, and Spare could do the real stuff to varying degrees. But their lives bear witness to the old saying that "a lot of information with no
knowledge can be a dangerous thing". Explosively so in Parson's case. From what I've read of his workings, Grant's not well. Those malevolent elementars and thought forms he's messed with have really done a number on him (his organization's called the Typhonian Order for goodness sake (cue The Imperial March theme).

These entities are very "real", it's just that Western man, and those that function from a Western paradigm, have a very limited understanding of what
reality is. Ancient cultures throughout the world have known of these realities for quite some time, but a lot of this knowledge has been destroyed or lost.

Some of these entities are multidimesional, ultraterrestrial, or whatever new definition people try to box these things into. Some are malevolent and energy vampires, feeding on your fear, your sadness, your anger, your lust. so-called "Demons". Some are benevolent (so-called Angels). And some are indifferent.

People always ask why don't they show themselves, why don't they talk to us. Do you talk to ants, do you talk to your dog? (don't answer that) They only
talk to and interact with people who know who they really are. Other than that, the ones that screw with humans are mostly either evil, getting lifeforce ("Qi") from both human and animal bodies through blood, semen, ovum, or organs. Or they're on Safari, inspecting the herds they've tagged over generations. Or both.

There's also the "Prime Forms" or Archetypes known through various cultures as Gods, Deities, Orishas, Buddhas, Archangels, Angels or Genii. They live both in all of us, and function and run things outside of us. There's a hiearchy that's very consistent across various cultures on these matters, "Modern" man just chooses to disparage and insult what he can't grasp in his arrogance and ignorance.

They're quite a few people who've tried to enlighten the Western mind on these realities. Jung, Pauli, Bohm, Steiner, Woodroffe, Atkinson, Wentz, Randolph, Keel, Vallee, Imbrogno, O'Brien, and now Mr. Redfern. Years from now, "Final Events" will be recognized as the seminal book it is (hopefully sooner, because Nick's 'gotta eat).

I've read all the posts on this thread about Mr. Redfern's appearance, and I end with this. The "Occult"(of which the core "truth" about so-called UFOs are a part of, make no mistake) is a vast subject, taking years of study and direct application. It's a knowledge based system that reveals itself to the Initiate over time. It is not to be pushed. It is not to be forced, because it does occasionally bite.

People on their various posts talk about "belief", and "opinion", and faith. Believe nothing. When you say you believe, what you're saying is you don't know. We all know what's said about opinions. and faith was a term originally meant for things that could be proven. We have faith the plane we're on will land due to the skills of the pilot, engineering laws, and the laws of aerodynamics. The UFO field suffers from a seeming inability to keep these truths in focus. Unless you directly confront these entities, or walk the infamous "Nightmare Hall" yourself, it's ALL hearsay. Even what I'm saying. Find out for yourself.

People in general, and Americans in particular, have very tightly lidded reality boxes. The realities of the occult, if you haven't properly prepared for them, can shatter those boxes into little tiny fractured pieces. As Keel had wisely said, and I paraphrase, you have to be careful pursuing this stuff. People have suffered Psychotic breaks when confronted with these things. Most people are probably better off reading about this stuff and speculating on the Internet than experiencing it directly. The so-called "Trickster" Archetype opens and closes the way to the other "Gods". If you don't have the right ID, that door can slam on you pretty hard.

In closing, just remember the words of the bard George Clinton "Free your mind...And your ass will follow.