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Is it wrong that I laughed out loud at this?
Well I've learned that I'm dead inside. I mean I found it cute but the list was too long and got on my nerves. However I did almost lose it at the crowd cheering with the kid raising his armsIt's more adorable than funny but I still failed the test. I couldn't make it past #6 without inadvertently letting out an "awww." I don't know how anyone can make it past #12 without at least sighing.
Can You Make It Through This Post Without Squealing?
Is it wrong that I laughed out loud at this?
Love it! There are a few other groups I wish would join the Doomsday prophets in those bunkers and just f***king stay there - but that's for another thread at some other time.OK WARNING CONTAINS HARSH LANGUAGE ... right you have been warned, now for the lol's.
OK WARNING CONTAINS HARSH LANGUAGE ... right you have been warned, now for the lol's.
Love it! There are a few other groups I wish would join the Doomsday prophets in those bunkers and just f***king stay there - but that's for another thread at some other time.
Stoney - I forgot to say before that I really dig your new profile pic. There must be a t-shirt with that on it?
Here are some hilarious gif images worth a chuckle or three, enjoy