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Would make a great billboard at easter :D

Reminds me of some graffiti i once saw, a church had a sign up saying jesus lives, some wag wrote in large letters, "damn him, i had easter holidays all planned"
On the subject of Geee-or-gee-oh Tsooooooooka-likka-likka-lis and his ever-increasing bouffant hairdo, if you check the skin colour as well, it is getting darker and darker.

Kind of might be a high shutter-speed camera, trained on Giorgio at the instant an atom bomb goes off?
The real Moon conspiracy - The Danish got there first !


What ... nobody finds this funny?
Laughing my Ass Off!!!!!! Is that zebra smiling?
My youngest daughter did the same thing to goats at a petting zoo! Those goats were standing around like "WTF?"

One of those words that needs to be spelled correctly

If I had to pick just one of the above comments as the funniest/sickest - it just has to be 'My hands smell like colon' due to the fact all the others are about times you might smell 'colon' or when you like to smell it etc. The one I've chosen is the only active one, in that it is evidence :rolleyes: of someone having done something to be smelling of 'colon'. That post is just priceless Mike. I don't know where you get all this stuff but send me the bloody link!
I saw this back in the late 1980's early 90's on a hip PBS show called "Alive from Off Center" they sometimes had great stuff on that show. This is one of the best, never tire of seeing it....i present

A film by Jessica Yu

Sour Death Balls

I saw this back in the late 1980's early 90's on a hip PBS show called "Alive from Off Center" they sometimes had great stuff on that show. This is one of the best, never tire of seeing it....i present

A film by Jessica Yu

Sour Death Balls

Ah yes. The best comedy always involves someone in some kind of pain.
Well friends please indulge me in a little black humor... this is by and far my favorite kind.

You know the sort that leaves you thinking is that not really a joke but a lesson, or the truth told in a sarcastic way.

Everyone knew how it would play out.
Some chemical spill maybe, or biotechnology gone wrong
Maybe even your good old fashioned curse.
However it started, and regardless of what got the zombie snowball rolling, everyone knew how it would play out.
First there would be the epidemic.
Millions upon millions of innocent lives would become transformed by the infectious bite of affected friends, loved ones, and by the end complete strangers as 95% of the world population succumbs to the outbreak.
Next, amidst the undead terror a new human civilization would rise.
Maybe a military dictatorship or some egalitarian utopia, but regardless like a phoenix from the post-apocalyptic ashes humanity would rise again to claim its birthright.
Finally, and most important of all, the zombie population would wane like a fading sunset, leaving naught but fields of destruction and a lesson well learned.


Everyone knew this canon which had been imprinted upon them since the early works of Romero and Fulici.
Fiction became fact in a world that believed it was on the cusp of a gory battle for survival. It was so possible that everyone knew it had to be true.
But everyone was wrong.
Not about the overall picture mind you, but rather in the details.
You see the zombie apocalypse did in fact come true, and it did in fact come in three stages, but it came much sooner than expected and much less conspicuously.
First there was the epidemic.
Millions upon millions of average people became subdued by the apathy encompassing their lives.
Friends who were not friends and loved ones who were in fact complete strangers dominated the psyche of each individual, in the end suppressing up to 95% of the identity in all but the most reclusive and critical members of the human population.
Next amidst the living agony a doctrine would become solidified: to fight is to surrender, to submit is to succeed.
And so human civilization remained in complacent slavery to its own norms, slowly crumbling into ashes as the planet burned around it.
Finally and most important of all, the zombie population suffocated in its own ignorance, blind to the fields of destruction left in its wake. No lesson learned, as no one was left to learn it.
All that remained of humanity were the dusty bunkers and shelters stoked with unused ammunition, waiting for the apocalypse that had already come and passed.

Makes you think :rolleyes:
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