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Cat friend vs. Dog friend.
Having both a cat and a dog, I'd way it's pretty accurate.
I'm not going to tell kitty you said that, in part because she can use her claws like Ginsu cutlery.Spot on find RenaissanceLady! Lived with both cats and dogs, this is why i only like Dogs![]()
I was a full on D&D and later AD&D geek in the early 80's when I was in high school. Played every weekend...ususally all night benders of Doritos, Cheese Puffs and Coke to bloat us up.
I still have all my original books, die, character sheets and modules. I really miss those days. My kids are just not that interested even though we've played some, but they could take it or leave it.
I was a full on D&D and later AD&D geek in the early 80's when I was in high school. Played every weekend...ususally all night benders of Doritos, Cheese Puffs and Coke to bloat us up.
I still have all my original books, die, character sheets and modules. I really miss those days. My kids are just not that interested even though we've played some, but they could take it or leave it.
This here is my little girl... 16 years old and still going strong.
Live kitten cam - because some days you just need every cute kitten you can find:
Ripley's Kittens on Livestream
Last week Commander Hatfield was praised by Star Trek fans for his Twitter exchange with actor and fellow Canadian William Shatner.
"@Cmdr_Hadfield Are you tweeting from space? MBB," William Shatner, who played Captain Kirk on Star Trek, wrote.
"@WilliamShatner Yes, Standard Orbit, Captain. And we're detecting signs of life on the surface," Commander Hatfield replied, using jargon from the TV series.
Sad but kinda true:
but for the "what is best in life" question i have to go with Conan,