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This here is my little girl... 16 years old and still going strong.

TRUE STORY: our first cat, Olivia, died at 21. My dad carried her home from the vet after she was put down and to date it's the only time I've seen my dad cry sober!
When you get a beaut of a cat, like our Olivia and Stonehearts cat below, they are often the most loved person in the whole household. I'd almost give anything to have Olivia back, the sentimental idiot I am, and unashamedly so!


I understand Goggs ... That little cat has been my constant friend for 16 years, super intelligent with a personality 100 times bigger than her physical size.

She is sleeping on the desk right next to me as I type this, and she follows me around the house like a dog.

She talks a lot as well, and after years of her being around you get to understand the meows as they all have a different pitch and inflection.. frankly I am waiting for the day she just up's and starts talking.

Going to miss her very bad when she takes that final nap.. but looking at her condition I should think that is a good ten years away yet.

Oh and her name is Kelly, short for Calpurnia which she was named because her companion was called Caesar (he died a few years ago from cancer).
Our last cat was called Entré

We were on our way to a resturant to celebrate a friends birthday, and this kitten came up out of a roadside drain, and wrapped herself around our legs, clearly adopting us on the spot.
We couldnt leave her on a busy road, so we put her in the car, and despite placing ads in the local papers no one claimed her.

Entré seemed a good name considering the way she entered our lives, the fact that we were on our way to a resturant, and the fact we had 5 rottweiller dogs at home...................

She lived to a ripe old age, and we had to put her down from kidney failure the same day we put one of our dogs down for gut cancer.

Very hard to lose two friends like that

She seemed to know though, we had had her at the vets on a drip for a week but her bloods didnt improve, she spent her last day with the sick dog, and poking around the place, like she was taking one last good look at her home.

We always pay the extra to have the vet come to us for the big green needle, Its a lot less stress for them.

So she watched her doggie mate go first and then we buried them together.

Lifes a walk, we shared some of the path together, its better than walking alone, i like to think its a sentiment they shared
We always pay the extra to have the vet come to us for the big green needle, Its a lot less stress for them.

That is the right way to do it, the last thing I want an old friend to see is a place they do not know that stress's them.

Lifes a walk, we shared some of the path together, its better than walking alone, i like to think its a sentiment they shared

No words for this just a smile. :)
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