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What it's Like to Play Online Games as an Adult.
I'd say it's extremely accurate.
To make this readible, please click: What It’s Like to Play Online Games as an Adult [Comic] | Geeks are Sexy Technology News
That wasn't just good; it was totally awesomeSaga of Biorn ...
That wasn't just good; it was totally awesome!
Uh oh ... I seem to have multiple symptoms. Cleaner, List Maker, Napper, Sidetracker, Internet Researcher, Social Sharer, Watcher and Perpetuator. It would have been simpler to name the type's I'm not, which includes Gamer, Delegator, and Panicker. Did I miss anything? Hmm I'll double check that right after I check on my fish sticks in the toaster ovenThe 12 Types of Procrastinators ... They left off the type that continually pops onto different forums desperately seeking a bit of entertainment before getting back to work ... invasion causes 'huge excitement' among Bay Area birders
That was awesome.
Excellent, well-produced satire of "Breaking Bad:"