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Oh, Canada.
There's more truth in there than you know. The one about the burglar actually sort of happened to me. I'm often a nighthawk and one night about 3:00 AM I went out to have a look at the sky and noticed the interior light was on in my car, which was parked in the driveway. I thought that was a bit odd, so I opened the driver's door and low and behold there was a young native guy rummaging through the glove box. He was so busy he didn't notice me leaning in and looking at him until he went to go through the console at which point we were face and I just smiled and asked him if I could help him find something. You should have seen his expression. He did a double take as if he wasn't sure he wasn't just imagining I was there, and then he bolted. I called after him to stop and to my surprise he did, whereupon he started pleading with me not to call the police.

He was obviously poor and underfed, but he didn't seem impaired and was desperate for some change to buy something from the 7/11 down the way. I felt sorry for the kid and explained that we don't leave anything of value in our car and that's why we leave it unlocked, and that we'd sooner do that than have our windows smashed, and that we're not rich and that unless he wanted to make off with our old 200 lb CRT TV, we don't have anything worth stealing. He understood and again pleaded with me not to call the police, so I said that so long as he made it clear to his little gang ( there's always more than one ) that it was a waste of his time for them to bother with our house, and that if he tried harder to stay out of trouble, I'd let him go and not call the cops. He was so thankful, and I shooed him away before he got busted just for standing there ( the cops do regular patrols along our street ). We haven't had any problems with the car or our house since. Though I imagine it's only a matter of time before the next generation of troubled teens starts making the rounds.




now if they had a razor blade on that thing my girlfriend would buy a dozen. she hates tree rats.. we have a dozen baby squirrels around our place.
Im reminded of the day we adopted our first Chihuahua ,Penny (identical to the one in the above pic) and introduced her to the cat.
The cat ran down the hall way with Penny in hot pursuit, till the cat got to the end of the hall, then she turned and went for pen, and chased her yelping back the way they had come. The cat cornered her and gave her a good belting
They both had an equal go at chaser and chasee. They hated each other for a looooong time, but eventually became the best of friends
I have a little black cat (pictured to the left, perched on a door) and a giant Great Pyrenees.

The cat is usually the instigator. The dog is fairly confident she's going to shred his face at some point. I've had him for almost 2 years and they definitely haven't become best friends. They usually just avoid each other, unless they're competing for attention.
Another funny Penny story

She belonged to my sister in law who had to give her up because she had to move to a place that allowed no pets.
So pen came with some strange habits

One being using the bathtub as a skateboard bowl, she would jump up and into it, and run back and forth getting "massive air" at each end, was hilarious to watch and if the bath was slightly wet she would leave a trail of tiny paw prints.

Until that fateful day..........

I usually run my bath from the hot tap first.....
Letting it cool while i do other things, and topping it up with cold if its too hot when i get in........

Que an inhuman scream from the bathroom as she chose the wrong time to play in the bath, came out all wet with that "you bastard"
look only a chihuahua can give you.

She never played in the bathtub again
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