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Mike, if that is not a set up, it really is one of the most innovative and class slapstick pranks I've ever seen.
I cringe in videos where the skateboarder breaks a leg and all that but the plank of wood to the nuts is the kind of level of pain I like in my humour!

Reminds me of a CSI episode in which a guy is thrown out of a hovering chopper, thinking he is high up when he is a couple of feet of the ground.
Ive seen this done with a shovel too, so i suspect its a real prank in many cases

The CSI reference reminds me of some initiation storys ive heard, in one case the initiate is led into a barn and shown a beam 20 feet from the ground, and is told they have to walk it bound and blindfolded. they get bound and blindfolded and hoisted via a pulley, but while thats happening another beam is set on the ground, and they are lowered onto it, being blindfolded all they sense is movement, and cant tell if they are 20 feet up or on the ground.
Another version again with blindfold is being told they must walk barefoot across a distance of broken glass, broken eggshells are substituted.

Here we go shovel version
Tosh.O Dick of the week / Shovel Prank - YouTube
Having had a close encounter with one of these early Sunday morning....


I love how it says, "If attacked, fight back." Apparently, they believe there are those among us who might otherwise be singing "Kumbaya" during a mountain lion attack. :confused:

I understand where you are coming from, but I think the purpose of instructing people to fight back is due to the fact that with some dangerous animals, playing dead is the best way to placate them.
Some animals will back off when challenged and funnily enough, a few years back I heard of a wife who stabbed a mountain lion with a PEN to save her husband. She was successful. What a lady she must be! (Margaret Thatcher perchance!).

I was once in a wireline logging truck in south-west Texas and the 3 of us heard what could only have been a mountain lion. We stayed in the truck for quite a while! (No windows in the direction of the sound)
I understand where you are coming from, but I think the purpose of instructing people to fight back is due to the fact that with some dangerous animals, playing dead is the best way to placate them.
Some animals will back off when challenged and funnily enough, a few years back I heard of a wife who stabbed a mountain lion with a PEN to save her husband. She was successful. What a lady she must be! (Margaret Thatcher perchance!).

I was once in a wireline logging truck in south-west Texas and the 3 of us heard what could only have been a mountain lion. We stayed in the truck for quite a while! (No windows in the direction of the sound)

Actually, playing dead will generally only help with "bluff" charges by bears or other potentially dangerous animals that want to scare or stop you but not really snack on you. If the animal actually wants to eat you, playing dead will convince the animal that you're an easy meal. You don't want to play dead for a bear that is curious about you or a mountain lion. In those cases, you have to convince the animal that it's not in their best interests to attack. Mountain lions will generally attack if:
1) They're protecting a prior kill.
2) They want you to be their dinner.

I had a close encounter with one early Sunday morning when Dylan the Great Pyrenees woke me at 4:30 to go outside. I imagine if I didn't have the dog and had just been out there by myself, it may well have attacked. Instead, it growled warnings at the dog. As my goal in life isn't to be the Other White Meat, we went back inside rather quickly after that. From this point forward, Dylan can do his cross-legged doggie dance until morning.
I cannot argue with first-hand knowledge! Perhaps it is animals such as primates that you can play dead with. Ones that have no intention of eating you but can cause serious injury or death - like that woman who 'owned' a chimpanzee(what a great word) and it killed her after living with her for a decade or something!

You would not get me camping in the woods of America without a large calibre pistol and probably some bear mace too! I would hopefully avoid a confrontation and only use the gun in a life or death but I would use it for sure.
That reminds me of this joke regarding bears and hikers:

The National Park Rangers are advising hikers in Glacier National Park and other Rocky Mountain parks to be alert for bears and take extra precautions to avoid an encounter.

They advise park visitors to wear little bells on their clothes so they make noise when hiking. The bell noise allows bears to hear them coming from a distance and not be startled by a hiker accidentally sneaking up on them. This might cause a bear to charge.

Visitors should also carry a pepper spray can just in case a bear is encountered. Spraying the pepper into the air will irritate the bear's sensitive nose and it will run away.
It is also a good idea to keep an eye out for fresh bear scat so you have an idea if bears are in the area. People should be able to recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear scat.

Black bear droppings are smaller and often contain berries, leaves, and possibly bits of fur.

Grizzly bear droppings tend to contain small bells and smell of pepper.

Sounds pretty accurate.
The more I think about wearing the little bells when hiking, the more I realize we learned absolutely nothing from Pavlov. I wonder how long it will be before the bears learn to salivate when hearing the jingling of bells? Guess it will help them know when dinner has arrived.
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