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Osama bin laden dead?

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Hmm, that was the photo that I understood ran on the Fox network. Too bad.

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Wow, Fox News run something without checking facts!!?

PS There's an immeasurable of sarcasm in the above statement. Fox News should not be considered news.
i like how this topic is posted under conspiracy theories...then we get a fake death photo... lmao.
well this was nice of us...

According to the Associated Press, Osama bin Laden’s body was buried at sea after the raid in Pakistan:
After bin Laden was killed in a raid by U.S. forces in Pakistan, senior administration officials said the body would be handled according to Islamic practice and tradition. That practice calls for the body to be buried within 24 hours, the official said. Finding a country willing to accept the remains of the world’s most wanted terrorist would have been difficult, the official said. So the U.S. decided to bury him at sea.
This means there will be no independent verification that Osama was actually killed.
Well, for what it is worth ... this is what I was waiting for ... oh yeah ... photographic proof .....

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Ain't this just the prettiest thing you ever saw? Too bad when he discovers those 72 virgins are related to Miss Piggy.

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Did he color his beard? He looks a little younger than he was seeing in the photos lately. But in any case GO NAVY SEALs!!!!!
Hmm, that was the photo that I understood ran on the Fox network. Too bad.

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FOX huh? Not surprising. They have a long history of little or no research before throwing it on the air.

---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 PM ----------

Conspiracy talk about this is absurd. If Bin Laden were not killed he could just release another film showing him holding a current news paper. The the U.S. would look like fools. They had the body, they have DNA from his family, facial recognition software, and probably dental and fingerprint records. If they say they got him then they got him. I really hope we don't see the start of some absurd conspiracy theory.
i think it is so nice of us to respect osama's religious beliefs... LMAO!!!

---------- Post added at 03:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------

FOX huh? Not surprising. They have a long history of little or no research before throwing it on the air.

---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 PM ----------

Conspiracy talk about this is absurd. If Bin Laden were not killed he could just release another film showing him holding a current news paper. The the U.S. would look like fools. They had the body, they have DNA from his family, facial recognition software, and probably dental and fingerprint records. If they say they got him then they got him. I really hope we don't see the start of some absurd conspiracy theory.

bullshit... show us a body.
Conspiracy talk about this is absurd. If Bin Laden were not killed he could just release another film showing him holding a current news paper. The the U.S. would look like fools. They had the body, they have DNA from his family, facial recognition software, and probably dental and fingerprint records. If they say they got him then they got him. I really hope we don't see the start of some absurd conspiracy theory.

Of course this is going to happen Ron. People always want to question things despite the fact that there is proof. As we can see in this forum, people are already doubting what the President said yesterday.
I am officially done with conspiracy junk. Sometimes man, it is exactly what it is. No alternate agenda, no trickery, just as it is. They bastard is dead. So, good bye and good riddance. Until someone out there has actual hard core physical proof that he is not dead, then I will believe he is. Period.
I am officially done with conspiracy junk. Sometimes man, it is exactly what it is. No alternate agenda, no trickery, just as it is. They bastard is dead. So, good bye and good riddance. Until someone out there has actual hard core physical proof that he is not dead, then I will believe he is. Period.

why are you reading something in a conspiracy thread then?

we kill him then respect his religion and dump into the ocean the body the whole world is waiting to see... SORRY, I AINT THAT STUPID.
The Chinese Comunists are saying that the Pakistanis killed Bin Laden, not the imperialist American forces:

Osama Bin Laden killed in Abbotabad near Islamabad of Pakistan - People's Daily Online

Pakistani Urdu TV channel Geo News quoted Pakistani intelligence officials as saying that the world's most wanted terrorist Osama Bin Laden was killed in a search operation launched by the Pakistani forces after a Pakistani army helicopter was shot down in the wee hours of Monday in Abbotabad, a mountainous town located some 60 kilometers north of Pakistan's capital city of Islamabad.

At about 1:20 a.m. local time a Pakistani helicopter was shot down by unknown people in the Sikandarabad area of Abbotabad. The Pakistani forces launched a search operation in the nearby area and encountered with a group of unknown armed people. A fire exchange followed between the two sides.

When the fire exchange ended, the Pakistani forces arrested some Arab women and kids as well some other armed people who later confessed to the Pakistani forces they were with Osama Bin laden when the fire was exchanged and Bin Laden was killed in the firing.

Local media reported that after the dead body of Bin Laden was recovered, two U.S. helicopter flew to the site and carried away the dead body of Bin Laden.

Still no pics of the body though. No proof yet.

Oh well, the government would never lie. This has to be true.
Of course this is going to happen Ron. People always want to question things despite the fact that there is proof. As we can see in this forum, people are already doubting what the President said yesterday.

IMAGINE THAT! Someone doubting what a president said... LMAO!!

---------- Post added at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 PM ----------

they should call him Osama bin Zombie... this is about the 9th time he has been reported dead.
bullshit... show us a body.

Show who the body? You want to see it personally? Photographs are worthless. You want a blue ribbon panel of coroners to autopsy the body? In all reality, what higher authority could be expected to identify it other than the CIA and the United States Navy? I don't think there is one. Imagine the outrage and insane rioting amongst the lunatics if footage of his body makes it to youTube or what have you. The longer he laid around the greater chance that someone would do something incredibly stupid. It seems to be the pattern.
I killed a jackalope AND a unicorn this morning!.... i would show ya but I decided I would throw them in the river instead.
why are you reading something in a conspiracy thread then?

we kill him then respect his religion and dump into the ocean the body the whole world is waiting to see... SORRY, I AINT THAT STUPID.

You do realize Ron is a moderator, so he goes through all the threads, just like I do.

So are you calling people that do believe this "stupid?"
You do realize Ron is a moderator, so he goes through all the threads, just like I do.

So are you calling people that do believe this "stupid?"

yes i know he is a mod.
and i said I am not that stupid. if you choose to think you are stupid because of something i said, go for it.