David Biedny
Paranormal Adept
No one answered this question. Is it her?
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No one answered this question. Is it her?
We recorded half the show yesterday, half today, and it's a stinkbomb, perhaps our worst single episode yet. I apologize ahead of time, but damn, what a waste of time. Y'all can skip it, you'll be missing exactly nothing.
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I'm going to use my Krestin powers and guess that at some point she defends what she does as "journalism" and says it's not her job to be discerning; her job is to record as accurately as possible and let the people decide.
Not her job, that is, to ask probing questions of people with outrageous claims but to let them make 'em unabated.
Paola Harris is a dunce. You can only argue with a dunce for so long. I'm guessing you did as good a job getting through to her as you did at the conference and that was frustrating because you've got this "reporter" on whose defense is "Nuh-uh," and that fight is only worth ten minutes. What was she on for 2 hours?
You should have had her on live and in person. At least that way you could throw a chair at her head. Yes, she may sue you but she also may forget who she is and assume the identity of a real reporter. She might even thank you.
Oh, is there ever...
I'm going to use my Krestin powers and guess that at some point she defends what she does as "journalism" and says it's not her job to be discerning; her job is to record as accurately as possible and let the people decide.
Favorite quote..."If you had read my books, you would see there is no feeling in them"