Particle Physicist
Paranormal Novice
Every time I hear the word Quantum in relation to the Paranormal, I get a bout of depression. Specifically, I find the statement along the lines of "we create the world by our observation, ergo anything I imagine can be real". In very simple terms I'll explain where this comes from.
I want to measure the speed and direction of an electron, to do this I shine a light at the electron so I can see it. Light is made of photons, a photon must hit the electron so I can measure it, by hitting the electron with a photon I cause it to change it's direction. Imagine two pool balls colliding, obviously this will affect the speed and direction of the balls. In a nutshell this is why we say an observer can affect the outcome of an experiment. Easy concept but so many people who use the "if I look at it, I change it" line to justify their own wacky beliefs, don't know this.
OK, that is a very simple version and I do have to add that Quantum Theory is strange, there are other oddities much weirder than the above where measurements can affect Quantum entangled particles. However, what I want to say to the woo woo crowd is; please don't use Quantum Theory to justify claims without knowing anything about Quantum Theory.
You are far better off making something up or using Orgone Energy than the best tested theory in the history of Science, which is exactly what Quantum Theory is. I really think these people project the fact that as they do not understand any Physics, no one else does either.
Also, Paola Harris is the Sarah Palin of Ufology.
I want to measure the speed and direction of an electron, to do this I shine a light at the electron so I can see it. Light is made of photons, a photon must hit the electron so I can measure it, by hitting the electron with a photon I cause it to change it's direction. Imagine two pool balls colliding, obviously this will affect the speed and direction of the balls. In a nutshell this is why we say an observer can affect the outcome of an experiment. Easy concept but so many people who use the "if I look at it, I change it" line to justify their own wacky beliefs, don't know this.
OK, that is a very simple version and I do have to add that Quantum Theory is strange, there are other oddities much weirder than the above where measurements can affect Quantum entangled particles. However, what I want to say to the woo woo crowd is; please don't use Quantum Theory to justify claims without knowing anything about Quantum Theory.
You are far better off making something up or using Orgone Energy than the best tested theory in the history of Science, which is exactly what Quantum Theory is. I really think these people project the fact that as they do not understand any Physics, no one else does either.
Also, Paola Harris is the Sarah Palin of Ufology.