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It is a rather long and sordid story ... and I get really hot when I think of it but in essence Vaeni and Ritzman tried to get Sitchin on their show. This was just after his wife passed on. Now, I knew Sitchin for over 20 years and I knew how close he and his wife were. She was his very best friend. He passed and left Vaeni a msg. on Vaeni's msg. machine. Well they ended up mocking Sitchin on a show, Vaeni and Ritzman did a skit on air where Vaeni impersonated Sitchin's accent, mocked his wifes death and in general "asked to get his fat greasy ass kicked." Sitchin was then pushing his mid-80's, was in poor health broken up over his wife's death ... do I need to go on?

They were/are both SCUM in my book and once again .. fuck em'!

This is just another one of those shock jock stunts that you have to be really talented -- and a little respectful of people -- to pull off properly. Otherwise, it's just bad taste with no redeeming value.
I had never heard of this.That is sad , and I mean that as in pathetic. I listened to a few of their shows that were of intrest to me and I never caught that aspect of them.They did clown around but I didn't know they could be that vindictive
Don, I'd zero idea this had happened. It's wrong on so many levels. I am disgusted. I would not treat Steven Greer like that and that is someone who deserves a bit of shit.

For anyone to lose their spouse is one of those one-off life events that people go through that are the worst things in life. For them to use that for 'humour' is sickening. It really is sickening. It is way beyond poor taste.

It wrankles me also that whilst they wanted him on their show as a guest yet they are happy to treat him the way they did? It's little surprise the show is over because I can imagine anyone aware of this sordid event never forgetting it and consequently, never appearing on Paratopia. I think there is little doubt Paratopia was an attempt to clone the Paracast, if so, pity they didn't clone the morals of the Paracast hosts - they would never treat someone like that.

Poor taste!??!!? Yeah, you could say that ... but ... I am gonna stop here because I am very tempted to say something I might regret.


haha Don, if you wish an audience to really vent your anger of that affair on, feel free to include me in a private conversation, replete with swearing about them, I shan't be offended and will be most amused.
I knew Ritzman (sp?) briefly when he was still a user here. Vaeni I always saw as a publicity whore who would eat turds if he could draw an audience. But, fine .. a lot of guys like that out there. The one unforgiveable fucking thing I will NEVER forgive either of them for was what they did to Zecharia Sitchin right after his wife died.

Fuck both of em!

I don't have a problem with that sentiment Don.

The two people i despise in this field, Sean David Morton and Vaeni. Publicity whores indeed Don.
Shit ,
Lots been happening gather their show bit the dust!

Oh well never bother listening to jokers who never worn a service uniform and insult one who has.

Just listen to Darkmatters and Paracast when I can they support our troops.
Lest We Forget
The two people i despise in this field, Sean David Morton and Vaeni. Publicity whores indeed Don.

The UFO and paranormal swamp seems to have more than its share of people making noises about spirituality, evolution of consciousness, or claiming some sort of cosmic insight who amazingly can't seem to muster up the wherewithal to behave like decent human beings.
This is the kind of nonsense those fellas used to pander over there. Ritzman, claimed a mere few months ago, this paranormal experience, took place at his family home.

I woke up in the middle of the night " i felt this immediate urge to get out of my bed and head downstairs. According to Ritzman this is what happened next ( paraphrasing) I got downstairs and then went immediately into my kitchen. There to my surprise and shock a stranger was standing upstraight in my kitchen, to me he was a man, wearing a dark black shroud ( was he a ghost?)

For a period of time this stranger revealed to Ritz some of the unknown secrets of the known and unknown universes. Was i under his control? According to Ritz, he had tiny pieces of plain white paper on the kitchen table, how heady, he then alleged. I went and wrote everything down what was being said as best as i could remember, i am of the believe everything i wrote is accurate.

What he claims was said by this stranger is too long to go into here, but its pure bullshit.

Few weeks later after this experience/ he claims on his show/ i made the bold decision to tell my audience about it. He wrapped it all up in own unique style of course (you can believe me here or not doesn't matter to me it happened) His been on this show a few times, so some of you may know what i am referring to here.

Please give me strength on this, it truly does amazes me, how Jeff gets up every morning, and feels comfortable, in the knowledge hes a con artist and bullshitter artist. Its a really pity and failure of, David Biedny to have given Ritz a platform to tell his bullshit paranormal stories. Jeff and his partner in crime on that other show should be blacklisted. UFO watchdog bad apples here for ye. Honestly two douchebags of the highest degree.

I've been saying for a while, these two guys are real trouble. I even said it to David, when he was around here, but he was friends then with him. He just ignored questions he did not like from me and everyone else ( that was David). In saying all that i used to like Davids way of dealing with people in this community. If their full of it, tell them , someone has to. Anyone, it no surprise to me these two guys have no respect for the aging and people who are very sick. They used to get on their show and tell everyone their bullshit stories and demand payment for it. These are the kind of people your dealing with here folks.
I'm saddened to see them go though, honestly, the more opinions the merrier in this 'clusterfuck' of a 'field'. Someone actually might pick the right straw when we are all dead.

Never trust one person that claims to know a lot more then you do, and by know I mean 'spirituality' or 'Ascendance/whatever those new age guys love', of any kind. Seems most of sightings or experiences only happen to one person, tailored to meet something they know.

Odd, isn't it.
It is a rather long and sordid story ... and I get really hot when I think of it but in essence Vaeni and Ritzman tried to get Sitchin on their show. This was just after his wife passed on. Now, I knew Sitchin for over 20 years and I knew how close he and his wife were. She was his very best friend. He passed and left Vaeni a msg. on Vaeni's msg. machine. Well they ended up mocking Sitchin on a show, Vaeni and Ritzman did a skit on air where Vaeni impersonated Sitchin's accent, mocked his wifes death and in general "asked to get his fat greasy ass kicked." Sitchin was then pushing his mid-80's, was in poor health broken up over his wife's death ... do I need to go on?

They were/are both SCUM in my book and once again .. fuck em'!


Mr. Decker I have mad respect for you and what you've done in your lifetime, the sacrifices you've made and what you've given to the field of ufology. And I'm a longtime Dark Matters listener. I don't like to be the bearer of bad news but just in case you didn't know, the paratopia hosts are at it again. Bad stuff! They've been advertizing this one all over social media.
Don Ecker Is A Moron. The Evidence. | JayVay
Mr. Decker I have mad respect for you and what you've done in your lifetime, the sacrifices you've made and what you've given to the field of ufology. And I'm a longtime Dark Matters listener. I don't like to be the bearer of bad news but just in case you didn't know, the paratopia hosts are at it again. Bad stuff! They've been advertizing this one all over social media.
Don Ecker Is A Moron. The Evidence. | JayVay

Someone just sent me that link to my private email address and I literally just scanned it.

Actually I am not sure whether I should laugh or cry. So Vaeni thinks I am a moron? No shit, I have known that since that clown went ballistic when I first called him and Ritzman out on this despicable act on Sitchin. I said it before and will say it again, they are SCUM in my book and Fuck both of them. There ... I said it again.

Most of the verbiage in that article is irrelevant, or assumes "facts" that aren't in evidence or even true (those imaginary shills for abduction researcher David Jacobs, for example, since no such thing exists). But the core of Vaeni's argument is that, since Sitchin was a public figure, it's all right to do a "comedy" sketch, even if that sketch is in bad taste. The issue is that it WAS in bad taste, and the excuses and irrelevant asides don't wash.
And, I am currently considering how I wish to respond ... providing I do. And IF I do, I can almost assure you that it will not be well received by Vaeni and Co.

“Never get into a wrestling match with a pig. You both get dirty, and only the pig likes it.”

The whole immature fat guy living in his momma's basement meme could have been written about Vaeni, its a perfect match.

He's a sad man with a small and ugly penis............

Pity the fool, as Mr T would say


Yes, yes he did..........the dirty pedo
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