To Ken Jason and others that see the personal opportunities for me in this, I have to make the following statements for the record.
My agenda with all of this is to simply open the door for public acceptance that this phenomenon is real. I've thought a great deal about this. That day sitting in Combat onboard the PRINCETON, I was a very humbled man. With all my years of experience and training, with all the years and experience of everyone else witnessing these events, we had no explanation. None. What. So. Ever.
All the money, time, and effort training what was at the time, arguably, the U.S. Navy's most elite sea warriors? Completely, utterly, ineffectual. That just can't be the case any longer, can it?
Consider it, we have what appear to be non-Newtonian objects operating freely in the skies above us, yet, talking about them is still considered 'fringe' or even 'crazy' by many? I have to ask myself, just who is crazy here?
Assuming the case that at least some of the UAP observations being made are real, and at least some of the folks making the observations sane, and without hidden agendas as in the case here, then the only sane course of action is to empower and fully support those in a position to figure this out for the rest of us. How? By helping to open the door to acceptance by the American public. That, is my goal. That, is the team I'm on.
Although I do have my own private thoughts, I will leave all of the speculation about the nature of these objects to those who are qualified to speculate. Our actual story is bizarre enough on it's own.
My role in this now? Lobby support from some of my former shipmates so that they too can sit next to me before the entire world, on CNN, on FOX, on the Networks, as we tell our story with a collective voice. So that perhaps a majority of the American people might finally accept this as real – and get our Government to act.
If I do anything short of that, then I might end up doing more harm than good in this effort. I think I see this very clearly now. Crystal clear. Thank you for the wise counsel by some, you know who you are.