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Pentagon UFO Study - Media Monitoring

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This is looking more and more like an amalgamation of bad sci-fi, and yet, here we are...

Add to that what has happened in the politics, especially in the US, and these are truly crazy and irrational times. Since people are now believing even in poltergeists, I'm waiting for the return of witch-hunts next. If only there wasn't all that damage done, these would be hilarious times.
Listened to Eric Davis on Coast to Coast. GREAT interview. I didn't take notes though. From the top of my head, what struck me:

- The poltergeist phenomenon, which is also real, is closely associated with the UFO phenomenon. Some people are more receptive than others. "When people see one, they see more."
- There are all kinds of shapes of craft; triangles, rectangles, eggs, tic tacs, saucers, cigars, orbs...
- The US had a crash retrieval program that ended in 1989. UFOs have been recovered, but the agency in charge was apparently never successful in reverse-engineering the technology. AATIP was going to have a phase 2 that was not successfully funded but would have revived the crash retrieval program.
- Seems that the answer to "why now?" is that human science is just beginning to catch up enough that reverse-engineering might happen if enough money is thrown at the problem.
- Hal Puthoff's hypothesis is that there are ultra-terrestrials; ancient humanoids that escaped the surface and went to live underground or in space.
- It's difficult to find people who will do field work for the UFO programs because scary stuff happens and people run away from it.

This is looking more and more like an amalgamation of bad sci-fi, and yet, here we are...
All righty then, @MrBeliever ! Thank you for listening because I simply could not. I actually think that Eric Davis may be the only person who can talk faster than Grant Cameron. (They both may be AI robots, you know, but I digress.)

Anyway, here is the official C2C summary of Eric’s interview with the Knappster. It should provide a framework for you to hang some of your memories of the show, especially about Hal Puthoff and the ultraterrestrials. I’m all excited now because the “Bait and Switch” operation that is TTSA is finally getting to the Switch stage, which is much more familiar territory for me.

Pentagon UFO Study/ Alien Civilizations - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

Recent revelations about the Pentagon's secret UFO study have generated headlines, controversy, and questions. Joining George Knapp in the first half was Dr. Eric Davis (who worked on the study) and previously studied UFOs and related phenomena, including the Skinwalker Ranch, as part of Robert Bigelow's National Institute for Discovery Science.

He discussed his work analyzing UFO files, and the latest updates on the now infamous 'Tic Tac' UFO incident. Davis expressed his frustration with those in the UFO research community who have been attacking him on social media and who he says "won’t take ’yes’ for an answer." He says this suspicious attitude towards the limited disclosure of the last few months belies an attitude of those who are "not only ill-informed, they are uninformed."

Davis says that the efforts of Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) and the Pentagon UFO program that was recently revealed were honest and legitimate programs to use the observed properties of UFOs to determine if they could be used or back-engineered with present or near-future technology.

In fact, Davis said that he and others were tasked with researching "white papers" to determine if in at least 50 years in the future, humans could produce aircraft that could perform the observed characteristics of UFOs, which he said appear to be "tech that is not made on earth by humans."

As for skeptics who say that Navy and other pilots are poor observers whose testimony cannot be trusted, Davis said that as combat experts, "these guys cannot afford to have poor observational skills." Davis also emphasized more than once that “poltergeist or psychic phenomena are a major aspect” of UFO encounters.
Kevin Day posted the following e-mail on his Facebook:

McConnell, Kirk (Armed Services) <Kirk_McConnell@armed-services.senate.gov>

Jun 25 at 6:08 AM

My name is Kirk McConnell. I work on the staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee. We have been researching the 2004 Nimitz incidents, and have met with two of the F-18 pilots multiple times. We heard about you last week. It would be great if you could meet with our staff to tell your story. Are you anywhere close to DC or do you have any reason to travel to DC on other business?
We don’t have a subscription to Coast-to-Coast – can you send me a transcript or the video of the interview? Have you otherwise published a full account of what happened from your vantage point in ’04?

Best, Kirk
Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell with an example of what not to do when one of your videos fails to achieve virality:
Spread the word on Part 1 of my interview with Cmdr. David Fravor, primary witness to the Nimitz Tic Tac UFO incident. Share it and email it around. When it hits 6k views, I will be releasing PART II of the interview... and you are going to want to hear it. Help get the word out there...
Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell with an example of what not to do when one of your videos fails to achieve virality:

Corbell is a cool guy with a passion, can't knock him for that. I think the fact that he has beg in order to get 6k views underlines my contention that this community is so fringe, this topic so lackluster to almost everyone, that no government program would bother wasting the time employing tactics and personal to run a "disinfo" campaign within it.

The fact these interview videos are only getting a few thousand views, tells me, that it is not part of disinfo campaign. Because the obvious question arises, "a disinfo campaign to who?" No one is even paying attention or interested in any of this. The UFO/alien trend of the early 1990's are long gone. Today it is all about The Kardashians and Catlin Jenner's gender choice of the week.
Kevin Day posted the following e-mail on his Facebook:
Achtung! @MrBeliever! Kevin Day also posted something yesterday on FB about being part of the upcoming Senate Armed Service Committee hearing scheduled for late this summer to address everything about AATIP and the Nimitz encounter. But today, he deleted the post or made it Private. Do you know anything more about the hearing? Is it really happening? Or is it more blithering wishful thinking?
That quoted e-mail in my post is the full text of the message that was just made private.It stayed up for a while!
Is that the same message you read in UFO Updates?

I went to the original comment by Stig with this headline:


To find that the link was deleted.

Then someone wrote this comment:

He changed his Privacy on this Post. Anyone "copy" it? All i have saved is McConnell's Email add. Have a feeling Corbell reached out to him to delete it. I posted it on his Timeline when i told him that now we know who Fravor met with (he would not say in his Interview with Corbell) he accused me of "speculating", then i posted saying it's not speculation, but fact according to Kirk McConnell. Then he deleted it off his page.

Do you know anything more about the hearing?
Yes, it's the message that was alluded to. There may have been a line by Kevin at the top along the lines of "look what I just received" but no additional discussion. Comments were not particularly relevant, other than someone advising him he should probably hide the post from public view.

The interesting detail is Kevin previously talked about Congressional hearings in interviews, but this is a Senate committee. That's all I know!
Yes, it's the message that was alluded to. There may have been a line by Kevin at the top along the lines of "look what I just received" but no additional discussion. Comments were not particularly relevant, other than someone advising him he should probably hide the post from public view.

The interesting detail is Kevin previously talked about Congressional hearings in interviews, but this is a Senate committee. That's all I know!
Thanks for the clarification. Meanwhile, I’ve been feeding background information to Jason Colavito about the half century relationship between Jacques Vallee and Hal Puthoff, and how the two of them have really been the two key figures in promulgating the Interdiensional Hypotheis (IDH) instead of the ETH.

Someone on the TTSA FB group asked me my opinion of the Eric Davis interview by George Knapp and here is my response.

“Hi Karl! It strikes me as a classic “bait and switch” operation, where the baiting is now over and the switch is on. Up to this point, TTSA has been using the UAP videos , Nimitz, etc., to draw in people who believe in the “nuts and bolts” or materialistic/mechanistic nature of ETs and UFOs. That is the ET hypothesis (ETH) and it draws in those who believe that science and the scientific method are supreme and will solve the ET/UFO phenomenon.

But now the switch is on to what TTSA really believes in, which is the Inter-dimensional hypothesis (IDH) as promulgated by both Jacques Vallee and Hal Puthoff for the last half century, long before TTSA ever came into existence.

Check out Jason Colavito’s latest blog entry about it.
Another Bizarre Claim from the Bigelow / To the Stars Team, This Time about Underground Humanoids and Mind-Altering UFOs

(I will be posting more about it later in a more organized fashion. But for now I leave you Jason’s link as well a new one from Robert Shaffer in the next message.
Bad UFOs: Skepticism, UFOs, and The Universe: Bigelow's Researchers disclose Poltergeists and UFO Crashes
... But now the switch is on to what TTSA really believes in, which is the Inter-dimensional hypothesis (IDH) as promulgated by both Jacques Vallee and Hal Puthoff for the last half century, long before TTSA ever came into existence ...
I wonder exactly what they mean by the "interdimensional hypothesis" ( also called the extradimensional hypothesis) ? Vallée has expressed it differently over time. His early version and reasoning were not sound ( and yes I've read his books and watched him on video ). So I know about the idea, and I don't see how anyone who can visualize the problem logically can honestly promote it as plausible. Maybe that's their problem. They just don't get that the EDH/IDH as it's typically portrayed isn't plausible. The Alternate Universe Hypothesis, ( which is very different ) is at least plausible, but there's often confusion between the EDH/IDH ( take your pick ) and the AUH. For that matter, it seems to me that there's still confusion over what the ETH really means. It's not limited to the ISH ( Interstellar Hypothesis ) as seems to be often assumed.
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Okay back to the Pentagon study. I think I've finally fallen off the fence on the DIA's AATDP program. I say "fallen off" because I think I fell asleep waiting for something definitive and woke watching a Fravor interview where he's being interviewed in his home along with all his Navy memorabilia. He seems legit enough to take seriously, and he says the performance characteristics of the "tic-tac" were beyond anything we're capable of manufacturing. He says he pursued it, saw it visually, and has no problem stating that it's his opinion that it was something alien.

Something that still seems uncertain is the source of the FLIR video. Fravor said it wasn't him who took the video, and he also said he didn't know where it came from. One would think that if he ( Fravor ) was the group commander, he'd know which pilots took the video. Maybe someone with military experience who knows how that works can help confirm or dispel that assumption? So I remain skeptical about the video until there's more evidence that it's actually linked to the same event described by Fravor. I also remain skeptical about other sources who have remained anonymous and claim to have participated in the event.

What is most bothersome is how the whole thing has been muddled-up by the TTSA. I also can't help but think that this story would have eventually come out whether there was any TTSA or AATDP or not. Given that the video still hasn't been definitively linked to the account described by Fravor, what use its it really? If anyone can point me to definitive evidence or statements that prove the FLIR video is of the same object Fravor pursued in his F-18, please let me know.
I wonder how many red flag alerts went off on your BS detector about this TTSA “metamaterials” shell game? Mine registered 3 by the time I finished reading Frank Brewer’s new posting on UFO Trails about the alleged “relics” from Roswell.

The UFO Trail: AATIP Crew Handled Kimbler Roswell Debris

Kimbler has previous dealings with Hal Puthoff of Earth Tech and Robert Bigelow's BAASS while attempting to obtain quality analysis of the material he located. Many suspect the debris may be linked to the now famous Roswell crash. Kimbler indicated the analysis has been slow and tedious, and his dealing with both Earth Tech and BAASS raised concerns.

Email exchanges with Kimbler leading up to the blog post include an Aug. 22, 2011, message in which he explained he provided Earth Tech and BAASS with samples. He described both outfits as not forthcoming with information, sometimes requiring months of repeatedly asking the status of tests. He never received any data at all on one particular sample sent to BAASS, Kimbler wrote.

Kimbler added in the 2011 email that an interesting side note occurred when Puthoff of Earth Tech, in spite of being relatively unhelpful with the tests, later wrote Kimbler. According to Kimbler's email, Puthoff suggested financial assistance was available for more analysis if desired. This seemed to leave Kimbler somewhat perplexed as to why adequate testing was not simply conducted on the samples and satisfactorily reported to him in the first place.

Offered an opportunity to comment for this post, Kimbler replied in a June 28, 2018, email, "Everything I said in 2011 is true."

Earth Tech did not immediately respond to a request for comment.