Some narratives are unsupported by fact, others sit atop a mountain of empirical evidence.
Sure, everyone has their own opinions. The facts, however, are not owned by anyone. False equivalency arguments break down in the face of reality. An opinion unsupported by fact is not equal to an opinion which takes facts of reality into account.
The same applies to rhetoric.
Exactly what I was trying to say. Well put.
This is where bmadccp shoots himself in the face
What is the "reality"? And who gets to decide what "reality" in this case is?
And what IS the empirical evidence that you are aluding to? Opinion is NOT empirical evidence.
Cite for me a source where Beck states that he owns slaves, or wants to own slaves, or thinks that minorities are inferior to him and I'll concede that Beck is a racist. But until you do that, you cannot say that empirical evidence shows Beck to be a racist. You are making your case based on an interpretation (a biased one) of metaphor. This is soft (at best) thinking. Until you interview the dude yourself (or cite a legit interview) and demonstrate that he espouses racial inequality, you don't get to say that you have empirical evidence about this issue. Neither does the author of the article in question. (I don't want to make this about YOU and ME, this is about FACTS and how the FACTS are arrived at).
You say that the facts are not owned, but who gets to decide what the real facts of this case (or any other) are? The "facts" being bandied about by Beck's main detractors here are in question. The "facts", thus far have been given to you by sources that are decidedly are they truly "facts"? or are you simply experiencing confirmation bias?
It is you (his detractors in general) that bare the burdon of REAL proof in this case, and not some second hand article written by a guy who is obviously left-leaning and has a vested interest in casting Beck in a bad light. Proof cannot be formed out of opinion, especially such obviously biased opinion. I would posit that the things you cite as fact about Beck are merely opinions of left-leaning pundits. You are arguing that the
opinions of your sources are indeed facts. The opinions of the sources cited come from a place of bias and stem from a misunderstanding of the person in question.
This is going nowhere. I don't give a shit about Beck, I don't know him. I only know what I have heard him say (and what I have not heard him say). I agree with much of what he says, you don' be it. But I do care about the truth and I refuse to give people a free pass to bash on the guy based on insanely biased information about him.To do so is to speak foolishly in my opinion. I don't know why I keep getting sucked into this. It will bare no fruit and nothing positive will come from it. There is not truth to be learned in spewing opinions, I need to keep reminding myself that it's an outlet for you guys. I respect that, I completely disagree with the premise and find it flawed, but it's an outlet for your frustrations and that is needed.
If you say Beck is a racist, a clown, vile and loathsome, so be it. Glenn Beck is a vile, loathsome, racist clown. That's your opinion, I can't say that I respect it for it's voracity, but I respect your right to speak your mind. As long as it can go both ways. My stance is as follows (it's an opinion).
My opinion is that most outspoken liberals are pseudo-intellectual kool-aid drinkers who believe that they are free thinkers but have actually been quietly indoctrinated by the radical left, through a perversely biased media and immersion in anti-social drivel like Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged (among many others). I believe that those of you whom have chosen to call Beck names and accuse him of things like racism are merely regurgitating the biased opinions handed to you by liberal media pundits, you have not opted to think for yourself but rather to continue to guzzle down the blue kool-aid and I fear that you and your propencity for political correctness will cause the final downfall of a once great culture. Feel free to cite my opinion as fact if you want.
Wow, that DOES feel good.
Editorial: I feel like this post was over-the-top sarcastic and I must admit that I've gotten far to personally attached to this debate. I am going to the doctor tomorrow to have my head examined. I know full well that I'm perhaps THE only conservative on this thread (let alone this entire forum) so I should never have engaged in this debate. Opinions are like assholes...