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Peter Davenport

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Paranormal Adept
Engaging interview. I would like to see the videos Peter talked about. On his website, only one video, a documentary, is highlighted.

I'm not surprised that he is wedded to the ETH, but there is an equal burden of proof for proponents of that theory to those who propose other possibilities.
Engaging interview. I would like to see the videos Peter talked about. On his website, only one video, a documentary, is highlighted.

I'm not surprised that he is wedded to the ETH, but there is an equal burden of proof for proponents of that theory to those who propose other possibilities.

I thought he is as well but not in a way that he was pushing an agenda as much as he just saw no need to consider an alternative.

Too bad about the expired link of that appearant multi craft explosion. Unless I missed something later on, his non- response to gene's offer of mirroring that link was disquieting. Was the subject breeched again ? I was listening to the show while hiking and at one point I was negotiating a tricky section involving a small landslide and was focused on that.
Great interview guys - the episodes when you guys are in the same space always come off sounding even better.

It frustrates me to no end to hear people come up with excuses as to why the smoking gun video evidence is not online. With sites like Youtube and Vimeo available, as well as excellent compression software, there's not reason his video should not be online.
It frustrates me to no end to hear people come up with excuses as to why the smoking gun video evidence is not online. With sites like Youtube and Vimeo available, as well as excellent compression software, there's not reason his video should not be online.

It reminds me of Steven Greer's army of permanently anonymous "insiders".

"Yeah guys, we have this awesome info, but sorry, we won't ever prove it's authenticity".
I like that you point things like that out to your guests. Many don't realize how simple it is to host video now. Someone needs to get our friend Ray Stanford on that!

I don't think that is the problem with Ray - I think (don't know) that he is guarding all his data until he feels his work is 'complete' but like someone tinkering with a classic car, it'll likely never be done. What happens if Ray dies without publishing his work? I don't wish him any harm of course but you have to wonder if good data is lost because people chose not to share it?

Someone should press Davenport on the point about the video. He said that he turned Bigelow down because of Bigelow's insistence that 'the good cases not be made public' - jeez, the sentiment makes me seething mad. No-one should think that UFO data is only for certain eyes. I don't see UFO's only appearing in front of Bigelow's 'chosen' so why should video recordings and other data only be available to them? Bigelow could be a great guy for Ufology but he chooses not to be.
I agree with everybody who has discussed the video footage, Peter seems put off by making it availible to The Paracast listeners. His drive for collecting sightings and running NUFORC is quite impressive on the other hand. Overall the episode was a good one, I like how he didn't take any bs from Bigelow when offered money. I hope he gets motivation to post that video at some point , because everybody is obviously dying to see it.
  • At last we get a guest who mentions Space Command and how they must know what's going on.
  • Great response by Chris on Alexander's lack of mentioning key agencies.
  • The Exploding UFO case sounds like a bolide cluster to me, and the so called Government agents that followed were probably meteorite hunters.
  • The bright flashes were not heard because they explode in remote locations at high altitudes while in a plasma form.

  • The objects that stop and hover are another story ... not meteors that's for sure.
  • Great idea by Gene to mirror the video for us to check out.
  • The Peruvian Air Force UFO attack case was covered by UFO Hunters

  • Saying the Travis Walton case is the second most convincing UFO case on record, especially in light of his lack of knowledge about the conflicting evidence, sent up a red flag.

  • I feel for Chris missing the mother ship that flew over his motel while he was inside watching basketball. That's gotta hurt.
  • Chris, did you interview any of those witnesses in any detail?
  • Did they corroborate to you in person that the object was in fact a single huge ship?

  • Wishy washy answer by Davenport to Gene's question on the ETH.
  • Nice response by Gene on in pressing it further.
  • More wishy washy counterpoint by Davenport.
  • Not such a good comeback by Gene on the psychological aspect of UFO sightings.
  • Good response by Davenport, his points being that UFOs are tracked on Radar, and seen visually and therefore not merely psychological in nature.
  • Chris' point about the discrepancies between eyewitness accounts is reminiscent of multiple witness accounts of car crashes. So that's not too unusual.
  • Chris' point about UFOs being intelligent in and of themselves does not preclude the possibility that they are also extraterrestrial craft.
  • After this point Davenport started hedging his answers ( wise move ).

  • Good points all around on Mr. Anonymous, even if some of the key points raised in the forum weren't brought up.
  • Love that "Space Camp" theory Gene.
  • Great observation on the Presidential inquiries on UFOs. It's as if after they get elected they get the "briefing" that clues them in to the reality.

  • Great observation by Chris on Bigelow.
  • Thanks for asking my question Chris :) .
  • Great point by Davenport to the Military Industrial Complex.
  • Great points by Chris and Gene on the disclosure by USA Gov officials.
  • Good wrap-up and another very good show.
Yea, I liked the show too. Very matter-of-fact and eloquent.

I think it was a good passage when you guys discussed the various hypothesis, and we got to hear arguments for the 'conservative' nuts-and-bolt hypothesis, and the more panoptic and mysterious hypothesis of the para-cast. It's good to get thoughts clarified and verbalized.

About that topic, perhaps it makes sense to split up subjects into a nuts-and-bolts subject and a true paranormal subject?
Radar images etc point at 'real' material craft, and I can't see what such craft would have in common with other more paranormal aspects like ghosts and bigfoot and what have you. What cases suggest that these things should be treated together? Skinwalker Ranch? I don't know, I haven't heard about any 'craft' from there, more like 'orbs'.

At the same time, let's take a couple of 'good' cases like Rendlesham or the misssile site disturbances. Did anyone report ghosts, bigfoot etc in relation to those events?

I'm not saying it can't be, and I'll be happy to hear more Paracasts about the more 'holistic' hypothesis, because it is an interesting angle, I just know how to make all those things fit in one basket?

Davenport's reaction to Gene's well-timed offer of mirroring the video was disappointing. Also, considering his constant mention of evidence and the scientific method, it was also truly odd to me that he'd pick the Travis Walton case as a good case. There is no evidence whatsoever.
I was bothered that Davenport wasn't familiar with the issues of the lie detector tests that Walton took. An investigator who rates that as one of his best cases should have known the plusses and minuses. But we still hope Walton will appear on The Paracast, as he has promised on several occasions.

As to the video, Davenport may feel that, in farming the hosting to someone else, he loses control over that video, which is not true, of course. He is already using a third-party hosting service for his site. It's just that our server is hosted by a company that continues to rate in the top 10 among the most reliable hosts on the planet.
I was bothered that Davenport wasn't familiar with the issues of lie detector tests that Walton took. An investigator who rates that as one of his best cases should have known the plusses and minuses. But we still hope Walton will appear on The Paracast, as he has promised on several occasions.

As to the video, Davenport may feel that, in farming the hosting to someone else, he loses control over that video, which is not true, of course. He is already using a third-party hosting service for his site. It's just that our server is hosted by a company that continues to rate in the top 5 among the most reliable hosts on the planet.

I'm not surprised about Walton not appearing on the Paracast until he's confident that he'll get an easy ride. As I'm sure you know, the lie detector issue is only one factor that speaks to Walton's credibility at the time. My summary on the Walton case is here.

It should be interesting to see whether or not Davenport takes you up on your offer to host the video. I see no reason why he shouldn't. I also found his response to my question pretty weak. Assuming Davenport actually reads the reports, applying the Hynek/Vallee rating system at that time shouldn't take more than about 30 seconds. Using the USI SVPM system would take about 35 seconds. It's not something that requires any additional investigation, so really, his answer was just an excuse.

Plus unlike myself, he's actually got a webmaster to help him, and there are some improvements that could be made there as well. Plus he has the time and money to purchase and restore a freaking missile base! Sure, I'll admit that's kinda cool, but if he can afford that, he should be able to afford to give a couple volunteers a few perks to assist with some of the administrative work. I don't mean to sound as though I'm being overly critical, but let's take a really objective look at NUFORC compared with TPoM:
  • Both "vacuum cleaner up" reports
  • Neither bothers to filter or rate those reports
  • Both post these unfiltered reports on the Internet.
  • The vast majority of the reports they both post are almost useless
  • Both demonstrate some lack of knowledge on basic ufology
  • Both draw conclusions that aren't entirely supportable
  • Both sensationalize and exaggerate to some degree
  • NUFORC posts text
  • TPoM posts videos
  • TPoM probably makes more money doing it than NUFORC
If we were to be objective about this, an almost equal case could be made that NUFORC is contributing to the noise in pretty much the same fashion as TPoM, but instead of doing it with bombastic videos it's being done with thousands of useless text based reports. All things being almost equal, apart from the style of presentation, the big sin for TPoM seems to be that BC and Co. are actually making a living doing it. Don't get me wrong here because I like Davenport, but at the same time, if we're to be dispassionate, these other factors shouldn't simply be hand waved. Davenport needs to address them and up his game.
But we still hope Walton will appear on The Paracast, as he has promised on several occasions....

Yea, and if not, I guess that tells a story on it's own.

In my questioning the more panoptic theory, I forgot for a sec. that you guys have certain affinities, e.g. Chris often speaks of the trickster, and you seem to consider Jungian archetypes, and related to that, what are those archetypes, actually? Are they actually materializing, and if so, to what degree?

Related to the latter, I'll just add that I heard an old Paracast recently with Dr. Bernard Haisch (June 1, 2008 — Dr. Bernard Haisch | The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio). He talks about the notion of a transcendent mind which materializes itself (in the shape of e.g. a human), because it wants to experience itself materially. It reminded me a lot of Arthur Schoppenhauer's philosophy (in fact to a degree where I was disappointed he didn't volunteer what must be his philosophical source).

Anyways, for me who is into the history of ideas, these topics illuminated some 'practical' connections between a cluster of ideas, something which always gives me a kick. Nietzsche (whom I do enjoy a lot) was heavily inspired by Schoppenhauer, and that's where he got the idea of the will. The philosophically morose Schoppenhauer felt that we were all slaves of a metaphysical will which liked to experience itself - in all apects, unbound by or disinterested in human moral ideas. This was a bleak metaphysics, and Nietzsche turned it around, saying that living out one's own will creates happiness, and that we should forget about the metaphysics. And there's the connection to and mirroring of the psychologists of the 19th century who followed the philosophers, for instance Freud's secular ideas about suppressed emotions and Jung's more mystical archetypes.
..Plus he has the time and money to purchase and restore a freaking missile base!
You made some good points, and the missile base thing was a surprise. So, I imagine he kinda felt he had to excuse why he wasn't expanding on the UFO front. It seems he enjoys the topic and likes to archive the reports, but I sensed that his level of ambition is not so high at this point, and thus he'd rather do it on his own than having to manage a team and get tied up with obligations.
I've probably mentioned this, but about a year ago I was on a tour of the American Southwest and Travis Walton was one of our guest speakers. We met him in the lobby of our hotel and he did a presentation in one of the breakfast rooms. I asked a question and really ticked him off..he ended up cutting off my question without listening to the whole thing. :confused:

Aw well. Truthfully I think something happened to him. Not sure what, but I do believe it has something to do with at least part of the UFO mystery and it's sourcing.
I've probably mentioned this, but about a year ago I was on a tour of the American Southwest and Travis Walton was one of our guest speakers. We met him in the lobby of our hotel and he did a presentation in one of the breakfast rooms. I asked a question and really ticked him off..he ended up cutting off my question without listening to the whole thing. :confused:

Aw well. Truthfully I think something happened to him. Not sure what, but I do believe it has something to do with at least part of the UFO mystery and it's sourcing.

Guess what ... my prediction about Walton avoiding coming on until he's confident he'll get an easy ride has come true ( in a way ). He's already appeared on TPoM's new radio show. Funny how he suddenly could make time for them instead. Their reputation for avoiding the harder questions couldn't possibly be a factor ... or could it?

BTW what was it you were asking him?
After 15 years of listening to this guy, I've never heard anyone ask or wonder about how he makes a living. How do you work full time without an income? I have had some small contact with him in Seattle. I was told by a Mufon member here that Davenport has some connection to the NSA or similar. I wanted to stop at his office to see him once and it was downtown in the 'pencil' building - a very high-rent district of downtown Seattle. I am of the opinion that his 'job' is to monitor what citizens see and record about secret military projects.