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Peter Davenport

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I never said anything about "backwards time travel and sci-fi plots." What Ray seems to have discovered is the apparent ability of these craft to cover amazing distances and maneuvers in less than the blink of an eye. "Time-compression" is only a term, but in theory, evidence of this apparent technology (that Ray's analysis has captured—with numerous examples) may now have been ID'd.
My comment was more on the notion of the mastery of time travel as alluded to by Spooky. As it relates to your response, I certainly won't deny that these objects have incredible acceleration. The one I saw went from Fairmont Hot Springs to Radium Hot Springs in less than the time it takes to snap your fingers. Had that thing been on film it would have disappeared between frames just like you describe. It's why I know from personal experience that UFOs ( alien craft ) are real. This was back in the 70s and there was nothing we had back then that could do what that thing did ( Maybe today ... but still very unlikely ).

Plus there is also the possibility of active camouflage. Just flick the switch and presto ... gone ! Also, if these craft use some kind of anti-gravity drive, Spooky is correct to the degree that time and gravity are linked. So being just a little "out of phase" with the surrounding time because of the antigravity field isn't really all that far fetched, and "time compression" might even be a suitable way of describing it. Perhaps it's what gives rise to not only their propulsion system, but also their active camouflage. I know this also sounds like sci-fi technobabble, but it's actually all quite sound in theory.
And I'm getting tired of saying Ray's analysis of his visual and instrumented data is available for anyone w/ a basic understanding of science who is serious and wants to take the time to go and see it. It is the REAL deal (I just spent 14 15 hours getting an update while in the DC area. He is convinced that there are visual clues in ALL real AAO/UAP/UFO films and photos that feature multiple "ghost" images and other indications that the pilots are utilizing some kind of time compression technology. He showed me example after example of exact types of various craft that show up in dozens of frames-some here and then gone within 1/50th of a second.

I appreciate you have an allegiance here and witnessed a report that none of us have access to unless we've got a private plane at our disposal to hop on over to see his stuff after we prove our scene degree, so from a doubtful outsider's persective who is interested in proof, it feels like you are playing George Knapp to his Skinwalker video.

What do we have? I think Jimi H. has the clearest way of seeing it because we do not share that allegiance. I don't if there's a point in revisiting this eternal conflict over two different truths. The pattern at work is what is most relevant for those looking from the outside (your audience) for signal. We all recognize the hoop to jump through to see this material is beyond most people's capacity, so like Ted Philips' material or Knapp's video etc. talking about these tempting berries are all just noise for the rest of us.
I never said anything about "backwards time travel and sci-fi plots." What Ray seems to have discovered is the apparent ability of these craft to cover amazing distances and maneuvers in less than the blink of an eye. "Time-compression" is only a term, but in theory, evidence of this apparent technology (that Ray's analysis has captured—with numerous examples) may now have been ID'd.

But you have to admit that this all sounds a little too sci-fi with the "time-compression" term thrown in with stills of objects doing startling things we've heard of before - the magical maneuvers of alien craft. So without a clear sharing of analysis and completing real science, which has to take place out in the open public forum, it stays just a good story: some believe; some poke fun; sarcasm abounds.
I appreciate you have an allegiance here and witnessed a report that none of us have access to unless we've got a private plane at our disposal to hop on over to see his stuff after we prove our scene degree, so from a doubtful outsider's persective who is interested in proof, it feels like you are playing George Knapp to his Skinwalker video.

What do we have? I think Jimi H. has the clearest way of seeing it because we do not share that allegiance. I don't if there's a point in revisiting this eternal conflict over two different truths. The pattern at work is what is most relevant for those looking from the outside (your audience) for signal. We all recognize the hoop to jump through to see this material is beyond most people's capacity, so like Ted Philips' material or Knapp's video etc. talking about these tempting berries are all just noise for the rest of us.

But you have to admit that this all sounds a little too sci-fi with the "time-compression" term thrown in with stills of objects doing startling things we've heard of before - the magical maneuvers of alien craft. So without a clear sharing of analysis and completing real science, which has to take place out in the open public forum, it stays just a good story: some believe; some poke fun; sarcasm abounds.

If I might interject, as hard line as you're coming across, you're also absolutely right. But at the same time, I imagine it's also got to be frustrating for Chris, who is our main link to this information. I may be making a leap of faith here, but if the day comes that Chris gets his hands on this stuff, I think he'll disclose it. Until then we can't blame Chris for wanting to maintain his link to the evidence. We have to be patient and we should be glad we have Chris on the inside track with respect to this issue. It's Ray that is the problem. As Don put's it, he's being a curmudgeon. What anyone ever did to him to make him this way I don't know. But somebody's driven him into a corner with it and he aint lettin' go.
If I might interject, as hard line as you're coming across, you're also absolutely right. But at the same time, I imagine it's also got to be frustrating for Chris, who is our main link to this information. I may be making a leap of faith here, but if the day comes that Chris gets his hands on this stuff, I think he'll disclose it. Until then we can't blame Chris for wanting to maintain his link to the evidence. We have to be patient and we should be glad we have Chris on the inside track with respect to this issue. It's Ray that is the problem. As Don put's it, he's being a curmudgeon. What anyone ever did to him to make him this way I don't know. But somebody's driven him into a corner with it and he aint lettin' go.

I don't blame Chrs at all. If anything, I sympathize greatly with his position of being 'the messenger,' but he chose that path when he became a host on the show. It's a tough spot to be in. We've all participated in his frustrations to varying degrees, for better or for worse, but that ongoing tension comes with the field. I hope he doesn't burn out from it or take any of what he reads too personally.

The fact is that his audience ranges far and wide when it comes to expressing sympathy or voicing critcism and complaints. I'm not emotionally invested in this stuff, really. I'm emotionally invested in my family first. So I appreciate that when this field is your livelihood you've got a tough public sell, and a lot of tension and conflict. For the majority of the audience this is about entertainment and for some there is, diligent and earnest speculation. I like the fact that The Paracast opens itself up to provding those two spaces. In this episode I found both.
Would someone explain to me the paranormal weirdness of Davenport working full time in a high rent area of Seattle for 15 years without any income? Please.
I don't blame Chrs at all. If anything, I sympathize greatly with his position of being 'the messenger,' but he chose that path when he became a host on the show.
I met Ray 11 years ago, I've been a host on the Paracast for three years.
I appreciate that when this field is your livelihood you've got a tough public sell, and a lot of tension and conflict.
I DO NOT make my living from this field. I'm a tour guide to Grand Canyon and I work in video production to pay my bills. After 20 years of research, study and ten solid years of field investigative work, I've spent more money than I've made. Now, finally, I am being hired every now and then as a consultant/talent for TV shows. What most people don't know is that I turn down almost as many shows as I agree to help, plus I've turned down 2 offers to create and star in a show around my work in the SLV because they (the channel/network producers) didn't want to do it the right way. I refuse to whore myself out and compromise the trust I've earned from witnesses and contacts in the SLV and grab the cash. That's not why I am involved in this research. I'm not really getting paid much to do this show either. Occasionally Gene is able to throw me a few dollars, but its very little and not very often. Hopefully this will change soon, but again, if I was concerned about money I wouldn't waste a second on the paranormal subject...
I've probably mentioned this, but about a year ago I was on a tour of the American Southwest and Travis Walton was one of our guest speakers. We met him in the lobby of our hotel and he did a presentation in one of the breakfast rooms. I asked a question and really ticked him off..he ended up cutting off my question without listening to the whole thing. :confused:

Aw well. Truthfully I think something happened to him. Not sure what, but I do believe it has something to do with at least part of the UFO mystery and it's sourcing.

May I ask what the question was, specifically? Here's why I ask: I can see irritation, or a lack of patience with a question, perhaps, he's answered so many times it's nauseating. Totally get that. However, unwarranted anger is a "tell" in my opinion.

I'm intensely interested in the context, the question and his response. If you don't feel like it, no worries!

Thanks :)
I'm not sure I understand our preoccupation with whom is making what money and from where? I don't begrudge anyone for making a living, as long as it's honest and upfront. I don't for one second think Gene and Chris compromise their core beliefs, their core integrity, to 'make a buck'. This enterprise is obviously a labor of love and dedication. Proof? Look at the amount of access and interaction right here, in this forum. I've disagreed with them a couple of times, and they with me, but they still read one of my questions on the air. I only mention that because it's clear evidence of looking past differences to pursue the bigger, shared interest. That's integrity.

I'm not aiming my thoughts at anyone - truly. I'm sharing a thought that's been welling in me for some time.

I understand the broader picture of credibility and how Mr. Davenport earns his keep. I do. Having said that, as long as it doesn't besmirch the topic of UFOs, and isn't illegal, what difference does it make?

P.S. restoring a missile silo takes deep, deep pockets. Absolutely no one earning a GS salary of any king can afford it. I think that rules out the spook angle.
Does davenport distinguish between UFOs as being psychological, extra dimensional, paranatural, military, or are they just all aliens to him?

I mean does this guy pick and choose which data fit his ETH whilst ignoring the high strangeness cases around sightings?

Has this guy been drinking the pulp-b-movie-ade for how long now with what material evidence and physical conclusive results?
I know it's all relative and all that, but wouldn't "space compression" describe really fast craft more accurately than "time compression?"

I've heard Peter Davenport over the years on C2C and elsewhere. He's mentioned donations and volunteers and large phone bills, fwiw. And you couldn't pay me to buy a missile silo, if it's not radioactive, it's still full of toxic stuff. Maybe he got it for $1 at one of those famous govt auctions no one has ever actually seen or been to.
I know it's all relative and all that, but wouldn't "space compression" describe really fast craft more accurately than "time compression?"
I don't fully understand the science, but (from my understanding) there are simultaneous (quantum/holographic/non-local?) ghost images present that are indicative of some kind of "time compression" at work (?) Wouldn't "really fast craft" leave optical smearing? I didn't see that effect. Whatever these craft are, they appear to be leaving evidence of something different...I'm a fairly bright guy and I admit I don't fully understand what he has captured, but it appears to me to be diagnostic and real.
Oh, I didn't realize that. So they're sort of "leap-frogging" through time-space, like some sort of stop-action footage in the Twilight Zone, or something like that?

I was thinking about the one "good" Bermuda Triangle case, forget the pilot's name, but he came up with the phrase "electronic fog." He didn't have missing time so much as he arrived too early, with too much fuel. A srs academic type at UM St. Louis I believe decided he had experienced space-compression rather than time-compression, and his explanation made sense to me. The pilot allegedly shot forward through space while enveloped in some strange fog with lightning sparks inside it.

I don't know if or how this might relate, but one of the alternative propulsions proposed early on in the space program was controlled fission explosions against a backplate, which gives quite a jerky and clunky ride.
Oh, I didn't realize that. So they're sort of "leap-frogging" through time-space, like some sort of stop-action footage... or something like that?
Yeah, something like that. And, its predictable. He showed me countless examples of this effect AND they featured a short list of craft types. I believe replication is an integral part of the scientific process, no? heh-heh :eek:
Repeatability in experimental results is, not repeatability in observations per se, although that's the general idea, to eke some sort of pattern while refraining from imposing imaginary patterns on the phenomenon/-a. Shleppers in the Sky, who knew??? :)
Repeatability in experimental results is, not repeatability in observations per se, although that's the general idea, to eke some sort of pattern while refraining from imposing imaginary patterns on the phenomenon/-a. Shleppers in the Sky, who knew??? :)
Yeah, whatever...
I never said anything about "backwards time travel and sci-fi plots." What Ray seems to have discovered is the apparent ability of these craft to cover amazing distances and maneuvers in less than the blink of an eye. "Time-compression" is only a term, but in theory, evidence of this apparent technology (that Ray's analysis has captured—with numerous examples) may now have been ID'd.

Chris@ You know of 'Dorothy Izzat' right her background? Genuinely curious about this!

Those films of hers of UFO's. Can you tell me has Ray any footage similar to that? Especially with the lighting and flashing?
I met Ray 11 years ago, I've been a host on the Paracast for three years. I DO NOT make my living from this field. I'm a tour guide to Grand Canyon and I work in video production to pay my bills. After 20 years of research, study and ten solid years of field investigative work, I've spent more money than I've made.. if I was concerned about money I wouldn't waste a second on the paranormal subject...

I knew about the grand canyon tour guide piece (i bet you're pretty entertaining and memorable) and video production work (there seems to be a connection between paranormal addicts/investigators and the expression of images in time based media). I hope that this public expression of your personal integrity in the field, as mentioned above by SlightlyAbovePar, is regarded by forum members as something to consider before critiquing you too harshly.

I've seen you take a lot of abuse out here and seen you give some back. You put yourself out there and we listeners bite back. Elsewhere, ufology said something to the effect of, 'stop complaining and do something constructive about it.' Unfortunately, amongst your audience, I count myself as one of the 'critics from the couch.' While I'm invested in my experience, and the many reported experiences of others, I don't have more time than feedback and my own critical, and sometimes sarcastic, expressions.

I know you have supporters and detractors, and i remain appreciative that you do stick your neck out even as the vultures descend. You've added your own mark on the show and, along with Gene, kept a whole bunch of people entertained, frustrated and inspired about the subject in a consistent manner. And you do it for free as far as listener access goes. Thanks for that.