J. Randall Murphy
Right! And that's called communicating with another human being, so when you say we don't communicate with other beings, you actually mean this other thing you're trying to describe ...I'll put it this way. I assume that there is another human being pretty much doing what I'm doing at the moment, conveying his thoughts through the written word via the Internet.
OK so what you really mean is that we don't always have the means to accurately convey our subjective experiences to someone else as I suggested in my 1 to 1 mind meld illustration. This means we can do away with the statement altogether because it's already sufficiently covered by item 1 on your list. This brings us to the next point: Comprehension is restricted to the domain of human experience itself.However, I realize that my conception of who Randall is, what he thinks, what he is attempting to communicate to me, is many times removed in form and substance from the actual Randall and his thoughts because all I can experience is my "mental conception" of what is happening, my consciousness itself modulated, if you will, by some data (although many times removed and abstracted) presumably generated by the being "Randall." There is a subtlety here that I may lack the ability to communicate.
Either that statement is a circular one that essentially states that we can't be aware of anything ( including the fact that we comprehend something ) unless we're aware in the first place, or it means something else, like we don't comprehend ( understand ) anything unless we experience it for ourselves, which I would submit has a number of problems.