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Politics & The CIC/Prez

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The implication that the January 6th Committee faked or mislead the evidence is outrageous. It just consists of claims.

This is not just a matter of domestic terrorism. It was an attempt by the outgoing President and is minions to stage a coup to put himself back in office. He made fake claims of election fraud while at the same time attempting to commit electiom fraud by throwing out the real votes where he lost big time. He also collected hundreds of millions of dollars on false pretenses. When all is said and done, he just wants the victims of his grift to keep sending him money.

Biden's Medicare Premium Hike​

A mixture of out-of-context statements over the years demonstrating you can prove anything by selective editing.

You forget the efforts of Democrats to reduce prices on drugs which have been consistently opposed by Republicans, or the opposition's efforts to kill the Affordable Care Act. Fact is that medical costs are climbing, and thus people pay higher premiums, but if you want to consider reality, the entire U.S. health care system needs to be fixed, not destroyed.
A mixture of out-of-context statements over the years demonstrating you can prove anything by selective editing.

You forget the efforts of Democrats to reduce prices on drugs which have been consistently opposed by Republicans, or the opposition's efforts to kill the Affordable Care Act. Fact is that medical costs are climbing, and thus people pay higher premiums, but if you want to consider reality, the entire U.S. health care system needs to be fixed, not destroyed.
"A mixture of out-of-context statements over the years demonstrating you can prove anything by selective editing." These are your words defending the claims in the health care video. Interesting they support the premise in the Jan. 6 video. Sometimes I don't think you even believe what you say.
In the meantime, the Texas GOP has gone thoroughly off the rails:

And this is the guy they adore:

And Donald Trump:

If you listen to his speeches and the lies and misstatements, Trump is clearly not all there.
However, when you have a President in his late 70s, speaking as someone who is 76 now, I agree that it is fair to be concerned about Biden's cognitive ability. Other than his tendency to stumble over words, I don't see it. But I would hope that, should he show signs of mental deterioration, he would do the honorable thing — or his people around him would urge it — to step down and let his Vice President take over.

But Megyn Kelly is nobody's image of a fair reporter considering her background and her questionable statements over the years. So Santa Claus must always be white.
However, when you have a President in his late 70s, speaking as someone who is 76 now, I agree that it is fair to be concerned about Biden's cognitive ability. Other than his tendency to stumble over words, I don't see it. But I would hope that, should he show signs of mental deterioration, he would do the honorable thing — or his people around him would urge it — to step down and let his Vice President take over.

But Megyn Kelly is nobody's image of a fair reporter considering her background and her questionable statements over the years. So Santa Claus must always be white.
Given the choice of the two, I take Trump. I just pray they run him and Kamala again.

The Ukraine allegations are based on Russian disinformation, and repeating that nonsense here shows an agenda that has little to do with facts.

Lest we forget, Trump engaged in treasonous acts as instigator of the process that resulted in the January 6, 2021 insurrection attempt. The January 6th Commission has shown a tremendous amount of evidence that this is so, including that conversation with the Georgia Secretary of State to "find" the votes needed to overturn the election in that state.

Unless you've been living in a rock, I find it hard to believe you don't understand that. How can you support such an individual considering all the damage he did to this country?

As to the claims about whether Biden may have abused his daughter seem relegated to the extreme alt-right media. Compare that to over 20 women who claimed that Trump abused them (including a charge of possible rape). The alt-right ignores his tragic, offensive record.
The Ukraine allegations are based on Russian disinformation, and repeating that nonsense here shows an agenda that has little to do with facts.

Lest we forget, Trump engaged in treasonous acts as instigator of the process that resulted in the January 6, 2021 insurrection attempt. The January 6th Commission has shown a tremendous amount of evidence that this is so, including that conversation with the Georgia Secretary of State to "find" the votes needed to overturn the election in that state.

Unless you've been living in a rock, I find it hard to believe you don't understand that. How can you support such an individual considering all the damage he did to this country?

As to the claims about whether Biden may have abused his daughter seem relegated to the extreme alt-right media. Compare that to over 20 women who claimed that Trump abused them (including a charge of possible rape). The alt-right ignores his tragic, offensive record.
10 Times Socialism Actually Worked
Who are we to believe, You or America's greatest patriot?

Or a typical right-wing nut job, which is closer to the fact.

This "in the tank" nonsense is overdone. What happens is that Biden gets as much or more criticism from the mainstream press. The problem is that the extreme right wing is doing its level best to distort what really happened and the threat to democracy. America's greatest patriot? Let's get real!

Levin wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face with a brick.