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Politics & The CIC/Prez

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You are escaping the point. There is NO evidence she lied about anything she said. There is a dispute about the episode regarding Trump's alleged effort to take control of the Secret Service SUV to force them to go to the Capital. I cannot suggest her version was real, false, or a misinterpretation.

Just because someone under oath says something you don't like doesn't mean they lied. Trump's childish behavior is very well known, and that woman wasn't the only witness to it.
You are escaping the point. There is NO evidence she lied about anything she said. There is a dispute about the episode regarding Trump's alleged effort to take control of the Secret Service SUV to force them to go to the Capital. I cannot suggest her version was real, false, or a misinterpretation.

Just because someone under oath says something you don't like doesn't mean they lied. Trump's childish behavior is very well known, and that woman wasn't the only witness to it.
Meanwhile the U.S. Is in freefall.

Let's return to the real issue. We have an outgoing President, defeated in a fair election by a decent margin, plotting to overthrow the government via various means thoroughly documented and confirmed.

And you want to rant about Hunter Biden and the delusion that his dad is in cognitive decline when, in fact, it is Trump who has displayed loads of examples of irrational and demented behavior. The guy is just off the rails.
Clearly you don't understand the immigration issue, and it's clear the people at that extremist site don't either. Matters like this can happen under any administration, and so long as your party opposes real immigration reform, it will be a mess. Stop the false blame!
Since Republicans want to return the country to the myth of the 1950s, here's the Republican platform from that era:

Screen Shot 2022-06-30 at 11.26.54 AM.png

Of course, equality didn't apply if you were Black, there was no approval for same-sex marriage, or even approval for contraceptives. But still.
Clearly you don't understand the immigration issue, and it's clear the people at that extremist site don't either. Matters like this can happen under any administration, and so long as your party opposes real immigration reform, it will be a mess. Stop the false blame!
No matter what happens, I predict the GOP will,soon be back on top and no matter what J6 does to Trump he would just be pardoned. And the ignorance of just throwing out all the rules until you get around to debating immigration is the dumbest, most reckless and expensive decision ever made.

Listen, you can't snap your fingers and rid the world of inflation. There are specific reasons why it's happening, and few of them are the result of anything Biden did. But he's the guy in charge, and people want to blame someone.

But they should also consider the previous guy's lapses and how they made matters worse.

Indeed, his approval ratings were never very good:

Approval ratings don't represent facts or awareness. In fact, inflation is not the fault of Biden. It is a worldwide phenomenon. Indeed, in the past month, there was a slight moderation of the inflation rate.

This is the same as the fuzzy feel good policy at the border. It seems by your convoluted reasoning we should fix lawlessness by suspending all laws until we figure out a way to get a handle on things.

Rick Perry mocks the climate freaks…
Rick Perry is an idiot. That's a conservative view of him.

There is no such thing as a "fuzzy feel good policy at the border." As I said, it's complicated and simple minded, sometimes racist solutions don't solve the problem.

They actually had a bipartisan solution some years back, but the Speaker of the House at that time, Join Boehner, didn't have the guts to bring it up. If he did, it would be law, and the postering and lying about the situation wouldn't be happening. One of the reasons Trump was elected was over his border-related lies and fear-mongering.
I am really sick and tired of these phony election fraud allegations.

Even William Barr, one of the Trump attorney generals, said in no uncertain terms that the claim of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election was, spelled out, bs.

And please read this:

I think it's high time we focus on facts, and there are plenty, and stop posting outright nonsense here. There are legitimate issues to discuss, but not about having to debunk the fake claims from some of you. Enough please!