And for those of you under the mistaken impression that Biden is responsible for high gas prices, here's a reality check:
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I thought you wanted to get over this. Showing a CNN article is not going to help your cause. Her testimony was third, fourth or fifth hand hearsay anyway.And here's an update on what Trump did when he tried to make the Secret Service take him to the Capital to join in the riot:
Accounts of Trump angrily demanding to go to the Capitol on January 6 circulated in Secret Service over past year
Then-President Donald Trump angrily demanded to go to the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, and berated his protective detail when he didn't get his way, according to two Secret Service sources who say they heard about the incident from multiple agents, including the driver of the presidential
The point is that, within the normal range of differing interpretations and explanations for the incident that Cassidy Hutchinson recited as second hand, what she said appears reasonably accurate.
Bear in mind that, yes, people lie under oath. But as some of Trump's minions learned, lying under oath to Congress is a felony. You can go to jail for it if you don't have a President to pardon you. Hutchinson was under oath. Those who reacted to what she said were not.
I did read it and there is nothing new except it confirms the selectivity of witnesses. Also if you go back and read my post, I never once said I in anyway approved of Jan 6. Trump is gone now give it a rest.You didn't read the article, so please stop commenting on things you know nothing about.
Read it and respond. It's clear the Secret Service knew that Trump blew up on the way back from his speech. Whether he lunged or moved or threatened to do so is minor in the scheme of things, that he wanted to join an armed mob trying to overturn the legitimate results of the election. That's the REAL issue you don't have the courage to confront.
You may be right if you believe this article. Please pay attention to the 5th paragraph.What the article actually did was confirm Trump's erratic behavior as described even if there are slight differences in what one remembers. if you did read it, you weren't paying attention.
You cannot give a rest to a situation unparalleled in American history, of a President who loses his attempt to gain a second turn by a huge margin, refuses to concede and who helps engineer an attempted coup against the country. That is by any definition a serious crime. That he came awfully close to doing it must raise alarm bells for you.
If you don't care, so be it. But there may be another Trump-type lunatic out there who will be sane enough to succeed next time.
The committee's public sessions have gotten increasingly larger audiences, larger by far than Fox News and Newsmax, to reveal the facts about what happened. It is far worse than most people imagined.
The courts are not trying to appease you, they are trying to get us back to a more moral and constitutionally stable country. Race relations were making good progress until someone came up with this critical race theory crap and Lgbtq decided it was time to rub it in everyones face and demand stupid stuff like trying to say there is more than two genders. Most people will tolerate anything until you start trying to tell them what to think. If every judge recused himself because his wife or family was opinionated, we wouldn't get anywhere. As far as I'm concerned you can be whatever you like. Just don't tell me I have to like it or except it. If the government keeps on trying to interfere with family beliefs and radical subjects in education they will bite of more than they can chew.There is plenty to attack Clarence Thomas about, such as his wife's participation in the 2020 election fraud, and his refusal to recuse himself when election cases came before the Supreme Court. Or his crazy suggestions that, after Roe vs. Wade was knocked down, making statements that imply he will go after gay marriage and even contraception.
It has nothing to do with his race.
God bless Mr. ThomasCritical race theory is one of the right-wing's fakeouts that people like you fell for.
Critical Race Theory FAQ
We've compiled FAQs about Critical Race Theory and how attacks fit into a larger effort to suppress the voice, history, and political participation of Black
The people behind it want to make people afraid, and appeal to your lizard brain so you vote for them. It is not something for K-12 school children.
You talk about the government trying to interfere with family beliefs, but you forget that appears to apply to a woman's uterus.
As far as judges recusing themselves, read this. It's complicated:
Supreme Court Recusal | ACS
Justice Thomas' wife, Ginny, was involved in a movement to overthrow the government of the United States. If that's not an issue for recusal, very little is. While she may not have committed a crime, the messages quoted from her make it very clear that she came real close.
As far as rubbing things in someone's face, the party that is supposed to stand for individual freedoms, Republicans, are doing just that when it comes to LGBTQ, abortion, freedom of speech and other issues.
There are enough wacko people out there. Don't add to it.This needs to be played in every American home so PLEASE help me disperse it nation wide.