She did a stupid thing, to be sure. But facing up to 10 years in prison is too much.
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I whole heartedly agree but I'm not sure she is worth trading a murderer or spy for.She did a stupid thing, to be sure. But facing up to 10 years in prison is too much.
I agree but they need to be vetted at the border and sent back from there instead of just being sent into the country willy nilly never to be found again until they rape or murder someone. I agree that proportional to the total numbers it's a small percentage but one child rape is one too many.The wrong perception of immigration is that immigrants, legal and otherwise, must be on the public dole and are taking jobs away from Americans if they work. In fact, most do the jobs that citizens won't do, such as pick fruit and vegetables, or work construction jobs. They come here to work and earn a living, not get free stuff.
Well of course they show up if they are legitimate. And obviously they don't commit as many crimes as citizens because there are millions fewer. It's way too taxing for law enforcement and until a barrier capable of funneling people to controlled entry points all the legislation in the world isn't going to help anything. Why are you opposed to a slow controlled assimilation of immigrants? We are encouraging something that's creating grave danger for unaccompanied minors that are going to have to be sent back anyway. Meanwhile coyotes are getting rich and drug cartels are relishing the chaos.You are making wrong assumptions. The amount of crime by undocumented immigrants occurs at a much lower rate than citizens. The claim of worse crime is part of Trump's lie about Mexico sending us rapists, murderers and some good people. Mexico doesn't send us anyone. The people themselves decide whether to come.
As to being sent into the country "will-nilly," those who must report back to a judge when seeking asylum mostly show up.
I guess this isn't going to work we are too diametrically opposed.You still have it wrong. The undocumented immigrant crime rate is lower, not just the numbers.
I am not opposed to more organization at the border. But I don't think we're talking of the same thing.
How about producing a list of your approved sites so we can all conform to your truths and beliefs. Then we can all join hands and sing kumbaya even though a lot of my opinions are based on real world experience.Facts do not have opinions. You need to stop depending on fringe sites for information and you’ll get there.
You do know what this iconAny more insults, and you can take a vacation. Up to you.
Very true.Biden isn't great, but Trump was far far worse. As his final act, he actually tried to take over the U.S. illegally:
Trump’s Plans for a Coup Are Now Public
Some of the plots to overturn the election happened in secret. But don’t forget the ones that unfolded in the
Some things are difficult now, but would have been far far worse with Biden's ignorant and incompetent predecessor.
Just can't read this. My eyes are getting blurred from my other assignmentVery true.