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Politics & The CIC/Prez

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And those of you who somehow believe that the January 6th insurrection was a peaceful demonstration that just got a little out of hand — an obvious falsehood but still believed by many — clearly juries think otherwise. Here's the latest as of this posting:

With all the convictions of these four, they each face up to 50 years in prison.
So let me make it clear i dislike Donald Trump. However i have to make it clear Joe Biden is a piece of shit
Joe Biden came to Northern Ireland and while here he refused to fly the union flag on his car yet once acros the border he flew the republic of Ireland flag on his car but I as a British tax payer had to help fund this.
Let me make this clear to all the stupid Americans out there who are ignorant of Irish affairs (I included my wife who is from Texas) Northern Ireland is part of the UK not Ireland.
From 1802 until 1922 all of Ireland was part of the United Kingdom. However they wanted an all Catholic Ireland so they broke away in 1922. The Protestant people in the North then formed what i regard as another disgraceful scenario an all Protestant state.
However I have seen it from both sides and while I agree that I would prefer to be a Protestant living in a Catholic neighborhood rather than the other way round none the less this is part of the United Kingdom.
Unlike Clinton, Obama and Bush who came here to unify and promote peace the piece of shit which is Joe Biden came here to appeal to Catholics and Catholicism.
This article reveals how two Fox News hosts conspired to persuade the network to conceal or delay accurate reporting of election results that would not please its Republican audience:

Whatever your political beliefs, do you really want to pay attention to a network that claims to present news, but really want to appease its audience for ratings and ad dollars?
And one more thing, in my many many years on this planet, I have never held a gun in my hands. As a teen, I was once at the home of someone showing off his revolver. I stayed on the other side of the room. My uncle George, who retired as a lieutenant in the New York City police in the 1960s, never seemed to have a gun on his person when I saw him.

This doesn't mean I've never seen anyone with a gun in their possession other than law enforcement people. In Arizona, I obviously do. I just let them be and stay out of the way when I can.
Those of you who live outside the U.S. might wonder why there's so much gun violence here.

Well, this report may explain one key reason for the inability to do very much to deal with this crisis:

Yes my wife is from Texas and believes it's ok to own gun's.
My opinion is that no ordinary citizen should be allowed to own a gun,and I am forty minutes away from the nearest police station.
Even if you do believe in the right to bear arms no sensible person can believe that an ordinary citizen should be able to own an assault rifle for personal use.
I occasionally watch British police procedurals on such streaming services as Acorn and Brit Box. Officers fighting all sorts of crime are rarely armed, and when they are, it usually includes sending a special team to deal with the problem.
I occasionally watch British police procedurals on such streaming services as Acorn and Brit Box. Officers fighting all sorts of crime are rarely armed, and when they are, it usually includes sending a special team to deal with the problem.
All police in the UK are unarmed with the exception of Northern Ireland where because of unique circumstances they are armed but even here the majority of officers now carry stun guns.
The U.S. has nearly 400 million guns in the hands of civilians. The largest country, India, reports slightly over 71 million, the number two country, China, has over 49 million. Something is clearly wrong here.
100 per cent there is something wrong.
And as many wise people have said just follow the money and the money leads to the NRA and others who see guns as an easy profit.
Yes I know you do and although Stephanie and I don't agree on everything we still respect each others opinions.
Though I do know my opinion is right. I just don't tell her that.

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