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mike said:No we are talking about whether or not science is the best tool we have for finding the answers to any given question.
mike said:its this sort of work
that will take us from a state of ignorance to one of knowledge.
its the process in the above that will give us a framework of reality that we can work with.
mike said:its this entire body of knowledge that will provide the elusive "eureka" moment when it happens
Koji K. said:With deductive reasoning you do the opposite- you start with a general theory or concept and infer specific conclusions. An example I took from wikipedia's article on deductive reasoning would be how "Adams and LeVerrier applied Newton's theory (general principle) to deduce the existence, mass, position, and orbit of Neptune (specific conclusions) from perturbations in the observed orbit of Uranus (specific data)." In other words, they took Newton's theory and applied it to draw a specific conclusion.
mike said:which observers description closes the gap best for you ?
mike said:He said these institutions will be able to directly look for "signatures of life" on other planets, similar to the high presence of oxygen in our atmosphere, within 15 to 20 years
closing the gap.............
mike said:The gap is the difference between complete ignorance and total understanding, if you only understand 80 percent of the problem then the gap is the 20 percent you dont.
Rick Deckard said:There are numerous theories about the origin of UFOs. None, one, several or even all them may be correct. So, with that in mind, what is your current estimation of the 'gap' between complete ignorance and total understanding of the UFO phenomena?
swatcher said:Rick,
Thank you for your post.
I'm not aware that the "mechanics" of why a 747 can lift off are in question. Could you point me to a source on the web? I'm intrigued and would like to learn more.
Thanks in advance.
Tony2013 said:Might I suggest that the gap between complete ignorance and total understanding is something that sits outside realms that are normally thought of a scientific, into what might be considered more existential arenas? What I'm suggesting is, whereas complete ignorance would be the total absence of any knowledge of UFOs whatsoever (even the fact that something like that might exist), total understanding would be a oneness, or a sense of unity with, UFOs.
swatcher said:Very interesting posts. Lots of food for thought here. There is definitely less "noise" on this forum than ATS![]()
swatcher said:Thank you for the links.
The Pair of Cats said:Science is the new religion. the new church. Science and scientists, within certain fields or without can't agree on what is going on and anyone who strays from the established protocols, methods or theories is treated like a heretic and quickly culled from the herd , banished to the pseudo-sciences.