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Thank you sir! I do believe that it exist. I have a great admiration for Chris and his work as such I truly beleve he seen the pics. My only complaint is that the pics are not released. It is my hope you and Chris can work with Ray to get the pics released.We discuss this because many keep saying it does not exist. Chris and I have seen it and I have seen the best new version that was cleaned up by a respected Goddard employee who is an expert in photo analysis.
i don't see the point in discussing any aspect of it. to even talk about the distance of the object from the camera, like this is some kind of reality makes no sense. until an image becomes public only then can we talk about evidence. at least with the slides we had a mummy to look at and respond to. responding to what people say is true and factual...well with that sort of proof you may as well go make a religion while you are at it. while i appreciate greatly that credible people like Chris has seen Stanford's work, if it's not out in the public eye to be critiqued and responded to then it's really not worth talking about. it's just baiting.I don't see the point in discussing this till the alleged photos are released. I will be waiting. Chris has seen them so I will hold that the photos exist. All we must do is wait
This kind of thing adds nothing to the discussion. .I believe the photo has been leaked...
Despite being promised a website and public release of these photos back in the Summer of 2015... all within a month or two... then short delays but still assured release in 2015... it never happened... now it seems only some "enhanced images" will be shopped around at MUFON conferences for presentation purposes that cost money to attend. This is very similar to what happened with the Roswell Slides except the promotion is being done exclusively at MUFON gatherings.i don't see the point in discussing any aspect of it. to even talk about the distance of the object from the camera, like this is some kind of reality makes no sense. until an image becomes public only then can we talk about evidence. at least with the slides we had a mummy to look at and respond to. responding to what people say is true and factual...well with that sort of proof you may as well go make a religion while you are at it. while i appreciate greatly that credible people like Chris has seen Stanford's work, if it's not out in the public eye to be critiqued and responded to then it's really not worth talking about. it's just baiting.
BEST REPLY EVERThis is top secret, but this is a stolen still from the power point. Although it isn't the actual photograph, Stanford and others spent a lot of time creating this crystal clear and accurate rendering of what the photo depicts. Because they fear our enemies might somehow be able to create new propulsion technology by simply viewing the photo, this is the best they have come up with for now. Anything else will jeopardize the security of the world. However, long time supporters of Ray, are happy with this new bit of "evidence" and say it closely resembles the photograph in question.
There is now a second picture that shows the craft. Both were taken with an Argus C3 camera using a 50 MM lense.
It is a clear image of 4 airborne objects, 2 clearly are egged shaped and one has 3 landing struts visible. These closer objects are about 6 miles away from the camera and are not dots. One object further away is much bigger.
According to Ben Moss aka Socorro, here are the specifications about these 2 photos:
The camera that was used [see quotes from Ben Moss above] is a basic but popular 35mm film camera that was rugged built, known as the brick, but it did not use a professional high quality lens. The 35mm image quality is not likely to be high quality in 1964 unless Ray used a special fine grain high resolution film, which I'm not even certain that film was available in those years. This high resolution film would normally have to be obtained from a specialized camera store or direct from Kodak, and it would need special processing too. I seriously doubt Ray used this special film. In the online youtube presentation Ben Moss and Tony gave it was said that the film used was Kodachrome Color Slide film, but that is not necessarily the same film used when Ray took his "egg shaped" photos months later.
But, 35mm film is not a large format film, so using only a standard 50mm lens greatly limits the resolution quality of any object taken at a distance. Please note Ben says the objects were about 6 miles away. I'm sorry, but anyone expecting a 50mm lens using 35mm film to capture any detail of an object 6 miles away does not understand film photography. According to Zamora the size of the object he saw was not that large, it's much smaller than a passenger jet or passenger hot air balloon, so there is no way much detail of that craft could be photographed at 6 miles away.
If the objects were only a few hundred yards away, then some excellent details could be obtained. But it's not possible to obtain details with objects that are miles away. Not even a mile away.
Ray's Socorro slides or photos of these objects miles away will have terrible image quality compared to the Roswell Slides. Objects 6 miles away taken with the equipment as described above proves to me just how insane this thread has become. It's over 500 posts, and this is what we've been waiting for? Seriously? This is pure hype with the "believer sheep" not understanding the real limits of this kind of photography.
Forget it. Save your money unless you just want to believe and spend it to go to the MUFON conference about Socorro, but don't do it just to see these "two photos". Remember the two Roswell Slides? On that positive note...
Nothing should be accepted except the original unaltered 35mm film/negatives or the color slides. Printed photos or enhanced images are not acceptable and are pure deception, imo.
I'm over and out here... this thread is poison and a deadly waste of time. This is a perfect example of what's wrong with Ufology.
In the online youtube presentation Ben Moss and Tony gave it was said that the film used was Kodachrome Color Slide film, but that is not necessarily the same film used when Ray took his "egg shaped" photos months later.