I can give you a worse reason. I hate to harp on Chris O'brien, I know he doesn't believe this but I actually have a lot of respect for the man and his work, we just have a difference of opinion when it comes to Ray Stanford, it doesn't mean I think he's naive or an idiot, in fact I think quite the opposite about the man, but no matter how much I may admire Chris, his push to get Ray to release his evidence and his long years of hard work in the trenches of Ufology, I can't accept such completely paradigm shifting information from Stanford without seeing what he actually has for myself, and as long as I'm unable to do so, Ray will remain just another Ufologist who loves to make grand claims without backing them up with sufficient evidence, or any evidence for that matter.
Having gotten that out of the way, after listening to this weeks Paracast episode, I have a bone to pick with something Chris said. It was something to the effect of "I don't think someone as up2speed as James Fox would spend 8 days with Ray Stanford if there wasn't something there." I actually agree, I'm sure he wouldn't spend that much time with Ray if he
personally didn't believe there was anything to his claims. However, in order to discern exactly how up2speed James Fox is, we need to go back and look at his previous films. If you do that, you'll see that he's been taken in by a number of what I, and a vast majority of semi reasonable Ufologists, including Stanton Friedman:
Stanton Friedman - Book Reviews: The Day After Roswell would refer to as bullshit stories or hoaxes. The most prevalent of which was the emphasis he placed on the whole Phillip Corso debacle, including presenting his information and several interviews in not just one, but two of his films, and that information has been largely proven to be completely fraudulent and full of holes.
So, no, I don't think the fact that James Fox spent 8 days with Ray to mean, well, anything. It means James believes in him, but let's be honest, this wouldn't be the first time that James has been taken for a ride. That's not to say I don't respect the man, I think he's probably the Steven Spielberg of UFO documentaries and I've enjoyed his films immensely, aside from all of the stuff in them that he either got completely wrong or presented without thinking it through, and Phil Corso is just one example. I like James, I like Chris, unfortunately, my personal feelings about them have nothing at all to do with their evidence (or lack thereof) and its validity. We can all make mistakes, some of the most brilliant people in history have been taken in by all kinds of nonsense (Cottingley Fairies, anyone?) It doesn't mean they're lazy, it doesn't mean they're stupid, it speaks more, in my opinion, to their overwhelming need to believe in this kind of thing because it validates their entire world view, not to mention it validates the 20 something years they've spent in this field. I have no problem with UFO reality, I'm not the uber skeptic some make me out to be, I do however have problems with people who constantly talk up what great evidence they've accumulated and then refuse to share any of it for one ridiculous reason or the other. I need to see it with my own eyes, and if I ever do, and it actually lives up to the hype, I'll be the first person here making a post in apology for doubting Chris, but until that happens, as another poster said in this thread, I remain proud to be a "boo bird."
Ok, enough out of me, back to your regularly scheduled religious arguments, climate change denial and conspiracy nonsense. Peace.