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Red Alert: Nuclear Meltdown at Quake-Damaged Japanese Plant

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On our (humanity's) way to figuring out "free zero point energy" FOR ALL in a realistic practical everyday-obtainable way, we need to work with the --least-- of our 'evils'. If that is nulear power, then the reactors need to be placed on land which will not be on earthquake fault lines, and beneath volcanoes!
We don't know squat about whatever aliens or transdimensional travelers or weird looking people from the future might be able or even wish to do. This speculation is silly in my opinion, and any conclusion reached based on it is bound to be equally lame. We don't know anything about any of the motives, rules, physical constraints or what have you that might apply. And of course this is far from the first calamity that we might expect some space brothers to help with. Where was all this speculation last year when Haiti was a wreck? Or any of the thousands of catastrophes that came before?

It is also interesting to note that we, the US, could easily take out Gaddafi. We would probably end up killing fewer Libyans and other people than Gaddafi will, too. There are dozens of reasons we don't do that (or at least haven't yet) and we all are aware of a lot of them. Taking out Gaddafi would be well within the capability of quite a number of countries. What's the hold up?
I was just wondering that about Gaddafi too. Saddam didn't do anything like blow up an Airliner with Americans on it, but Gaddafi certainly did, and --admitted-- so! Yet, we let him run around during the chaos, acting mentaly ill, holding that umbrella over his head. And what is with that deathly pallor of his? He looks like a walking corpse. Maybe he's a zombie. (A possessed one, for sure.)
Everyone is behooved to be -more- concerned about Japan than Haiti, because their nuclear meltdown is a global danger. (Radiation) Haiti's was not.
Chernobyl, then, or Three Mile Island. I don't recall the Air Force getting any help when the looked for but never found those missing H bombs. And so on.
As much fun as I have reading flip comments about “space brothers” (where are our space sisters?)…
I would like to know if this accident has changed anyone’s mind about the use of nuclear power. I, for one, was, and am still for nuclear power over coal power, due to the problem with CO2 emission, (and please do not start a rant on anti-global warming, this is not what I am writing about). Coal also produces a lot of mercury which gets caught up in our food chain. So nuclear seems like a good solution for the short time. The issue this raises in my mind is the fact that Japan is one of the safest countries for nuclear power generation. It seems that they had a lot of built in limits that would account for earthquakes, fires, and just about anything one can think of, (other than the largest earthquake in their recent history). With that said, I am starting to re-think the nuclear option. I would be interested if anyone else has had their minds changed.

I had a look at the pacific rim of fire map soon after the earthquake, and my first thought was thats a silly place to build a NPP, the other side of japan would be safer, further away from the plate edge, and less chance of Tsunami.
The plants seem to have handled the quake just fine, shutting down the moment the seismic sensors went off, but the Tsunami was 7 metres high, and they had planned for 6.5 metres...... so the wave took out the backup generators which kept the coolant pumps running, without the power to keep the coolant system flowing it overheated and the coolant system exploded, now as the days go by the cores themselves are heating up, and the containment vessels may well fail.
I dont think there can be any doubt that this plant has been lost, they will keep pumping seawater using fire engine pumps onto the containment vessels for as long as they can, and then bury each building in a concrete sarcophagus like they did in chernobyl.

Building NPP's on faultlines is in hindsight, not a safe thing to do, especially if its on a coast prone to Tsunamis

---------- Post added at 09:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 AM ----------

We don't know squat about whatever aliens or transdimensional travelers or weird looking people from the future might be able or even wish to do. This speculation is silly in my opinion, and any conclusion reached based on it is bound to be equally lame. We don't know anything about any of the motives, rules, physical constraints or what have you that might apply. And of course this is far from the first calamity that we might expect some space brothers to help with. Where was all this speculation last year when Haiti was a wreck? Or any of the thousands of catastrophes that came before?

It is also interesting to note that we, the US, could easily take out Gaddafi. We would probably end up killing fewer Libyans and other people than Gaddafi will, too. There are dozens of reasons we don't do that (or at least haven't yet) and we all are aware of a lot of them. Taking out Gaddafi would be well within the capability of quite a number of countries. What's the hold up?

As i understand he played a rather nifty card in all this, he claimed that the Taliban was behind the uprising and if he goes they will take over...... i dont know if that is true, but it has to be something the US would have to think carefully about.
If the Taliban took control of a big oil site like that, they would be able to finance an awful lot of shenanigans
Libya is a mess and we probably should stay out of it. If we intervene, we will own whatever results manifest. We do seem to be slow learners though.

My point in using that analogy is there are always lots of things we don't know, even in a situation that only involves well known human entities. Who says They even know how to fix a power plant when it's melting down? They don't seem to use nuclear technology as we know it. Presumably They have something better and lots less dangerous. Maybe it's easier to get here from wherever than we imagine. Maybe it's a lot easier and They are not the fantastically advanced creatures They want us to think they are. Shutting down missiles inside their silos appears to have been an entirely electronic exercise, and as far as I can tell no missiles or warheads were damaged, just somehow turned off. The message seems clear enough to me: "We can turn your stuff off whenever we decide to." Even if They could deal with nuclear mishaps as easily as we could rescue a stranded ox cart, why would that mean they would have reason or desire to clean up our messes? How are we going to learn not to put nuclear powerplants in such areas if Space Brothers keep saving our asses?
As i theorised earlier, there are any number of reasons why they would let this play out without interfering, for example it might serve as good incentive for the US to release the polywell technology to the global community instead of keeping it secret for military use.
It might encourage the exploration of orbital/lunar power collectors.
Power generation is about cost, cost is usually measured in money, but as we are seeing here there can be other "costs" to factor into the decision making process of how energy is generated.

there is an excellent article here about the NPP problem in japan


Well worth a read for those who are worried about this
Honestly the japanese have been asking for a nuclear disaster like this for a long time , they've had a handful of incidents over the years , many of which were covered up because someone high up was cutting corners ,cutting costs and given money under the table, the japs were advised before these nuclear power plants were even built "too not build them" because of the likely hood of a long over due earthquake.
Deepest sympathys to the People of Japan getting hit by four disasters at once is extremely unlucky and unfortunate.
(Earthquake,tsunami,volcano,uncle sams power plants)
One of the few things we can say about whatever intelligence is behind the ufo phenomenon is that it seems, by human standards, largely irrational. Theories about what motivates it to act or react are, in my opinion, pure speculation. It maintains and odd kind of control and speaks a language more like that of Jung's unconscious archetypes than the conscious mind.

I wouldn't count on massive intergalactic aid for this or anything else. :exclamation:
OK guys, I know that this is going to sound way crazy, but I have been giving the situation in Japan some thought, and think that I might have a possible solution. I know that "arm chair" engineering is easy, and usually wrong, but I think that desperate times call for desperate measures, so here goes: 
The problem with U235 and other radioactive isotopes is that it gives off more and more heat, as its total mass increases. Hence the term "critical mass". I am not going into the chemistry of this, but for those who want to refresh on basic nuclear chemistry/physics, MIT has a great site complete with very good lectures on just about anything in the physical sciences.  Anyway, (and this is where I will sound crazy), we need to blow up the rods, and spent fuel storage resource. We need to blow the Sh** out of it.  This will scatter the radioactive material over several square miles, instead of millions of square miles which would be the result if the plant melts down, and releases the material into our upper atmosphere where it will circle the world, and get into our food supply via our oceans, fishing, and farming on land, etc.  Once the core and storage facility is blown up, the temperature will automatically drop because we have reduced the critical mass. Yes, we will have some very radioactive pieces scattered over several square miles, but this is something that can be dealt with and cleaned up using the military and basic technology. Otherwise I think we are going to have a world problem. I would be interested in what you guys (and gals) think of this idea.
we need to blow up the rods

You have to wonder what the trade off would be if you used a small tactical clean nuke to destroy the entire plant complex and surrounding area as apposed to allowing things to progress. It sounds absolutely insane at first blush but we are talking 6 reactors, 6 spent fuel stores, and an incredible danger.
I don't know if we would want to use anything other than conventional explosives. The idea is to break the isotopes into small pieces, and not to atomize them or introduce the material into the upper atmosphere which I would think a tactical nuke might do. When I was younger and going to AIMS, I had calc instructor who use to work at Rocky Flats Nuclear site in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:State w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Colorado</st1:place></st1:State>. They had the same problem, on a much smaller level. They had plutonium in there cooling ducts. They had to clean it out before it reached critical mass. The idea is the same as with the Japanese reactors, where, if kept in small discreet masses, the material would be radioactive, but the heat would not increase due to neutron chain reactions. The small pieces could be cleaned up using the military and Geiger-counters sweeping over the several square miles which could be done. Of course I could be missing something big in this equation. Just wanted to throw it out there. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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I guess no one told him he's President of Japan. But then he's a smart guy and should have figured it out himself. Blowing the shit out of things has worked so well for us in the past, I dunno why we don't keep doing it.
"Playing golf while the world burns"? I suppose if he was taking a crap, Fox news would say he was "sh****** on the world as it burns". I know that in our society we are intensely polarized, but every president I have heard of works 80 to 100 hour weeks, and that includes both conservative and liberal presidents. The only possible exception was Bush Jr, who the world recognizes as the most moronic president in history. This is not to bash the conservative bunch, as I am a fan of Bush Sr. who was one of the brightest presidents we have had. The point is that as long as we keep this kind of polarization, we will never solve the problems we have as a people. We need to find common ground, and stop believing talking points broadcast by so-called journalist on both sides of the fence.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

---------- Post added at 10:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 AM ----------

Double Naught: as far as "blowing the shit out of stuff", this is a knee jerk reaction, and part of the reason I was hesitant to bring up the idea. This is not some macho blow the crap up idea. It is based on basic chemistry, and I think that it might have some merit; otherwise I would not bring up the idea just to look like some kind of slack jawed insecure yokel. Unfortunately most folks do not think about anything past there emotive reactions, and hence we are in the pickle we are in.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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Sorry Plumb, that was not aimed at you or your comment though it does look like it was. I'm just so sick of the stupid bullshit flying around. What's Obama supposed to do? Blow the shit out of everything we don't like or see as a problem? These same idiots would be condemning him for blowing up innocent civilians if he did that.

I was going to mention that your idea (if it would work, I am less of a nukular psychic than I am a diplomat) might get used late one night. We might hear a "UFO" report of a triangular shaped craft flying over the stricken plant shortly before it blew up.

There is another aspect to this subject that I haven't seen mentioned here. What if in fact our "space brothers" did save our bacon a few times? Could the H bombs have been beyond the Air Force's ability to locate them because they were not there? After all, no H bomb blew up half of the Eastern Seabord. There were reports of UFOs over Chernobyl. Even that horrific catastrophe could have been worse. As long as we're into What If and Why Don't, I might as well throw that out there.