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Red Alert: Nuclear Meltdown at Quake-Damaged Japanese Plant

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Well, apparently the leader of the most powerful nation in the world feels that the most important issue for him to deal with right now is the NCAA tournament.
Forget about space brothers, where is our Commander-in-Chief in all this?
Oh yeah, he's playing golf while the world burns.

What do you expect the guy to do? This is problem on Japanese soil and we have offered assistance. Should he put on a fire hat and grab a hose? So he plays golf, big deal. I fail to see how any President, liberal or conservative, is supposed to deal with this situation in any other manner.
Yea, in the end, most of our leaders are as dependent on the "experts" as everyone else is. Just as with the Gulf oil spill, there is no politician that I know of who is familure with the physics of high pressure capping, and so must listen to his/her panel of experts, and hopefully make the right call. With the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Japan</st1:place></st1:country-region> melt down, I am curious if anyone is thinking about 2012. For me, this idea is in what S.F. calls his "Gray Box", but what with the "fluff cloud" that our solar system is going through and the paper published in Nature about how this will somehow heat up our sun, and the interior of our earth, thus causing more earthquakes and volcanoes, (does anyone hear a repeat of 2012 the movie???). But like I said, this paper was published in Nature, which is one of the best peer reviewed journals, and I have followed the Russian scientist who did most of the foot work on this, but got the least of the credit. If 2012 has any merit, then I would think it would be more like a bell curve with 2012 being at the max, and not like flipping a switch. This would indicate that we would be building to the peak problems in the next year, and then start to fall off afterward. Of course this is just my musing, and I don't have a crystal ball, or any remote viewing abilities. Just guess work.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
What do you expect the guy to do? This is problem on Japanese soil and we have offered assistance. Should he put on a fire hat and grab a hose? So he plays golf, big deal. I fail to see how any President, liberal or conservative, is supposed to deal with this situation in any other manner.

If this was President Dubya, he'd be chopping wood at his ranch right now and setting the presidential vacation time record! Who gives a crap if Obama picks a bracket, hes human. This is being overblown...
I did read a very disturbing idea yesterday.
If we get a massive EMP say from a CME like the major solar storm in 1859 that caused telegraph wires to short out in the United States and Europe, Every NPP on the planet will meltdown about a week later.
There are approx 440 of them world wide........
Mike: I agree, and we did get our first X class flare a couple of weeks ago, but the old U.S just happened to be on the dark side when it hit, and most of the problems were in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">China</st1:country-region></st1:place>. NOAA is predicting a very strong sun cycle due to the very quite spell we had, and it is believed to peak in, (ready for this...) 2012. Go figure
You have to wonder what the trade off would be if you used a small tactical clean nuke to destroy the entire plant complex and surrounding area as apposed to allowing things to progress. It sounds absolutely insane at first blush but we are talking 6 reactors, 6 spent fuel stores, and an incredible danger.

From what little I know about the behavior of large scale explosions, I think this would only serve to send much of the mess straight up and then out--the classic mushroom cloud. Perhaps a small buried nuke would result in mostly confined results. But shaking the substrate doesn't seem attractive either.

---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------

I'm giving Obama points for what he is not doing during this crisis. Which is using it as a diversion for other ends.
I think this would only serve to send much of the mess straight up and then out--the classic mushroom cloud.

You're probably right of course. It was just a thought. A crazy impractical thought.

What to do though? You can't dig a hole and push it all into it. They'll have to construct something to shovel the whole mess into. The containment pools that surrounded the reactors that contained the spent rods have been compromised and probably no longer even hold water if the could get water to them.
Freaking French! I get it that this guy is upset, and it sucks that Japan is not telling the people what is really going on, but... What can they do? I am not trying to take the side of the government, but if one looks at the reality of the problem. Tokyo has 13 million people. What the hell can a government do with 13 million people?  Even if they could move them, which they cannot, how would they even get enough water to 13 million? Not to mention food, or shelter. Japan has a total population of about 127 million which is close to half that of the U.S.  They are stuck on an Island, and at the mercy of the wind.  They are also at the mercy of a lack of natural resources. They need nuclear power to keep their population going, because they don't have oil, natural gas, or coal like we do.  Kind of sucks being them right now. Plus the bad luck of getting hit by this earthquake just 2 weeks before they shut down the nuclear plant. (Of course this would not really mean much as the fuel rods would have still been there for years to come).
I don't know about the BS part. While we cannot predict earthquakes, I do think that the "supermoon" can be a trigger to a fault that is set to go. At first I thought that this was crap, but I did the arithmetic with the old F= GMm'/r^2 using the average distance the moon is from the earth which is about 384,400 KM, as opposed to the "super moon" distance of 350,000 KM and found a 17% difference in total force (in N*m^/kg), This is significant. If I really wanted to take the time and do it more accurate, then I would have to add the force exerted by gravity of the sun as it will be lined up with the moon at this time. We might get a couple of percent points from including the sun, but my point is that a 17% increase in total force per m^2 is enough to trigger an earthquake that is on the edge of going. The problem from a scientific standpoint is that we do not have enough date from super moons, and we cannot tell how close a quake if to going off as it is. Also, there are always hundreds of earthquakes going off, and it would be easy to say that one’s hypothesis is correct just by closing your eyes and pointing to a map. This is what the infamous Major Ed Dames does on Coast-2-Coast. George Snoory is way too stupid to get a clue that Dames says that next year there will be a big quake on some fault line, and gets it right. There is always quakes going off on fault lines, and this dip-Sh** just cashes in on it. Dames is even taking credit for the latest Japan quake even though he predicted it in 2004. What a dork.
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Freaking French! I get it that this guy is upset, and it sucks that Japan is not telling the people what is really going on, but... What can they do? I am not trying to take the side of the government, but if one looks at the reality of the problem. Tokyo has 13 million people. What the hell can a government do with 13 million people?  Even if they could move them, which they cannot, how would they even get enough water to 13 million? Not to mention food, or shelter. Japan has a total population of about 127 million which is close to half that of the U.S.  They are stuck on an Island, and at the mercy of the wind.  They are also at the mercy of a lack of natural resources. They need nuclear power to keep their population going, because they don't have oil, natural gas, or coal like we do.  Kind of sucks being them right now. Plus the bad luck of getting hit by this earthquake just 2 weeks before they shut down the nuclear plant. (Of course this would not really mean much as the fuel rods would have still been there for years to come).

Yeah hes got some gaul....lol when france has 58 reactors, and test their atomic bombs in the southern hemisphere, where the fallout stays
Lets think logically here, how do we get rid of this plant with the least amount of damage ?
My answer we blow it up with a bigger nuke! Just like deep impact just replace the comet with a reacter. Same scenario! Same outcome! Kill a nuke with a even bigger nuke!
We can't predict earthquakes. So this is just sensationalist BS.
If you listen to what he said, he has predicted earthquakes. You may call it BS or whatever you like but this guy is legit, you can go and check him out.
I wouldn't call the patterns that he describes in his interview as sensationalist BS since it is a common knowledge that a lot of animals, specifically birds and fish, use earth's magnetic fields to navigate and if you remember just recently we did have massive fish and bird die-offs. I do hope that he's wrong this time around, we'll just have to wait and see.