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Red Pill Junkie — February 2, 2014

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Burnt State jumped in:

It's not just a headscracther, this lack of photos and/or video, given the immense amount of cameras, some constantly recording large swatches of the sky. It seems to be much more indicative of something else.

You can go on several paths with this one. Either taking into account that most sightings last a very short amount of time, and witnesses don't have enough time to take out the smartphone, activate the camera app, point it, focus it & snap a pic; there's also the fact that many witnesses claim they were so 'mesmerized' by the sheer WTF sighting of such an odd phenomenon, that taking a picture literally doesn't cross their minds --and you could even take THAT one step further, and posit the possibility of some mind control originated by the phenomenon itself.
That accounts for the 'stunned sheep' factor but in all those photos people are already recording, should we not see many more examples of those 'accidental' sightings? & what about all that security camera footage that is everywhere including on mobile vehicles i.e. russian meteorite footage? That was a pretty rare event and yet we got enough footage of that to make a feature film and biography of that crashing visitor to earth.

Lastly, Vallee & others have also speculated that ALL sightings are staged. And I've toyed with that idea many times, because I think these phenomena are 'multi-layered', with one part of the sighting which is directly aimed to the witness itself, other that was perhaps aimed to the 1st researcher that looked into the case, and maybe even a little Easter egg left for the benefit of someone who will learn about it 10, 100 or 1000 years after the fact.

Maybe we're just acting like cats, trying to pounce on that little red dot that appears on the floor & walls of the house we live in, not realizing the dot will ONLY appear when our owner is in the mood to play with us

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i totally agree with the staging possibility.

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maybe one day, after we get a brain, we'll sneak up on that damn owner of ours and give him a kick in his asx!
Wade Ridsdale commented on the 'theatrical factor' of the phenomenon:

Well if it's staged, that means "it" has an agenda. So I guess one had to ask what would be the agenda of an entity that could present itself to the percipient as a deity, a lizard, a hairy biped, a demon, and whatever else you want to n throw in the pot.

I can fully understand if "it" would present itself in front of people with magnetic personalities and influence the Better to gain a following, and try to achieve a greater purpose but "it" doesn't seem very discrimunating in picking it's messenger. It misses more than it connects or so it would seem.
Ufology commented on my musings about alien intelligence --i.e. that perhaps they're so alien, we wouldn't be able to understand their motives & reasons, hence for all intent & purposes the aliens are crazy.

Unfortunately, I don't have his response(s) on my inbox :(
trainedobserver commented on my speculation that perhaps 'they' --the aliens-- are just very patient teachers:

Perhaps they are just really, REALLY patient teachers
What is the lesson I wonder? If they are teachers they seem to be ineffectual ones. I cannot remember one single actionable, practical, or otherwise useful teaching, bit of information, or lesson conveyed in any alleged alien communication or activity in the history of the phenomenon. What we have are regurgitated religious thought, and dime-store philosophy outfitted passed off as cosmic wisdom.

I may be wrong, but I think one of the fundamental mistakes that gets made is the assumption that ETs or some other type of alien non-human species would give a rip about humanity, even if they did stumble upon us in the void. Our egos demand that everything is about us. The universe was thought to revolve around Earth at one time for Pete's sake.
More from trainedobserver:

To me ultimate lesson the UFO phenomenon has to offer is this: Our world is far bigger, stranger & wonderful than we are even able to imagine. Whether that was the original intention of the aliens themselves is besides the point. I'm running with it anyway
To be honest, do we think we need an ET non-human species to tell us that any more than we need the "Play nice and don't make a mess." message that is the core of many contactee and experiencer communications. Whatever it is, I honestly think that our human-centric view of it is totally out in the weeds and probably has nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Alien 1: Look down there! What are those damn things? They're crawling and crapping over everything!
Alien 2: Don't know, don't care, we're here for the <insert mysterious resource here> and have a quota to meet. Fire up the transmodulator!
Burnt State offered his 2 cents on the 'patient teachers' speculation:

The point I was trying to make is that these beings seem to be VERY patient with us. It's something I discussed with Nick Redfern back in 2012, when we met at the Paradigm Symposium: he said that it was so frustrating how the aliens never seemed to change their modus operandi, and they kept repeating the same antics over & over again; I replied that if we took a hard, honest look at the evolution of our species, our behavior & intentions haven't really changed THAT much since we left the caves & discovered fire! We're still driven by greed & base needs, we still engage in tribal warfare & fight over resources, and we look with suspicion anyone who doesn't have our same skin color, creed or sexual orientation.

Perhaps they are just really, REALLY patient teachers
I also don't think they've done much in the way of teaching as everything we know about the UFO is simply human speculation. Advanced craft just ahead of contemporary tech speaks more to a terrestrial explanation than an ET's guiding hand.

Now it's true, they really haven't changed their tactics, but far from being completely indifferent towards us, there remains Vallee's theory of the staged event. So maybe we are more to 'them' than just ants crapping about the place or maybe they just like to have a good laugh every now and then?

As for us petty human folk, we may be tyrannical, but over the years we've gotten less violent, with an increasing trend towards civility, less corporal punishment, less land mines and we now actually talk about how war affects women and children. Our humanity appears to be on the rise along with our rapidly shifting technology. So we can't be all that boring as we have evolved somewhat. We still are very short sighted when it comes to how we use resources and how much we value power and $$$ over ending poverty and human exploitation. We have potential, but have not yet fully figured out how to work out our differences.

Maybe when we stop shooting and poisoning each other real contact might be considered.
Wade Ridsdale jumped in again:

They may be patient teachers, but they also may be lousy teachers. To be honest I'm not very up to speed on many contact cases, but most the ones I've heard of...assuming they are on the level...involve bizarre and painful expierimentation, nonsensical, opaque comm7nication or trite little warnings about saving the planet.
If there has been any genuine conducive communications going it's been kept hush-hush
trainedobserver commented on Burnt State's comment:

Burnt State
As for us petty human folk, we may be tyrannical, but over the years we've gotten less violent, with an increasing trend towards civility, less corporal punishment, less land mines and we now actually talk about how war affects women and children. Our humanity appears to be on the rise along with our rapidly shifting technology.
You're talking about for the "connected" aren't you? The small percentage of the world that aren't wringing their hands over what we are going to feed the kids tonight or where we are going to sleep tomorrow or if the police or rival religious faction are going to kick down the door and drag us off for committing some political indiscretion. What we see on our TV sets does not reflect the majority of the world's state. I know you know this, I'm just ranting.

Burnt State
Maybe when we stop shooting and poisoning each other real contact might be considered.
If we unite, they will no doubt take notice.

Alien 1: Look down there! They've stopped fighting each other and they're looking up!
Alien 2: Oh hell. Unpack the "Brilliant Being of Light" costume, someone's got to go down and get them fighting each other again.
Alien 3: Not me, you talked me into it last time and I thought I would never make it out of there alive.
I agreed with trainedobserver's logic that trying to anthropomorphize the alien's intentions in terms of 'good' or 'bad' might not be such a great idea after all. Smcder expanded upon it:

You're actually right. Perhaps thinking of them in terms of 'good' or 'bad' is missing the point entirely.

But just a few hours ago I was listening to Brad Steiger on BoA, and he's offering a lot of tantalizing musings. He says that the phenomenon has always decided to show itself just a little bit more advanced than our current technological level; perhaps it's a method to pique our curiosity and propel our level of advancement. I'm sure there were a lot of people in the 50s who looked at cases of flying saucers & started to wonder whether a lenticular craft would be more aerodynamically efficient than a winged plane

To me ultimate lesson the UFO phenomenon has to offer is this: Our world is far bigger, stranger & wonderful than we are even able to imagine. Whether that was the original intention of the aliens themselves is besides the point. I'm running with it anyway

But just a few hours ago I was listening to Brad Steiger on BoA, and he's offering a lot of tantalizing musings.

RPJ - is this the latest BoA episode also with Nick Redfern?

And yes, I was mentioning a recent Binnall of America episode which had both Steiger & Redfern as guests. Highly recommended.
Then Ufology & I kept shooting memorable quotes back & forth... Arthur C Clarke's "The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible" & such...

Wade Ridsdale had this to say about where the conversation was going :P

A penny saved is a oenny earned ??
smcder getting back to Steiger on BoA:

Yep. Two thumbs up on that one! Brad's words are resonating with me BIG TIME.
Brad has a very soothing voice - like a grandfather or favorite uncle - I keep some of his stuff on my player for sleepless nights, it's comforting and often I slip in and out of sleep to hear his voice. In a different way (though their voices have some similar qualities) Mac Tonnies is also a comfort to listen to.
From Burnt State:

I have much Mac material saved for similar reasons, that and guy from the UK who completes such excellent reviews of all the original Twilight Zone episodes on his podcast. He could read the DSMR or the ingredients listing on our Soylent Green boxes, and I would feel relaxed and engaged by his impassioned conviction & authenticity.
Only RPJ would have a Doppleganger thread on this forum. I wonder if he knows his alternate self is busy working the other side of the thread hill?

By now my doppelganger has resigned in protest, Burnt! --something about not getting dental...
From smcder:

Burnt State
I have much Mac material saved for similar reasons, that and guy from the UK who completes such excellent reviews of all the original Twilight Zone episodes on his podcast. He could read the DSMR or the ingredients listing on our Soylent Green boxes, and I would feel relaxed and engaged by his impassioned conviction & authenticity.
which podcaster is that?

Yep. Two thumbs up on that one! Brad's words are resonating with me BIG TIME.
I also like how Brad says "we" (meaning he and Sherry) almost entirely instead of "I"
Burnt State, commenting on the biggest mystery on all of Forteana: The REDFERNigma!

I asked Nick to lend me his army of typewriting monkeys for 1 evening
Excellent. With the Redfernia Army at your side, instead of coming out with your first new book you'll be dropping down a first trilogy!
Burnt State, answering smcder's question:

which podcaster is that?

there was an NPR program on about people who get a wave of pleasure from certain sounds and they surf the web looking for audio files - will see if i can find it if no one caught that
ASMR is Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response and it provides a very pleasurable tingling in your head, very similar to certain hallucinogenic brain tingling effects. It is a wonderful sensation - try talking softly to your partner of choice to see if you have the gift as there are givers and receivers with this response.

Here's a generic look at it - you will find superior articles to this but my phone limits me:
ASMR: The Pleasurable Tingling in Your Head

Type in ASMR in YouTube to check out the culture - it's, uh, 'interesting'.

The podcaster is Tom Elliot. If you are a fan of the series his show is definitive, entertaining and scholarly.

Really enjoy material from NPR...suggest shows please.