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Red_Pill_Junkie and the Roswell Slides

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This has been another good example of how so much of the public UFO field is showbusiness, and so little about serious objective research.

Richard Dolan makes a living by selling books and working the conference circuit, and fair play to the fella for that. However, there is a big gap between being an author and entertainer, which I believe he largely is, and a good one, and being a serious objective researcher into the UFO mystery. I don't doubt that there are many of the latter in obscure corners of the world's military and intelligence communities, but most of them we will never hear of, and they get their funding from very different sources than the likes of Dolan, Friedman, Moulton Howe and company.

The other issue is integrity. There are plenty of known charlatans about as we know, but when even the supposed UFO good guys start to get mixed up in sordid stuff like this, it casts some light on the motivations of folk. I don't believe Richard deliberately set out to deceive on this one, but at the end of the day this business is his day job and he saw the money and publicity chance, and took the stage and bait.

There is probably a PhD in it for somebody willing to look at the motivations and objectivity of those employed in the UFO industry. Richard Dolan’s involvement in the Roswell Slides affair will have been a valuable contribution to the body of research evidence for this!