SnakeOil said:
JR, do you remember the show you did when you told the story about the presentation that you had to do, and just prior to that you'd come to the conclusion that this was demonic? I'm'd seen a symbol that got onto, what , your bathroom mirror or something?
The gist of what I'm getting at is that we may be looking at 2 sides of the same coin, and it only looks like 2 coins because we don't understand what we're looking at yet. And I'm not just saying this because of the example you gave. Not that I don't trust you, but in the end it's just hearsay. OK, a symbol mysteriously appeared for you. How did it get there? Who or what was responsible? And what was their motive? It's not like they sat down with you in the morning over coffee for a chat, "Look, Jeff, it's like this..."
Bedroom mirror. That instance was essentially at a pivotal moment in my UFO "career" if ya want to call it that. I'd done alot of investigations, interviews with witnesses, facilitated experiencer groups (no kidding, almost full-time)...but was becoming frustrated with not getting anywhere research-wise after, I think around 14 or more years of being pretty hardcore about it.
Thats the point where I went thru a lot of files and testimonies I had amassed and began looking at not so much the events, and "nuts and bolts" but began making calls and going over papers looking for effects to the people (rather then the UFO) after their experience.
What I found was an extremely toxic effect, one I had known myself. Particular phrases and patterns began to emerge that I found to be indicative of what many would call "demonic". However, that word or term carried with it all sorts of baggage, and I knew full well that the vast majority of the UFO community didnt want to view the UFO engima as "demonic" or even "toxic"...and worse yet, those who did say these kinds of things were ignored as "Jesus freaks" or paranoid throwbacks to the 50's sci-fi movies about invasion.
So, knowing full well I had to give a lecture about my own experiences at a seminar in D.C. the following week, I was in a pickle. Did I recount my experiences, and keep my mouth shut about my theory...or not (and risk being ostrasized or labeled a nutjob bible thumper which anyone can tell ya I'm about as far as you can get from). I mean I really languished over the question, and the wife and I had a couple we were friends with over one night and we all talked about it. The bedroom door was locked all night and no one was getting in, (the bedroom was a mess).
The company left about 3 am, and we went right to bed, and I still had no idea what kind of talk I was going to give.
The next morning my wife asked me if someone else had stopped by after our guests left. She said she recalled someone coming in when she was barely asleep and talking quietly to me in the foyer of the house. I had no memory of that, only the fleeting feeling that someone had been there after we'd gone to bed, but I'd no idea who.
The symbol on the mirror was large and we saw it was we were putting on coats to go out (I checked my hair). I called Dr. Mario Pazzaglini who I'd heard had written a book called "Cryptic Writings" or something to that effect and I think he was in Delaware. I told him nothing about my speech troubles, nor anything other then I was an experiencer and this showed up on my mirror overnight. I faxed him a drawing of it and he called me within a few days.
He said it was an ancient form of whats been deemed angelic writing, but it was arranged in a way he'd never seen before, which he said essentially made it seem a rather "in your face" statement. When I asked what kind of challenge, he said verbatim: "Well, there's no direct translation, but it conveys 'Now you know. Do you have the courage to stand up for what you believe', thats the jist of it, but with alot of urgency or importance".
Well, I nearly passed out, thanked him, and hung up the phone. From that point I had no doubt what kind of talk I'd be giving, and I gave it. The response was *anything* but what I expected. Very positive, and alot of questions. The organizer of the event after my talk, made a half assed apology for anyone I offended (I think she was a "space brother" kinda gal) and the crowd more or less gave her the raspberries for that.
That was the last time I lectured and I quit the field for almost 10 years. I perfer to study the phenomena on my own now, and gather findings maybe some might not think to look at. Maybe one day it will be worth looking at.
I dont pretend to know what it's all about, and I'm as in the dark as everyone else. But that instance really made the step back (and away) from looking at this enigma like everyone else. I go at it from an angle I've witnessed myself, and thats really all I got.
So in answer to your questions:
"How did it (symbol) get there?"
It appears to the made with some kind of white substance that is semi wax like. It's still on the mirror which has been in storage for years. The mirror is incredibly dirty from moisture, but the symbol is very much there. How it got there, I have no idea. I will say it's drawn in such a way that would be hard for anyone to duplicate very easily.
"Who or what was responsible?"
I dont know. I have guesses which I keep to myself. It all depends on who you ask when they read the little account of it I've written above. Some say "angles", some say the "aliens opposite" some say whatever guided me to start looking into this to begin with. Who knows, your guess is a good as mine. I can tell ya it sure as hell wasnt me, or my family or our company. I'll swear that on whatever ya want.
"And what was their motive?"
I guess to make me tell the crowd what I was so torn over saying to start with. The bottom line was I believed I'd found something truly toxic. But did I keep it to myself and not warn people of potential harm.
The motive (if correct) would say it was something or someone else, possibly as some have suggested, the opposite/positive of the "alien" negative.
All I know is I've never seen anyone else talk about that symbol, or post a pic of it. And I've looked. I've never released it into the public, and it's more or less become the icon to me of my involvement in this stuff.