Modern man – (Homo sapiens) came into being about 200.000 years ago. It is easy to understand that man at that time, lacking knowledge and better models of explanations, could have it that the world was ruled by invisible forces or spirits. The spirits ruled the seasons, the weather, the wind, the animals, the crops, the fertility etc. About 7000 years ago man created the first great civilizations, and about 5000 years ago they invented the art of writing – the very basis for all the higher civilizations later. Through many thousands of years man has acquired more and more experience and knowledge about the world. By the art of writing this knowledge could be written down and kept, be systematized and passed on. In this way our understanding of nature has gradually increased. Little by little one understood more and more about processes working in the nature and how the world functions. There was no longer need of spirits to explain the world. But the spirits, however, didn`t completely disappear.
The last 2000 years mankind has been ridden (haunted) by a stupidifying nightmare. A global public nuisance that came into being in the Middle East. It came into existence in a time and and environment marked with a magic way of thinking, ethnic nationalism and sectarian wishful thinking in a patriarchal society built on superstition and religious rules. These ideas got entry in the top administration of the Roman Empire. By this it got political power and became quickly a world religion. About 1400 years ago a new variant of the same religious regurgitation was smeared together in the Arabian Peninsula – and these two scourges have ever since actually drowned the world in religious muck. Today, after having developed sciences, controlled electricity, atomic energy, fought diseases that tormented mankind for thousands of years, explored space and landed on the moon and even charted the building stones of life itself (DNA) – the world still stands up to its armpits in religious muck.
Still millons of adults and otherwise mentally healthy men stick to 2000 years old delusions and superstition which in the starting point falls apart on its absurdity and is completely free from any logic and without any credibility.
And why on earth is it a muddle-headed intolerant desert religion from a backward nomadic tribe society in the Middle East that has been preferred an officially approved delusion of the West ?