you mean "hand" right? Why can't I fire from the hip... like everyone else that doesn't know what they are talking about when it comes to a topic. I thought opinions were just as important as facts and data... right?
I think you're answering your own questions about what works and doesn't work in online forum discussions.
1. Enter a discussion like you would enter someone's home. Say hello.
2. Fire from the hip: firing from the electrical cells in your head usually works better.
3. Like everyone else that doesn't know what they are talking about: your point?
4. Informed opinions work better. Show us what you got w.r.t remote viewing and avoid #3.
5. I understand that you may be into creativity and freedom of expression but you make it difficult to be taken seriously. Reconsider the screen name and image and if you need to write about sex then go work on a limerick.
So back to the topic of remote viewing. You were saying?