the military remote viewers over a period of months on a project called 'project P' doing exactly this - reading the lead article on newspapers - only archived an 18% accuracy.
Out of curiosity, were they trying to read the lead articles or view the cover images? I can see where reading an article would be very difficult. Describing the gist of an engaging cover photo, while still predictive, seems somewhat less difficult. Convincingly describing one cover photo out of seven would be 14% accuracy.
It strikes me that reproducing lab proven work in a public manner might actually be the most appropriate thing to do in this particular case. I wouldn't be trying to explore new territory here. I would agree that if you want "proof" of RV you would have to be willing to review a really massive amount of material over the course of months. Even a convincing demonstration here will not be "proof", it will just be a demonstration. Proof would be tens of thousands of double or triple-blinded carefully controlled experiments but you have to spend time reviewing the literature to see those and you have to trust that the parties involved were honest, careful and accurate.Im just a little concerned that I don't want to do research that's already been done and proved before in labs and is all documented.
The cover photo test, or something like it is the only way I can think of that permits this scenario of a public demonstration over the net to an audience comprised of people with mixed scientific and technical ability to be truly blind. If you were to use one of the sites that randomly presents an image, most people are not going to have the technical ability to verify that the mechanics of it are clean.
The only other type of demonstration that seems appropriate for the net is what thegreenman suggested but it does involve human trust. I would just add that the encrypted files should be signed and the signatures made available in advance to everyone on the board. The only trust point involved would be that Biedny doesn't tell the RVers of the contents.
I would agree that derekcbart's challenge to find him is not in line with my understanding of proper RV protocol. I believe a better approach for a task like this would be something like derekcbart providing a photograph of distinctive objects placed upon his mantle to a third party and then the third party providing the RVers with a blind coordinate to represent the location in the photo.
I'm curious if anyone can suggest another mechanism for producing a random yet appropriate image that is elegantly easy to verify to this audience as being truly blind? A convincing public demonstration must be one where all parties, hostile, sympathetic and neutral, agree in advance to the method and as to what constitutes success.