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Remote Viewing

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Paranormal Novice
I may have a answer on why the remote viewing military unit was disbanded after the freedom of information released. This is a common practice in the world of Special Operations most Black Operations projects or units after being found out disband their unit and reorganize under a new name so in Government records and in budgeting the unit didnt exist anymore. After SFODD or Delta Force became public they disbanded and reorganized the unit under the name SF1 Combat Applications Group, SEAL team 6 was reorganized into DEVGRU. The greatest example of this would be the ISA or Intelligence Support Activity Americas most secretive military unit(that we know of).



Anytime any one came close to discovering the units existence they reorganized and changed their name, they have been called The Activity, Grey Fox, Center Spike, Torn Victor, Field Operations Group, etc. So if the Stargate program was successful and classified information was gonna be leaked most likely they would do like any Special Operations military unit would and reorganize. A civilian may have the freedom of information rights to the stargate program but not to whatever name and organization they may have changed into and what they have become.
I know a remote spewer who remote viewed remote viewers. He said they full of shit.

Nah, Joe Mcgnogalul or whatever his name is has done some impressive stuff (or the show was in on a hoax). Ed Dames and Courtney Brown need to slowly die in a painful way. Much luv of course.
I think that there are some people who have some special ability. But once i hear the word remote viewing i instantly think you crappy UFO and space brothers channelers, and my internal alarms go off.
In Daz's defense -- and I do not know him outside the forum and this week's show, nor have I yet read his documentation -- he seems like a level-headed guy.

On the Paracast we've had our share of "the bad" and "the ugly", and the difference between them and "the good" is frequently composure. Daz, like some other guests we know and like (Jeff, Jeremy, Allen, Brad, etc.) has the characteristic "look, I know how you feel, this sounds crazy and far-fetched, all I'm asking is that you look at what I have to show for my work" tone, even when confronted with skepticism.

Simply put, he doesn't sound crazy. Does that mean RV is real, or even granted that it is, that he can do it? No, but it makes him the sort of person you can reason with on the subject and who is credible enough to deserve looking into, and I suspect that's part of why Our Hosts undertook this interview.

We can contrast Daz's tone and manner with so many other guests, particularly in the last six months (though certainly not all), who get defensive and even blow up when confronted with A Bit of Biedny. ;)

I'll be giving Daz's site and documentation more of a read. I'm not saying I'll be convinced, but I might come back with some more questions and thoughts.

I just listened to the entire two hours. After about an hour I kept thinking about Seinfeld, the show about absolutely nothing. I was thinking, hey, he's going to provide an actual example and walk us through it any minute now. He's going to take us through the six stages with an actual example and show how he drew, kind of, what the target turned out to be. And independent judges say it's a true 'hit.' Voila! See? It works. And here's a couple of more examples. Here's what happened, precisely.

Never happened. We had a grand total of two examples. One example was the climate change study, but, unforunately, he doesn't know the results of that because the data is still being studied, so I'm not sure that should even count. And we have the missing person within 100 feet example, that is already on this site, but the details are not really mentioned. What were the GPS coordinates, exactly? How did you make the connection? What were the details?

If I were remote viewing this show, I wouldn't have anything to write down. I'm not saying I don't believe it works. I think it does. Nice enough fellow. Interesting topic. No beef.
Folks before you judge Daz or the remote viewing subject please look at his results on the Sydney Opera House. If you take it on face value, and assume it isn't fake, or somehow fudged, it's pretty impressive.

I don't have any clue what is involved in the process, but until I get evidence to the contrary, I'll take Daz as an honest broker.

Another good episode from Dave and Gene.
There are many examples on my website and blog - you need to only take a look. Its not the kind of thing whereby we could cover the entire process of RV, its history and all the questions in the time frame.

Remote Viewing Results RV Sessions
There are plenty of examples here including some predictive rv also with the betting slips enclosed showing that money was also made with the RV predictions.

Stargate - Remote viewing history - military
On this page are over 100 practice rv sessions done by the U.S military when training their remoet viewers - you can also look at these example sessions.

if you follow this link there are tons of scientific papers on Rv research form the CIA:
Stargate - Remote viewing history - military

I found the notion that a target with more change is the better target very revealing about the nature of the universe. Change is the only absolute in this universe. The more changing a target, the more absolute it is universally. Thanks Daz, I got something out of this.
Gene and David thanks for another great show. Different and informative.

Daz thanks for the insight into RV.

As with all the name Ed D(h)ames? raised a red flag for me as did the name Courtney Brown.

Pat Price, i believe, was one of the original and best of the remote viewers used by Puthoff and Targ. Please correct me if i am wrong.
An interesting episode. I remain highly skeptical of remote viewing, but I'm keeping an open mind. I know Greg Bishop has told me he's had some experiences, so he may wish to comment here.

What bugs me the most, are the constant references to Ingo Swan.Not in this episode per se, but when it comes to the topic of 'remote viewing' his name seems unavoidable.
Did he ever give an Interview in recent times ?
Change is the only absolute in this universe. The more changing a target, the more absolute it is universally. Thanks Daz, I got something out of this.

I thought he meant that it happened to be easier for us humans to remote view a target that was active or emotionally charged. I don't think he was saying anything about absolutes.
A stationary object that is boring, dull and unchanging to human eyes might actually be full of change at its molecular level.
Sorry Daz, i didnt mean to link you and channelers. I believe that theres truth the Remote viewing and healers, the government wouldnt infuse that much money and time into something with no merit. Much lilke the UFO community the hoaxers and true practitioners are generalized into one category. Sorry for the miscategorization.
So...somewhere in the episode, Daz agreed to put it to the test. Is this in the works? What are the logistics of such a test? I'm guessing it will involve setting up a target that a bunch of forum members will be aware of so that many eyes can verify the accuracy?:D Just sayin'...

Very good episode. Daz does not drink the kool-aid.
So...somewhere in the episode, Daz agreed to put it to the test. Is this in the works? What are the logistics of such a test? I'm guessing it will involve setting up a target that a bunch of forum members will be aware of so that many eyes can verify the accuracy?:D Just sayin'...

Very good episode. Daz does not drink the kool-aid.

He's stated in another thread he doesn't want to do an image like the current test I am doing with another person. Other than that, I don't know what's going on. David and Daz will have to work something out.
Ah...well, poo. Sorry for being redundant.

He's stated in another thread he doesn't want to do an image like the current test I am doing with another person. Other than that, I don't know what's going on. David and Daz will have to work something out.

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