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Rick Dyer Bigfoot hoax fallout

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Paranormal Adept
1st here is the announcement:
The World's First, and Only Freezer Boy News Blog
Rick Dyer is a liar a swindler. Folks this goes far beyond the normal hoax Rick ripped ppl off. He admits making TONS of money of his fake Bigfoot.
Bigfoot 'Killer' Rick Dyer Admits Making 'Ton of Money' Off Previous Hoax | VIDEO
the time has come we must NOT wait we MUST act Rick Dyer has commited FRAUD. he has used every ounce of his time to try to convince us he killed a bigfoot. Rick dyer has made every effort by credible investagators A LAUGHING STOCK. there for I ask that we all band tighter and sign this petion to have Rick Dyer charged with Fraud.

Petition | Charge Rick Dyer with Fraud | Change.org
Please go and sign. we need to let the powers that be know A CRIME has been commited.
folks if anything I said on this fourms has been heard I ask now let us tighter go and sign so at least the government has the chance to thow this bum in JAIL where he belongs.
1st here is the announcement:
The World's First, and Only Freezer Boy News Blog
Rick Dyer is a liar a swindler. Folks this goes far beyond the normal hoax Rick ripped ppl off. He admits making TONS of money of his fake Bigfoot.
Bigfoot 'Killer' Rick Dyer Admits Making 'Ton of Money' Off Previous Hoax | VIDEO
the time has come we must NOT wait we MUST act Rick Dyer has commited FRAUD. he has used every ounce of his time to try to convince us he killed a bigfoot. Rick dyer has made every effort by credible investagators A LAUGHING STOCK. there for I ask that we all band tighter and sign this petion to have Rick Dyer charged with Fraud.

Petition | Charge Rick Dyer with Fraud | Change.org
Please go and sign. we need to let the powers that be know A CRIME has been commited.
folks if anything I said on this fourms has been heard I ask now let us tighter go and sign so at least the government has the chance to thow this bum in JAIL where he belongs.

Rick Dyer still claims he shot a Bigfoot 2012. So the hoax isn't over yet. Who exactly was the person in the Bigfoot suit? ( it clearly wasn't Dyer) Morgon Matthews was attacked.

The Bigfoot Dyer was touring with it was fake and it was known to be a fake, weeks ago. Dyer made the Bigfoot to make money. Dyer just admitted it was fake in the last couple of days.

Dyer, is a con man a liar a terrible human being, but i still believe we haven't got the full story yet from Morgon Matthews. The ending of his documentary was premature for me.
I believe Matthews was in on the hoax. Any questions that Dyer claimed the Bigfoot was real is answered here..

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folks it gets deeper and deeper...Dyer has dug himself a hole...He has hacked the facebook and google mail account of his former Media rep and locked him out futher making Lies and telling folks some pretty hateful things Dyer is a master creep just look at this...
The World's First, and Only Freezer Boy News Blog

once again I call upon folks to sign the petion to have the government come down on him. we can not watch we must act.
Big footsies, you say?

Did anyone reeeeally think he shot bigfoot though? To me, he might as well have said that he just shot Donald Duck, and so a cynical little voice in my head keeps laughing rather incredulously at anyone who might have handed this hillbilly hoaxster any money to begin with!

But rules will be rules, and they are also there to protect the gullible, so more power to the petition, of course.

I imagine the hacking-stunt may give him more trouble tbh., all in all I agree he seems to be a pretty sad character.
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I believe Matthews was in on the hoax. Any questions that Dyer claimed the Bigfoot was real is answered here..

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I strongly disagree with that. Morgon Matthews is a serious filmmaker who has won numerous awards for his documentaries. He would not get involved in a hoax.

Rick Dyer on the other hand would.

Not saying he shot a Bigfoot, but the documentary proves Morgon Matthews was attacked. Some believe it was a real Bigfoot others believe it was a man in a suit? We still wait to find out the truth.

The Bigfoot Rick was touring with was fake. I had a number of conversations with people on the blog you posted. and i told them the Bigfoot Rick had was a fake. People are too focused on Rick and his claims since 2012 ( the footage i will show shortly was filmed in 2012) I more interested what this shows.

Charged $20 per person to see his bigfoot. Sold $100 website membership. Sold tee shirts and other things.

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Charged $20 per person to see his bigfoot. Sold $100 website membership. Sold tee shirts and other things.
So, if the money came from the most expensive item (membership), and we take the lowest figure of earnings (20K) it means that AT LEAST two thousand people bought into it.

Dunno what to say, but lol.

I guess this also explains why people like Stephen Greer can run a 'biz', there really are a lot of gullible people out there, dang.
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I have just watched "Shooting Bigfoot" so the following might be spoiler if you have not seen it:

Shooting Bigfoot is not only a film of poor quality it is also disrespectful and typical of what is worst about "contemporary" British "documentary" making.

Here are some examples (in no particular order)

(1) The Film maker "Morgan Mathews" claimed to have a life long interest in Bigfoot, yet appeared to know next to nothing about them.

(2) The choice of footage and timing of the "music".

(3) The obvious fakery and dishonesty of the film makers .

I was astounded to learn that this terrible piece of work was nominated for awards, to me it was like a poor mans "Weird Weekends" and was presented by a wannabe "louis Theroux" who unfortunately lacked even a miniscule percentage of Mr Therouxs skill as an "interrogator" indeed if I had to spend an extended period of time with MR Mathews, I would probably have donned a "Bigfoot costume" and punched him too*.

I am trying to think of something good to say about the film, but all I can think of is that: I learned a few things about MR Dyer.
It was also interesting (more entertaining) to see Tom Biscardi and his "team" in operation: they reminded me of the "Dog the bounty Hunter" show, except that MR Dog has a much more successful record in capturing his quarry!

Forum users in the UK can watch "shooting bigfoot" via the BBC Iplayer service, I have looked and there is not yet a youtube version of it, but here is the IMDB entry:
Shooting Bigfoot (2013) - IMDb

I would not recommend watching it if you are interested in the Bigfoot mystery, but if you are interested in the techniques employed by "documentary makers" to make a subject or subjects appear ridiculous and incredible, then it is a must see.

*(this is an attempt at humour and not a threat to any person)
I took it as a personal insult because I believe in Bigfoot, and in my opinion attacking people for their beliefs is wrong.
Ridiculing people because of the way they speak, or where they come from is also equally wrong, I felt the "film" was guilty of both.

There is an argument that if you record enough footage of any person you will be able to edit it in such a way as to make that person appear in any way you wish, however the importance of the selection of music and audio (sound added on after recording) should not be overlooked, (for example the "Jaws" music).

What I am trying to say is that whether or not it was a mockumentary or documentary, it is the fact that it was dishonest and unfair in its portrayal of events and people, and that the motivations were not of a good kind that bothered me.
Sadly it is typical of the way that television and the media in general handle Bigfoot and people interested in the mystery.

I should point out that "Bigfootologists" etc have not always covered themselves in glory, but the same is true of all tributaries of the paranormal lake.
Rick was paid 3500 by the Alamo Draft house. .then he made almost 18 k on admission. On his next stop he reduced admission. He was at 5 per at the end. ..

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