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Ridiculous Theory #5: Quantum theory makes ( INSERT NEW AGE WOO HERE ) possible.
Telepathic communication is an interesting phenomenon. Our brain is mostly a receiver/processor, but it also generates electrical fields, which also makes it a weak transmitter. People like Persinger hypothesize that the Earth's magnetic field might interact with the brain's fields in such a way as to facilitate resonance in other brains. This is dangerously close to qualifying as a ridiculous theory, but at least he's got credentials, has done some experiments, and is attempting to make a rational case." telepathic communication with anyone anywhere in the Universe possible, if we really try our hardest as we are all connected!"
Thank you for the fantastic take-down of WHAT THE BLEEP. When WTB came out, I was a member of a Unity Church. Unity is a Positive Thinking New Thought Church. Of course, the congregation went crazy for WTB. I watched it and immediately recognized the DIVA of con ladies, JZ Knight, and realized that everyone involved in the making of the film was part of the Ramtha Cult. I told church authorities but was told to keep quiet because the film was inspiring to people. I also found out that hundreds of DVD copies were flying off the shelves at the Unity Book Store - a best seller, just like THE SECRET which followed several years later. I have divorced myself in every way from the Unity Church because so much of it seems based on magical thinking and just "making a wish", along with raising your frequency vibration so you could be part of the ascension when aliens come to do their harvest of souls ready to transcend the third dimension. Uh huh.Telepathic communication is an interesting phenomenon. Our brain is mostly a receiver/processor, but it also generates electrical fields, which also makes it a weak transmitter. People like Persinger hypothesize that the Earth's magnetic field might interact with the brain's fields in such a way as to facilitate resonance in other brains. This is dangerously close to qualifying as a ridiculous theory, but at least he's got credentials, has done some experiments, and is attempting to make a rational case.
Also, I certainly don't doubt that people have had experiences loosely labeled as "telepathic", so I think it's possible that something might be going on there, but my objection in Ridiculous theory #5 is to the way New Age types have co-opted "Quantum Theory" as their own buzz-word in order to make their flaky ideas sound "scientific" and therefore more plausible. Essentially, quantum theory is an attempt by science to explain the nature of existence and by extension almost everything, so it's not really an explanation for much of anything in particular unless it's accompanied by a set of equations that relate to a specific phenomena, usually observable or measurable, but possibly theoretical ( e.g. black holes ).
So bleeping out "Quantum Theory" as an explanation for ( INSERT NEW AGE SPIRITUAL OR PARANORMAL BELIEF HERE ) is what has become known among rational thinkers as "Quantum Woo", and in those situations I think it's important to see it as little more than a means of promotion and persuasion that exploits the general public's trust in science through their innocent ignorance about QM. I've posted the following video elsewhere in the forum, but it's included again below for your convenience. It exposes the pseudoscience behind one fairly successful exploit:
What The Bleep Debunked
Thank you for sharing your story. It doesn't surprise me a bit. Every hierarchical organization has its bureaucratic BS, and it drives me nuts. Just for good measure, although you've probably seen this one too, maybe there will be a few new folks who haven't. I know this seems counter to what a "UFO believer" is supposed to be doing, but we have to consider all sides of these claims or we aren't being responsible in our search for the truth regarding alien visitation, and IMO this is an excellent film:Thank you for the fantastic take-down of WHAT THE BLEEP. When WTB came out, I was a member of a Unity Church. Unity is a Positive Thinking New Thought Church. Of course, the congregation went crazy for WTB. I watched it and immediately recognized the DIVA of con ladies, JZ Knight, and realized that everyone involved in the making of the film was part of the Ramtha Cult. I told church authorities but was told to keep quiet because the film was inspiring to people. I also found out that hundreds of DVD copies were flying off the shelves at the Unity Book Store - a best seller, just like THE SECRET which followed several years later. I have divorced myself in every way from the Unity Church because so much of it seems based on magical thinking and just "making a wish", along with raising your frequency vibration so you could be part of the ascension when aliens come to do their harvest of souls ready to transcend the third dimension. Uh huh.
WARNING! If you read any spiritual or motivational book OR find a group or internet site that relies on Quantum Physics to lend credibility to absurd claims, run in the other direction.
LOL - well I guess that proves both claims one way or the other then doesn't itMargie Kay knows Billy Meier is the real deal because she witnessed one of his Beamship events via remote viewing.
Hold on, I'm no supporter of any of the alien-abduction hypnosis guys and gals but I heard Dr Jacobs on Mysterious Universe just last night claim he doesn't charge anything to 'abductees'.
So either that is a lie or he thinks he is providing a service. Like many others, my biggest problem with the whole abduction theory is simply the scale. I just cannot accept that hundreds of thousands of US citizens (for starters) have been abducted. Extend that to other countries and you have something bigger than the scale of V the tv series!
And meanwhile MUFON has this woman as the Director of MUFON Missouri. LOL. And MUFON wonders why people don't renew their memberships & why they get mocked constantly.LOL - well I guess that proves both claims one way or the other then doesn't it.
I heard this interview as well. While it sounds like he believes his theory, he admitted himself that there is very little proof, other than the accounts provided by those under hypnosis. I don't remember them asking him about the possibility of being lead on. They really seemed to be trying to make a case for why this theory could be plausible though, saying that it's perfect militarily etc. What I don't get is, as others have asked, if this alien species (if they even exist and are doing this) are so advanced that they can travel across the universe and create "hubrids" as he calls them, why? I'm sure they could easily come up with a way to do mass mind-control or a mass wipeout of us without destroying the resources that they need. There just seemed to be too many holes in my opinion to his story.
Also, if I was him and believed this theory, I wouldn't be wasting my time writing a book, trying to make a profit, it sounds like there is no point in that if the aliens are just going to take over someday anyways. I'd be rallying and getting people aware of this, trying to get people in the scientific community to look into it more. That's one of the main things he talked about, no one in the scientific community taking this seriously (gee, wonder why).
Edit: And i'll say I am a skeptic but also do believe that some UFOs (not all, probably not the majority) are extraterrestrial. I believe that there is other life out of there and some of it has possibly visited us. I think maybe some people have legitimately been abducted by aliens but a lot of that could be government as well. Just saying, I'm not 100% skeptical, I just don't really believe the David Jacobs story that aliens are here, among us, mingling with humans in society before a takeover.
Speaking of Hopkins, I am super perplexed on how he thought the Linda Cortile case was valid.There are far more holes to Jacobs story than that, SpasticPat. He has claimed that he has actual proof of aliens coming to earth and creating "hubrids". He has said that he has photos and the addresses where these alien beings live. He shows the odd photo of some supposed alien bod sometimes to conferences, but other than that he has done nothing to alert the authorities that aliens are trying to take over the planet. On the other hand, like you say, he is still using this material to write a book, and make money ... when he should be running to the CIA/FBI/NSA/whoever, and helping them save the planet. So ... it just has a mild whiff of traitorism to me ... or ... even ... collaboration(??) with the evil aliens(??)
His whole scenario is bunkum. He has been leading people in hypnosis sessions for years, and allowing his research subjects to talk to each other, transcribe hypnosis sessions etc ... therefore, polluting their memories with other people's "memories" mostly created with Jacobs leading. He even has left his research subjects in a state of hypnosis, when they finish the sessions. They walk around in a daze for a unknown amount of time before finally coming back to reality. Quite a guy, eh?
So when you start looking at his story closer, there are so many sillinesses it is quite mind boggling. The aliens are so advanced that they need us to breed "hubrids". Why not just grab our dna and grow these "hubrids" in glass jars like in the X Files? They can get here from another solar system. So you would think something like that would be a piece of cake. But no ... apparently, they need us to help them ... in some spurious way.
I won't go into the graphic, and pornographic sexual violence in The Threat, or anything. You can read more about it there ... or on Emma Woods' website
This guy should have been shut down years ago. Same with Budd Hopkins, Yvonne Smith and John Carpenter (see Clueless Wonder's excellent ufotrail blog for more details on that horrendous snake in the grass: The UFO Trail) Jacobs has harmed the lives of untold people in his "quest". A quest that he doesn't even believe, himself. Quite the guy, old Dr Jacobs.
(oh, and Hi Gene!! Long time, no see)
Speaking of Hopkins, I am super perplexed on how he thought the Linda Cortile case was valid.
I agree with you 100%. Good call.I think he was enamoured of her. If you watch this video, at around 8:20 into it, you can see Hopkins stroking Cortile's wrist in a pretty unfatherly fashion (in my opinion, any way).
And that's just the tip of the iceberg, I believe ...
I don't know if it's just my nature or if flying in the U.S. Navy as a Combat Aircrewman for 5 years has anything to do with it - but I believe 9/11 was just what we all saw; radical muslims hijacking planes & crashing them into structures. Then many years later, U.S. Navy Seals taking out Bin Laden in Pakistan. Story over - in my eyes.
I did hold a SECRET clearance the entire time I was in the Navy - mostly because I had to know how to load, arm, and fly with a B57 nuclear depth bomb.
I have never stated that "ALIENS/UFOS" are "TRICKSTERS, MANIFESTED ARCHITYPES, PARANORMAL CHAMELEONS." These are only several possibilities that are overlooked by the vast majority of those lazy armchair types who are programmed by their TV/Culture and the occasional book they MAY read from time-to-time. IMO, there are phenomenal events that can't be explained by knee-jerk, simple-minded, mundane, one-dimensional thinking. That's all.ALIENS/UFOS ARE:
Thomas Bullard, John Greer, George Hanson, Chris O'Brian, Jacques Vallee
Yeah, you aren't that special. Either am I or anyone else for that matter. "Special destiny" witnesses/experiencers are almost always suspect IMO as they suggest the likelihood of worthiness issues or other pathological conditions. There are probably exceptions, but they are few and very far between—again, IMO....In my casual polling of people, nearly everyone I talk to has either seen something strange themselves or knows somebody in their circle of family and friends who has. Even if we only take 25% of that number, we're still looking at a large number of people. Like I always say. I can't be the only one: I'm just not that special.