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Ron Paul

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I thought some of you might like this video.

Did anyone happen to catch the debates? Ron Paul destroyed the fake "Republicans" yet again. He made his most sense and got his best responce when talking about the CFR and globalism. The WTO is NOT the future. Globalism is an evil tool used to destroy individual weatlh. Dr. Paul underdstand this even more then I though he previously did. He is the real deal, thankfully.
It is interesting to watch how Paul's campaign gradually gains momentum. Even the MSM can't ignore him any longer, although they are doing their level worst to make him appear not a serious contender.

I am certain, if the game wasn't rigged - and it so obviously is - Ron Paul would be the top candidate and easily win the election.
What's it going to take to realize Ron Paul doesn't have a chance? What have you been smoking? What planet are you on? I can just see Ron Paul as Commander-in-Chief: "Retreat!!!!!!" That's his battle cry. That's what he's about. Let's just pretend for a second that he DID get the nomination. If he did, Clinton would win all fifty states in the biggest landslide in history.

No. I don't want to go there. Neither does the nation. It's not going to happen. When it doesn't, just remember: You heard it here first. :D
Schuyler said:
What's it going to take to realize Ron Paul doesn't have a chance? What have you been smoking? What planet are you on? I can just see Ron Paul as Commander-in-Chief: "Retreat!!!!!!" That's his battle cry. That's what he's about. Let's just pretend for a second that he DID get the nomination. If he did, Clinton would win all fifty states in the biggest landslide in history.

No. I don't want to go there. Neither does the nation. It's not going to happen. When it doesn't, just remember: You heard it here first. :D

Yeah "retreat" is exactly the first thing USA should do. Why the hell have you got 800 bases in over 100 countries? To keep Omaha safe? DesMoines? Springfield? You're borrowing 80% of the world's daily savings to pay for this madness, what do you think the world thinks of such behaviour? I wish I could assume that the geostrategic intentions here were honourable, but I really cant.

& you're hardly going out on a limb to predict that an outsider candidate with no institutional support maybe won't win the election.
Keep tilting at those windmills mister Keyotee!!! Amen to everything you said.

"The moral and constitutional obligations of our representatives in Washington are to protect our liberty, not coddle the world, precipitating no-win wars, while bringing bankruptcy and economic turmoil to our people."
-Ron Paul

Ron Paul is absolutely in tune with the cause of freedom, and understands why we are failing as a nation to live up to the high ideals expressed in the constitution. Unfortunately, that philosophy seems no longer to be a selling point for a candidate.

Schuyler, Ron Paul may lose in a one on one with Hillary. Freedom is a hard sell when the other person is promising you anything and everything they can think of, regardless of the constitutionality, practicality, or morality of the promise.

You're probably right though, stupidity and greed will win over freedom and personal responsibility. Sad but true.
I think if Ron Paul was elected President he would be assassinated. Can you imagine The money and power he would disrupt? I like Ron, but I definitely don't see eye to eye on some of his issues. But he's definitely an honest good man and thats all you can ask for.
Of course he is likely to be killed. I know that myself. What people MISS is that it is NOT the man but the ideology of not accepting this country turning to total shit at the hands of facists/socalists/globalists/Neo-Cons who are sending this country into the same route the USSR took. People, though they may not agree on every point, are awake to the lies of their bastard government. If there is not a revolution by peace and getting someone like Ron Paul in office there will be one of violence that I don't want.

This country is surfing the razor's edge right now. There is no more slack for a breaking point. Truth is if someone kills Ron Paul now there could be REAL insurrection from that alone and that scumbag in office could put PD-51 on us. I support Ron Paul because he is the ONLY man with a shot (though I also like Dennis Kucinch and Mike Gravel but they have zero chance on the left) to win and keep this country for maybe going under. If you are not aware how bad it is and how close we are to going under (already being insolvent according to the BIS, who controls the FED!) then you are not paying attention. Get over yourselves Democrats who disagree on social issues with a "Republican" like Ron Paul who is not a Neo-Conservative degenerate. Time is running out. DONATE to Ron Paul!

If he wins, then wonderful. If not we are in for a living hell. Apathy is not an option. Apathy means this country goes under, we attack Iran, and we go into a global depression and into WW III with Russia and China in a space based global war. Do you understand all of this? If not READ and LEARN about it! Reality is screaming at you. Look at it in the face and deal with it. Support the right man, Ron Paul!
Please America pick Ron Paul, he is the only candidate I know of who can offer a real alternative to the status quo (the Bush/Clinton Axis of Lies) that has been disastrous for your dollar and standing in the world. Ron Paul is the only one who can save your nation and mine, if the American Empire falls the rest of the western world will fall with it and we will all be left with the likes of Putin's Russia and communist China pulling the shots.

Be part of something important. Love your country, save your country, and support the right ideas.


Ron Paul is nothing new - he fits squarely in the old Republican tradition of isolationism, which is a non-starter in a world where I can send a message to someone in China in a second. I can't help but chuckle at those people from the center and left that have embraced Paul simply because of his simple-minded, isolationist foreign policy stance (there were plenty of folks with similar ideas in the 1930s), while they ignore his stance on other important issues, like abortion, which he opposes (see http://www.ontheissues.org/TX/Ron_Paul_Abortion.htm).

It's all a lot of Internet bluster anyway - Dr. Paul is nothing more than a minor sideshow.
Hmmm ... Ron Paul is a good guy??

He wrote this book ...


with a certain Lewis E. Lehrman who just happens was (still is??) on the PNAC Board of Directors ...

Lehrman bio here:


Hmmm ... he also says that Arabs did 9/11, and is promoted endlessly by Alex "Infowrestler" Jones ... hmmm ...

I'd save your money Ron Paul fans ...
Pull out your law dictionary, Kimball, and look up "isolationism." You'll see that it means not involving oneself at all with other nations. It means not trading with them, not having cultural interchange and so forth. This is not what Ron Paul advocates. He simply believes that we ought not to get entangled in dangerous alliances, we ought not to interfere with the affairs of nations that pose no national security threat to us, and basically that we ought not to police the world.

Ron Paul has already answered the charge that he is an isolationist again and again. You should respond to his answer instead of regurgitating the neocon party line that has already been rebutted.

Why don't you respond to his stance on abortion instead of just arguing that he's against it and thus prima facia isn't hip on the big issues like you. His stance on abortion is informed by his many years as a medical doctor who has delivered over 4000 babies. He certainly knows more about the intricacies of childbirth than you.

I agree that he will not win the primaries, but I still think that he's the best republican candidate and ought to win.
Oh is there in election in America coming up? We don't really here much about that much in the Southern Hemisphere. Just goes to show I suppose that fewer nations are becoming less concerned about who gets voted in (well at least the media do - I can't say that politicians or the civil servants would take this approach for various understandable reasons). An interesting change - in the 70's to the early 2000's the media in our country were quite keen on world politics especially in the US.
I've really enjoyed the views expressed in this thread. I'd not heard of Ron Paul until I started seeing his signs pop up in people's yards and checked him out. He is really a good fundraiser, isn't he?!

I'm still terribly undecided on who I'm going to vote for, though . . . : 0
Ron Paul doesn't accept the Theory of Evolution.
Question posed at 2min35.

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I'm not a US citizen, I have no say in this election, but for fucks sake, "it's a theory, a theory of evolution and I dont accept it"...
C'mon. He should have refused to answer rather than this tripe.