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Roswell is Crap

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I wasn't attacking you. I was calling you out on a familiar and thoughtless blanket love for our military. Not everyone is a sycophant.

Tossing around words like sycophant is a pretty good indicator of someone who isn't very bright trying desperately hard to be perceived as so.
I wasn't attacking you. I was calling you out on a familiar and thoughtless blanket love for our military. Not everyone is a sycophant.

I have as much use for "blanket love" as I do for "blanket hate", which YOU seem to have for everything American. This whole shpiel started with me expressing my impression of Jesse Marcel, Jr. You then apparently took that to mean that I was somehow supportive of all this country's many tragic incursions and every single person who wears a uniform, as if I somehow can't differentiate between those who have integrity, and those who lack it. Whatever, you're building mountains out of raisins, consistent with your other posts on these forums.

Later, alligator.

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