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Russian combat helicopters crossing the border of Ukraine

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nonesense, russia hasnt changed, it went busto, nothing else changed, just the reporting of it changed, the propoganda machine changed its record and that's it, the west exploited russian rescources whilst they were skint, so improved the public's impression of them, to keep them sweet, that is all there was to it..
For what it's worth my brother is with the DOD and stationed in Ukraine. There really is the potential it could get bad. Crimea doesn't have a water source and it is all piped in from the mainland and there are talks by the Ukrainian government of shutting off the water and if that happens it could get real ugly in a real hurry as Putin would have to decide go back off or to invade the rest of Ukraine. The US Is Trying everything it can to keep Ukraine from doing it.

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Russia Threatens To Abandon The U.S. Dollar And Start Dumping U.S. Debt

ah yeah well interesting indeed

Sort of relevant quotes from bankers of old:

“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.”
Gutle Schnaper, wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and mother of his five sons

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves of the Bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.”
Sir Josiah Stamp, President of the Bank of England in the 1920s, the second richest man in Britain
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For what it's worth my brother is with the DOD and stationed in Ukraine. There really is the potential it could get bad. Crimea doesn't have a water source and it is all piped in from the mainland and there are talks by the Ukrainian government of shutting off the water and if that happens it could get real ugly in a real hurry as Putin would have to decide go back off or to invade the rest of Ukraine. The US Is Trying everything it can to keep Ukraine from doing it.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

I think this data feed highlights the tension clearly enough


North Korea Tests Rocket Launcher With Range Beyond Seoul, South Says

March 4, 2014

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea on Tuesday tested a new multiple-rocket launcher with a range long enough to strike major American and South Korean military bases south of Seoul, South Korean military officials said.

Four rockets were launched Tuesday afternoon from Wonsan, a coastal city east of the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, flying 96 miles to the northeast before crashing into the sea between the Korean Peninsula and Japan, a South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman said.

The spokesman said his ministry had determined that the rockets were fired from a new multiple-rocket launcher that North Korea had been developing. He spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing ministry policy.

Earlier on Tuesday, North Korea tested an older multiple-rocket launcher, firing three rockets that flew 34 miles off its east coast, the spokesman said.

The tests are seen as Pyongyang’s latest show of force as the United States and South Korea conduct annual joint military exercises, to which the North strongly objects. On Thursday, North Korea fired four short-range ballistic missiles that traveled 124 miles from its east coast. On Monday, it fired another short-range ballistic missile that flew 310 miles.

“We believe this is an intentional provocation to raise tensions,” the South Korean ministry spokesman said Tuesday.
The bankers are spooking their livestock in order to stampede them in a particular direction.

Having been to this carnival twenty times already, I wager most of you will not remember this kerfuffle two years from now.

Remember when we were all gonna die because China took down that U.S. military surveillance aircraft?

I didn't think so.

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And the same old tools of empire are being used, Putin denying those are actual Russian soldiers in Crimea. So is he really "delusional" and "detached from reality" as other world leaders have speculated? Is he just pushing the tension lines now to see what will happen next? Isn't he worried about his own country's economic status, because he obviously doesn't care about being an outcast in the globe, yet again. History repeats itself - pretty sad, given what a long way Russia has come to work with the west.

Armoured vehicles, the ships, tanks, and helicopters of course belong to the Russians.

Are all the the soldiers occupying Crimea Russian born?

the ranks of the Russian military are also open to non-Russian citizens of the Commonwealth of Independent States, of which Russia is the largest member.[34] By December 2003, the Russian parliament had approved a law in principle to permit the Armed Forces to employ foreign nationals on contract by offering them Russian citizenship after several years service.[35] Yet up to 2010, foreigners could only serve in Russia's armed forces after getting a Russian passport. Under a 2010 Defence Ministry plan, foreigners without dual citizenship would be able to sign up for five-year contracts and will be eligible for Russian citizenship after serving three years.[36] The change could open the way for CIS citizens to get fast-track Russian citizenship, and counter the effects of Russia's demographic crisis on its army recruitment
Don't underestimate the tools of the US! and it's allies! Kieran:)

No tools will stop every nuclear missile fired. A nuclear missile will reach its target less than 15 minutes after launch.

anyone that believe's russia ever really let go of it's empire, or will ever let go of it, are soft in the head.

Crimea is bordering Russia. The people there want to be part of Russia. Let them be Russian if that's their choice!

America, attacks and bombs countries in the Middle East, and Africa all the time.. Putin must be smiling. America lecturing him that he's the bad guy for doing what he did?

World politics is laughable it really is!
My sympathies are with those Ukranians in search of a more democratic way of life, and naturally hope to find it by leaning to the west. My sympathies are with any nation lying in close proximity to Russia. But feelings, alas, are not realities. Check the geographical distance between Russia and the Ukraine vs the distances from the U.S. or Europe. Even in this more globally interconnected world, it would be near insane to contemplate so much as serious sabre rattling. Unless someone on either side does something either accidentally insidiously stupid, this will be a conflict played out primarily in the arena of economics.

Re Regan: He (or someone whispering in his ear) had a profound talent for riding the horse in whatever direction it was already going and taking credit for leadership afterwards. I've never bought official history claiming we had no idea the old Soviet Union was in the process of crumbling. Our agencies big mistakes, but not that big.
this will play out by russia's rules, and that's it, western press coverage is a none-sense, i had to switch abc news off yesterday as i felt a strong urge to throw the mug of tea i drinking thru the screen, as some blond bint was describing putin as a nasty vindictive man, her words precisely, russia isnt going to let go of the Ukraine, its theirs, they will let them be autonomous to a point, but they will no more let it go than the US would of let Hawaii become japanese.

american MSM is the biggest crock of shit ive ever had the mis-fortune to listen to.
may aswell just call it what it is, state tv news, produced by walt disney.
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The bankers are spooking their livestock in order to stampede them in a particular direction.

Having been to this carnival twenty times already, I wager most of you will not remember this kerfuffle two years from now.

Remember when we were all gonna die because China took down that U.S. military surveillance aircraft?

I didn't think so.

Charlie I found pictures of your bankers swimming in the Bahamas:
Charlie I found pictures of your bankers swimming in the Bahamas:

Cute Cute Cute! :)

If you want to understand the New York / London bankers behind this current Chevron/Exxon in the Ukraine play, check out this documentary about how they brought Putin to power, and their shock when he turned on them.

Mind the propaganda in this vid: Bankers using government to loot citizens is the opposite of Capitalism.

"Ukraine's Democratic Coup d'Etat: Washington Supports a Neo-Nazi Coalition Government" with Michel Chossudovsky. The political and economic crisis in the Ukraine; involvement of the United States and the European Union in the violent overthrow of the democratically elected Ukraine President; the 2004 Orange Revolution in that country; its geography; the involvement of the International Monetary Fund and NATO in Ukraine's history; lustration or mass disqualification of the members of Viktor Yanukovych's government.
This is anMP3 interview on Guns and Butter
Guns and Butter - March 5, 2014 at 1:00pm | KPFA 94.1 FM Berkeley: Listener Sponsored Free Speech Radio
C'mon baby, light my (Crimean) fire
By Pepe Escobar
Amid all the hysteria from Washington and certain European capitals, what's not explained to puzzled public opinion is that these fascists/neo-nazis who got to power through a coup will never allow real elections to take place in Ukraine; after all they would most certainly be sent packing.
This week on CounterSpin: Journalists and pundits say Vladimir Putin is off his rocker, and the proof is not just his invasion of Crimea, but his preposterous suggestion that the US has, on several occasions, acted lawlessly. We'll talk with Robert Parry of Consortium News, about the US, Russia and the power struggle over Ukraine.
Robert Parry on Ukraine, Luke Charles Harris on My Brother’s Keeper — FAIR: Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting