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September 3, 2017 — Dr. Jacques Vallee

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In relation to the severed cable leading up to the camera, I cannot envision Occam’s razor suggesting an invisible demon as the culprit rather than some type of military experiment in which the researchers at the ranch being researched themselves.

Of course, I could be incorrect….
As I said to Randall the other day, there seems to be some kind of anti-pattern going on here. What Chris calls the trickster.

It's evidenced by it's lack of evidence, and events that don't fit the pattern of day to day life. They only cause interest because they don't fit.

But they don't give any evidence for anything, except the anomaly itself. It's truly odd.
... and Bigelow is truly odd.

By all accounts, there is and has been a force interacting with human perception for countless years in that area. Not surprising would be some branch of the military exploiting the phenomena.

Robert seemingly enters the crosshairs ….
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... and Bigelow is truly odd.

By all accounts, there is and has been a force interacting with human perception for countless years in that area. Not surprising would be some branch of the military exploiting the phenomena.

Robert seemingly enters the crosshairs ….
Didn't Vallee just say that nothing happened for years at the ranch when Bigelow had it?
Let's break down what you're saying here, man.

You're saying the hosts are bullies and it's a dictatorship. And yet you're here posting about that.

Paracast is free and these forums are free and we're guests here. If you don't like the hospitality, just leave.

If you want to show some class, fire Gene & Chris a civil PM on your way out why and then just go. Nobody asked you to be here.

I actually did respond to Chris very reasonably in private, I have those messages. My comments here were reasonable. The reality is the hosts have very thin skin and take objections to their ideas, presentations style, or support for various cases as "attacks." Chris is doing it currently on a thread about Travis Walton. Some random guy is making beautiful, rational, point by point objections to the Walton case, and Chris is calling him an, "arm chair QB" and asking him, "how many field hours" does he have...This type of behavior is not isolated to me. Again, 95% percent of my posts here have little to do with the hosts or their views, I write about a variety of things. However, the second I mention Chris, or take on his views or support of people like Sanford, I am threatened privately and told I am "attacking" him...
I actually did respond to Chris very reasonably in private, I have those messages. My comments here were reasonable. The reality is the hosts have very thin skin and take objections to their ideas, presentations style, or support for various cases as "attacks." Chris is doing it currently on a thread about Travis Walton. Some random guy is making beautiful, rational, point by point objections to the Walton case, and Chris is calling him an, "arm chair QB" and asking him, "how many field hours" does he have...This type of behavior is not isolated to me. Again, 95% percent of my posts here have little to do with the hosts or their views, I write about a variety of things. However, the second I mention Chris, or take on his views or support of people like Sanford, I am threatened privately and told I am "attacking" him...
Why are you doing this? You just can't move on can you? You obviously have a stick up yer ass about me and it comes through loud and clear and I'm not the only one that can see this. I've bent over backwards in my attempt to get you to stand down and move it along, but you won't listen. You're like a little kid that can't get people to see his point so he stamps his little feet harder and whines louder. Perhaps if I knew exactly who I was dealing with, I'd be more willing to engage, but you're just another anonymous troll and if I hear one more peep, you're a toasted troll.
Yes, but even if there was activity he couldn't talk about it as he obviously signed a NDA like everybody else involved w/ NIDS.
at about 1:14 left in the show... I'm paraphrasing...

Jaques Vallee said:
I don't want to say anything discouraging, but for about six years on the Sherman Ranch, nothing happened, even though there were scientists there, the ranchers there, the family, cameras, sensors...time to time something would happen [cattle mutilations, animal strange behaviour, orbs]... there were craft at the neighbours to the left and the right, but not on the ranch...

I thought he was talking about the NIDS research because he mentioned scientists, maybe I was wrong?
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I actually did respond to Chris very reasonably in private, I have those messages. My comments here were reasonable. The reality is the hosts have very thin skin and take objections to their ideas, presentations style, or support for various cases as "attacks." Chris is doing it currently on a thread about Travis Walton. Some random guy is making beautiful, rational, point by point objections to the Walton case, and Chris is calling him an, "arm chair QB" and asking him, "how many field hours" does he have...This type of behavior is not isolated to me. Again, 95% percent of my posts here have little to do with the hosts or their views, I write about a variety of things. However, the second I mention Chris, or take on his views or support of people like Sanford, I am threatened privately and told I am "attacking" him...
Why won't you drop it, man?

Chris has responded pretty civilly to myself and Randall, even though I'm on the fence about the Walton case and Randall thinks it's a hoax (I think, I don't want to speak for him).

I don't feel all butt hurt about the disagreement.
Why won't you drop it, man?
He obviously has a bug up his ass about me. Maybe if he read my books he'd get a better idea of who I am and what I bring to the table? Naw, he obviously couldn't care less—he's only interested in looking for those moments when he can get his digs in and then complain when I react.
He obviously has a bug up his ass about me. Maybe if he read my books he'd get a better idea of who I am and what I bring to the table? Naw, he obviously couldn't care less—he's only interested in looking for those moments when he can get his digs in and then complain when I react.

Since Chris posted two more times, I think it is fair I am at least given one reply here. Hopefully this won't be considered an, "attack."

If the "digs" are presented thoughtfully and are backed up, I don't see a problem with it (or even think they are digs). Now if I was sitting on this forum and just calling you horrible names left and right, that would be inappropriate. I simply objected to Stanford, which you interpret as me hating you, I thought your Contact in the Desert video was immature and treated the attendees poorly. You replied, "they were fair game for being hardcore believers" essentially saying they deserved it....meanwhile a handful of people you spoke to admitted they only had a passing interest in the genre. Finally, on this thread, I simply pointed out you have been a bit two-faced when it comes to Vallee, and posted the reason why I thought that.

The above illustrates just a handful of instances where you were even peripherally in my focus, but I have been on this site for at least 5 years now! So who is really obsessed with who? The majority of my posts have nothing to do with you (sorry), the show, or "digging" on anyone. Yet I am threatened privately.
I stopped participating in this forum about a year ago because people were arguing about truly petty shit, and getting really hostile with each other in the process. That and I hadn't heard anything fresh in the world of ufos and the paranormal on this show or any of the other good ones out there.

And nothing has changed. Ever get the feeling that something finds us amusing?
Enjoyed the show and on science topic . One for Dr Jacque Vallee would the evidence of large meteor strikes correlate with the findings of Metallum anomaly with the Earth's mantle ? Secondly, have you found much evidence of the Metallum white gold particles near so called UFO landing areas/Abductions over the years?
Why does everybody assume the US military is capable of just about anything?

I don't think their technology has approached anything like science fiction levels. For one, they use a lowest cost contractor model. For another, they make very shortsighted long term capital decisions based on funding whims.

If you zoom out, they shoot bits of metal at people using gunpowder for the most part. That tech has been around for hundreds of years.

They blow stuff up with chemicals. That bit has been around for hundreds of years, too. Their planes run on gas, their cars run on gas, just like everybody else's do.

The newest tech they have seems to be nukes and non fly by wire aircraft. Which is pretty cool... but not science fiction.

If you want to look at their high tech, look at the X37B. Pretty cool, but at the end of the day it's just a small remotely operated shuttle. Basic control surfaces, and all it does is what the shuttle did: it's basically a short haul truck.

They don't have frickin' sharks with frickin' laser beams. They don't have troops deployed with jetpacks, they don't have troops deployed with powered armour, they don't appear to have a working quantum computer... and if they did, they probably wouldn't know what to do with it.

They leak their best minds to the private sector from what I hear, as well.

Government agencies are notorious for being backward, slow, bureaucratic, and cheap. Hell, even they buy their iPhones from apple like the rest of us and think they are fancy.

Why do people look at them in awe? It seems if there were some kind of disinformation campaign, it's about their advanced capability that is the lie.
Ah, but the Secret Space Program has miracles beyond beliefs, with cures to all diseases, the ability to regress someone in age 20 years and time travel. They have cloned troops, colonies all over the solar system (think THE EXPANSE) and are on a first name basis with the Grey who abducted you when you were 5. Seriously, since Corey Goode's fiction became fact in ufology, I have come upon many 20 somethings on YOUTUBE who claim to have also done 20 to 60 years in the Secret Space Program and then been regressed back to an extended childhood as a 20 something again. What you hear out there is astonishing in its total disconnect from any sense of reality.

Here is an example of what is going on. Here are 2 Corey Goode clones who are waxing nostalgic over their time in the Secret Space Program.

Yes, but even if there was activity he couldn't talk about it as he obviously signed a NDA like everybody else involved w/ NIDS.

Say.., what ever happened to Junior Hick’s journal, did Mr. Deep Pockets vacuum that up too, or, do you know what actually happened to it?

Wasn’t it in the possession of Frank Salisbury for awhile?
Chris, all of what you said might be true, but in the sound file you clearly mock the guy, his accent, and his ideas. To date I don't think he has ever done so to you. Moreover, you were not even brave enough to take this issue up with him on the show. I don't think you politely disagreed with his views or his research, you clearly mocked him in a very disrespectful way. Vallee would never act that way towards another legitimate researcher, in such an obnoxious way. This might be why Vallee is so revered, and you get upset because people didn't buy your book, or really respect your research. It goes both ways.
I am trying to figure out your goal with this line of attack. Do you envision Chris abjectly apologizing to you and the forum? Do you envision the forum participants raising cyber pitchforks and lit torches to march on Chris's castle to "destroy the monster"?

Chris can be inconsistent. That is the message? Yes, I am sure that is true. But we all are, aren't we? If you want to have a field day, why not research all the sound bites from Donald Trump before and after the campaign, if you want to focus on inconsistency. But I am not using the pathetic arguement "So and so did it too, so Chris is able to do it". I guess my actual point is that this is such a trivial issue in the face of what is going on in the USA every single day in the White House. So if investigating this kind of thing is important to you, you have a historically significant time now to flesh out inconsistencies.

Chris can be snarky. Sometimes I don't think he feels very well when he has been on the Paracast. He has had a stressful time and this can lead to off-the-cuff remarks. I do not recall the episode you speak of, but I am not surprised. I instead am surprised that it is such a big deal to you. You remind me of Perry Mason zeroing in on a murderer in court. In Perry Mason style, do you wish Chris to break down (on the stand) and cry while yelling "Yes! I killed Jacque. I killed him softly with my words and then I resurrected him again with my words. I am the god of hellfire and eternal life!" LOL

Well, onward and upward. I don't feel called upon to defend the hosts. I am just a bit amazed at your tenacity in forcing such a trivial point to the brink of your personal suicide (from the forum's point of view).
Since I joined The Paracast I've been praised, insulted, thanked, cursed, banned and invited on the show as a guest co-host. It's become a journey in and of itself that has helped me to grow personally, refine my presentation skills, and then give back by contributing. I have Gene, Chris, and everyone who has engaged me on this site either positively or negatively to thank for that experience. Now that I'm finished talking all about me and the drama is over you can all go back to doing whatever you're doing :cool:.
Ah, but the Secret Space Program has miracles beyond beliefs, with cures to all diseases, the ability to regress someone in age 20 years and time travel. They have cloned troops, colonies all over the solar system (think THE EXPANSE) and are on a first name basis with the Grey who abducted you when you were 5. Seriously, since Corey Goode's fiction became fact in ufology, I have come upon many 20 somethings on YOUTUBE who claim to have also done 20 to 60 years in the Secret Space Program and then been regressed back to an extended childhood as a 20 something again. What you hear out there is astonishing in its total disconnect from any sense of reality.

Here is an example of what is going on. Here are 2 Corey Goode clones who are waxing nostalgic over their time in the Secret Space Program.

I think I have just created a new genre of fiction! "Why-Fi" a bit like Sci-Fi only not as interesting, creative or novel. Oh and entirely pointless and mentally insulting to boot.
I am sure somebody has coined it already :)

If this lot are responsible for the security of Earth we are doomed :eek:
It is a shame that such a great show has devolved into this type of forum interaction. It is embarrassing, and shows partly why our field in inquiry is not taken seriously. I am sure Vallee has better things to do than take a look at this thread, and hopefully this is the case. I am sure he didn't get to this point in his illustrious career by getting involved in such interactions.