Walter Bosley
Paranormal Adept
And damn your torpedoes! When I sailed into these waters today, my daily caffeine had not been activated! LOL
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Being that there are multiple theories to various phenomena such as ghosts/hauntings, the origin of our various visitors & unidentified craft, the cattle mutilation mystery and more I see no reason why the same considerations can't be given to unexplained disappearances.
I look forward to listening to that show. Paulides' work is some of the most important stuff going on in the alternative research world -- and it shouldn't be considered alternative. The experience he's had with the parks service is deplorable and reflects amateurish thuggery in attitude on the part of whoever's running the show at the top there. Regardless what way out theories we can come up with, there remain people missing from the parks. That the Parks service reps are such a-holes where the data is concerned is unacceptable but they get away with it. This does nothing but force people to go to the high strangeness possibilities for lack of essential further data -- not to eliminate the weird because certainly numerous cases Paulides presents in his mutliple volumes ARE weird. Read his books. Some say they get the point after one, but if you're really into this subject, read all of them. I place Paulides' work on this as among the top three items in the alternative community.
This does nothing but force people to go to the high strangeness possibilities for lack of essential further data
It's wonderful that you and Walter have found common ground but I think it's worth pointing out that tune you two were dancing to last page, as it's an important meme of paranormal discourse.Agreed. I heard him speak on another show and picked up his books: his work is thorough and impressive. And the response of the Parks Service is, as you say, thuggish.
. I don't think Paulides' work has any merit whatsoever, but that's just what I believe. Now watch as I do my usual appeal approach to dialogue...
I have never been convinced by any of the lengthy podcasts where I have heard him speak in detail to his claims. The Parks Services sound like they are underfunded and it's none of his business and they're trying to present the parks as viable tourist destinations. Not one case he cited was paranormal so much as he turned absence of evidence, and a lack of understanding or knowing what happened, into his own paranormal yarn. High profile cases such as Elisa Lam and Todd Sees speak directly to how drug usage can be a very dangerous reality, but because of all the weirdness surrounding their sad deaths many made a paranormal leap when much more mundane realities makes much more sense than inventing a non-human boogeyman. I think Paulides' work is about creating stories that do not exist in reality. There's an exploitational flavor there I find to be quite distasteful. Many conspiracy theories leave me cold.In what way? Do you think David is cherry picking some cases or embellishes (or lying) the apparent stone walling of the park service when it comes to record keeping or getting reports or asking for money for providing such?
I agree 're Elisa Lam and the vast majority of what I've heard from Mr Paulides leaves me underwhelmed.However there are one or two cases that do appear quite strange (going off Paulides interpretation)To be fair I've not read the books I've just heard several interviews but he does seem to sensationalize some mundane aspects.I have never been convinced by any of the lengthy podcasts where I have heard him speak in detail to his claims. The Parks Services sound like they are underfunded and it's none of his business and they're trying to present the parks as viable tourist destinations. Not one case he cited was paranormal so much as he turned absence of evidence, and a lack of understanding or knowing what happened, into his own paranormal yarn. High profile cases such as Elisa Lam and Todd Sees speak directly to how drug usage can be a very dangerous reality, but because of all the weirdness surrounding their sad deaths many made a paranormal leap when much more mundane realities makes much more sense than inventing a non-human boogeyman. I think Paulides' work is about creating stories that do not exist in reality. There's an exploitational flavor there I find to be quite distasteful. Many conspiracy theories leave me cold.