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Nicely said and insightful. I'm in wholehearted agreement with everything you said.

Politics and UFOs are unavoidably interlinked.

There is a great deal of energy spent on demands for disclosure. The desire to satisfy ones curiosity is enormous. But not enough discussion is spent on the repercussions.

Like you said, disclosure may not be what we expect.

A whole myriad of scenarios can be made that are quite disturbing:

Given that there are nonhumans behind UFOs then it is safe to assume, because they have far more advanced technology, they've been around far longer than us. 1,000 years ahead? One million years ahead? Now if we take Medieval paintings and other historical accounts including the Bible as proof that we've been visited throughout our history then can we assume that they've been witness to key developments in our history? What could they tell us about Moses? Or Jesus? Or Mohamed? Can you imagine if they say,"Hey, we were there with Moses. We took Mohamed with us. And, Jesus was just a regular dude." Would this not shake the foundations of our religious systems? What if the answer is,"There is no God"?

What would happen if they say,"We don't believe in democracy and elected governments. We engineer our leaders to be genetically superior in every way"? Would this cause us to believe in a caste system based on genetic superiority? Is the rest of the Universe also divided into the genetic haves and have nots?

What would happen if they say,"Capitalism and free market economies are wrong. We've got a better system. But you're gonna have to change everything you do and 90 percent of the jobs will be unnecessary"? Dave and Gene would certainly be out of a job.

How about genetic manipulation of the human species? There are numerous directions you can take with this scenario.

At the very least our understanding of science will be shaken along with everything political and spiritual endeavor.
Posted by Gene Steinberg - Today 01:50 AM
The first book I read about UFOs, "Flying Saucers From Outer Space," by the late Donald E. Keyhoe,was political. He was talking to government contacts to get UFO information, asking for congressional hearings to reveal the truth. And that was way, way back in the early part of the modern UFO era.

So how do you remove politics from the equation?

Of course you can't remove politics from the equation, Gene. I agree.
But it gets tiresome when it gets off topic and into domestic policy and non "Paranormal" ranting.
There's a difference between the discussion of governments, what they know about UFOs, any level of concealment thereof and the discourse about Republicans vs Democrats, was 9/11 staged or real?, US foreign policy, any US government policy or any government(s) policy for that matter.