I suggest everyone do this. They are all clowns, and their opposition to eachother is entirely phony and used to push the stuff they agree on without opposition (i.e., banker scam debt-currency, perpetual war, corporate cronyism, torture, mass spying etc.).
If they agree on all those things, that's plenty enough to completely disqualify them from any respect or consideration.
Furthermore, "right wing" vs "left wing", "conservative" vs "liberal" all of it is all a giant game to divide people. People are most easily dealt with when they are fighting amongst themselves. These labels are used to trick everyone into thinking the "opposite side" are filled with subhuman jerks who deserve no respect or consideration. That's the goal. They want the people divided, weak, easily susceptible to mind-screws that direct behavior in ways TPTB want.
That is precisely what the trivial "us vs them" game they play is designed for. Buying into it is a grave mistake.
I cannot believe that you are stating the undeniable truth here... Bravo for what I have emboldened above, and much, much, more!! It's like the old saying goes, "If Dems and Reps are both against deficits, why do we have one"?...Or, as Gene has taught and reminded me several times lately, (wise son of a gun right there

) how many times do these criminals create bills, acts, and even complete systematic institutional overhauls, only to have their rivals, opposite their own party, adopt, support, and fully "run" with these same exactingly tailored legal (?) reconstructions, while said system's initial author himself runs on the back of a faux soapbox rant that consists of an adversarial stance poised against something that he himself is credited with introducing!? These guys don't think we're stupid, they know it, and act on it routinely.
Hopefully the American people can see that no matter what party is in office at the time, the AHCA was going through once it was time for it to become a reality on the big stage, regardless.
The bottom line with the bipartisan system we have here in the USA is that central policy is created, forwarded, initiated, and ultimately implemented, despite which party is office. This is a simple fact of life and neither party's orientation makes a damn bit of difference as to the actuation date. Just the manner in which the perceived majority is "handled"and thereby the policies are best socially orientated to insure their most efficiently effective legal initiation, and implementation.
It's simply, "no lose", cruel monarchical ruling class politics, and I certainly hope that in time, with enough of this road from desperation to determination that we've all been toddling along here in the United States for the last 100 years or so, that we will unite as a true majority despite the materialistic, bipartisan, and the culturally divided, (Did I just say that? Shame on me!) programming, and simply put an end to this farce that is central bank driven capitalism. That church's deacons have got to go. There is NOTHING wrong with the edifice itself. It's just that the bloodline is corrupt beyond any means of purification and through it's preservation, we are all, woefully, economically, diseased. Diseased to the point wherein we all acquire a third world, water seeking out it's own level like, subordinate, routine,
*ruling class initiated and perpetuated economic subsistence. It's really a pathetic prognosis, and frankly, we better wake our asses up before it's too late or we are all (or at least 99.9999999999% of us) going to end up with a personal benefaction to those whom we love, that will consist of a future with generations upon generations of our own bloodlines bound to an economic outlook the color of Metallica's self titled album.
*(as in your ass is OWNED, and according to the great Charles Fort, that would mean we've been hawked twice! Bastids!)