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Smoking smell in the den

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And again with the accent shit? C'mon. I didn't even talk more then a few minutes.

Dave-I love ya my friend, but don't ask me back on again.

oh shiiiii.... Again ?.

sorry Jeff this was the first time id heard it, so if others have commented on it before, then it may just be that you have an accent. no crime there

hells bells imagine an aussie paracast.... paul hogan and russel crowe as hosts (no reference to telephone throwing intended) now that would be bad.
Smoking is a filthy habit.
Thanks so much for your opinion, but that wasn't the point, was it?

We have some testimony that it might have been from unpacked items, but we also have testimony that 'smoke smell' can be more evocative. It is this last that is most interesting to me because of personal experience. Anyone can surely understand that smoke can be smelled if there are particulates in the air from real smoke, but when you can 'smell smoke' even when there is NO CHANCE of smoke particulates in the air, now THAT'S interesting on a number of levels. If the human brain's memories can trigger a smell 'hallucination,' then perhaps it can trigger the other senses into perceiving stuff that isn't there. Particularly in THIS field, I find that intriguing.

I found the discussion interesting and I thank Jeff, et al, for discussing it.
dont mind me, i watched too much scooby doo as a kid and cant resist solving the mystery even today. i was pretty sure it wasnt a greedy real estate agent who wanted to build a resort this time.

i didnt mean to cause any offence, and i offer unreserved apoligies to any i have. the add for the show, during the show says "we LIKE to hear from our listeners" which i took to be be an invitation of sorts

i didnt mean to tread on anyones toes
A friend of my dad's, who happens to be sheriff's deputy, has been living in a spare room at his house. He lost his ass in a divorce. This house is very old and across the street from a cemetary. Many people have lived and died there. Having grown up there I can attest that weird shit goes on.
Anyway...this friend of my dad's got shook up pretty good recently when he woke up and there was an old woman sitting at the foot of his bed smoking a cigarette. He asked who she was and she just disappeared. He did not know that many years before a friend of my grandma's had lived in that room for about 15 years before dying of lung cancer. He claims the smell of cigarette smoke lingered for some time.
I cannot believe you guys/gals have latched onto this smoke thing, a throw-away topic if ever there was one, and not the fact that Greenfield gives himself a B+ for a prophesy well done (if he does say so himself!)

The dude claims to have a cipher for predicting UFO sightings. He predicted a major event that, as far as I can tell, never happened, but he refuses to say that. If you want to pick apart a story from this lopsided roundtable, I think that's the one.
Agreed, Mr V!
Personally, I couldn't get to the end of Mr Greenfield's unfathomable "Secret Cipher" book. His appearance on the show suggested I haven't missed much...or is that just me?!
I've experienced a smoking smell when there were no past or current smokers at home, no residue, etc...it smelled like someone was smoking in the same room I was in. This is when a lot of negative-feeling things were going on, too, so I associated that smell with the negative spirit that was around me for a while. Once I cleared it out, the smoking smell stopped.

I smoke, so harder for me to notice anything like that:(

I've heard of people smelling their dead grandpa's cigars etc. in some possible haunting cases.

Oh, then there's the young, old "boy" who chain smokes Strieber claims to have met lol. Weird stuff.
I grew up with two parents who smoked--might explain chronic bronchitis. I left home at 20 (stayed 2 years for the local jr. college). In any case, all you have to do is talk about smoking or cigarettes and I can smell the smoke. It is somehow so ingrained into my brain that I get a 'whiff of smoke' just by talking about it--like right now.

Oh, that would be horrible. I grew up in a smoking household, and now I can't stand to even be in a car behind another car with a smoker driving. That would be just awful to have an olfactory imprint just thinking about it.
Oh, that would be horrible. I grew up in a smoking household, and now I can't stand to even be in a car behind another car with a smoker driving. That would be just awful to have an olfactory imprint just thinking about it.

Yeah, you know, you would think so. I find it strangely comforting--kind of like a familiar furnace or refrigerator sound. It's like 'everything's okay, everything is normal.' I'm sure a psych would have a field day with this! :redface: BTW, I've never smoked myself.
Agreed, Mr V!
Personally, I couldn't get to the end of Mr Greenfield's unfathomable "Secret Cipher" book. His appearance on the show suggested I haven't missed much...or is that just me?!

I don't mind Allen Greenfield. Haven't read the Secret Cipher book ... must track down a copy, but am kind of sceptical about the Cipher thing in general ... so it will be interesting to read what he talks about. Interesting that he says that there is nothing paranormal-ish about the cipher but then talks about "intuition".

Annyway talking about Greenfield: was it me or was there waaaaay too much of Greenfield in this episode?? It was nice to see Jeremy butt in and ask Jeff, "so Jeff what else is going on with you in this roundtable discussion?" ... but unfortunately after a few minutes ... and now ... back to Greenfield :eek:.

[oh, and the only thing I want to say about the cheese thing is this: the horrrrror ... the horrrrorrrrr :D].

Not the best roundtable discussion really in my not so humble opinion but you can't have everything you want in life.

ps does anyone have any ideas who the person coming on in a future episode and had his/her various bodyparts handed to them on a plate was/is?? ::)
I cannot believe you guys/gals have latched onto this smoke thing, a throw-away topic if ever there was one, and not the fact that Greenfield gives himself a B+ for a prophesy well done (if he does say so himself!)

The dude claims to have a cipher for predicting UFO sightings. He predicted a major event that, as far as I can tell, never happened, but he refuses to say that. If you want to pick apart a story from this lopsided roundtable, I think that's the one.

Why are you all picking on Jeff? I am glad he is back. I agree the show spent too much time on the smoke subject but Jeff was only telling what his son experienced and was wondering if it was a ghost or something mundane.

LOL what the hell is the matter with you people??? I agree with Ally, sorry Nobody got beamed up by a mothership or got hijacked by lizard men from the moon over the last 6 months.

Just boring stuff like moving and kids trying to cover up them trying smoking after school by blaming it Aliens. :D
Good GOD. I have been giving this listenership a BIT too much credit. You would think for a cast that thrives on critical thought, the posts would be a bit more meaningful, and, um... less BS??? Seriously, if you are jealous about Jeff's life and experiences - I am guessing he would let you have them all in a freaking heartbeat. Honestly, I know most people who listen are a bit more intelligent than a couple spewing crap here - it just takes a few idiots to taint the pool. I am just shocked that after everything that was discussed, we are debating the smoke odor and someones percieved accent. Jeff never even claimed the odor was paranormal - he admitted he didn't know. After living with the crap he has seen and experienced, it is going to be in his consciousness that something odd might be going on. Try to put yourselves in another persons shoes before judging their words through your filter. And as for how he speaks? All I have ever heard is an honest guy, sharing some crap that most people wouldn't have the balls to talk about. F^ck! :mad:

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