The story broke as I finished the last chapter and sent it in. Yes, the surfing swedish cows have a mundane explanation—a high % of "mutilation reports" (like w/ UFO reports) can be explained but there is left a sizable % that cannot be explained. So what's your point?
You brought up the Scandinavian cows in the show, it didn't sound like you knew it was solved. I pointed you to a Danish source that explains it.
When was the last time you heard of cattle mutilation reports washing up on an ocean beach?
Never. But my point was that if something like that
does happen in a place like Scandinavia, it wouldn't be seen, and wasn't seen, as a 'mutilation' case. Rather, it would be seen as dead cows being dropped for some reason, with removed earmarks. So, it would be seen as an isolated incident committed by some farmer or sailor, it wouldn't be tied to other cases about cattle mutilation. While, if it had happened in the US, I'm sure that many would have interpreted and described it in a more 'paranormal'/mysterious sense. Justified or not, that's not for me to say.
So, again, what's your point? I was the first to realize that this is a Christian country mystery and David agrees that this may provide us w/ a possible clue that may link aspects of the mystery w/collective spiritual belief in the West. I go into this in the book...
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
I was basically just elaborating, and I showed that you were correct, there is a cultural difference, and I exemplified that by saying that I wasn't aware if anyone in Scandinavia had even considered the cow story to be mysterious, to begin with.
I haven't read the book so I only responded to what you guys said in the show.
If there aren't so many comments yet, I don't think it's for lack of interest, but more because you guys spoke about many things, and about all the different kinds of cases you had investigated. Typically when threads get hot from the get-go, it's when there's disagreement about stated facts or opinions. And you guys didn't say you had definitively solved some paranormal or otherwise mystery, you gave more of an insight into a variety of cases and possible explanations, both natural or more clandestine.